When does an entity amortise an intangible asset?
An entity amortise an intangible asset if both the follow condition are respected:
- the intangible asset is ready for use
- the intangible asset has a finite useful life
Does entity amortise intangible assets with indefinite useful life?
No, enity do not amortise intangible assets with indefinite useful life.
Indeed, test annually for impairment in accordance with IAS 36.
Which factors should an enity consider when estimating the useful life of an asset?
- Expected usage if asset by the entity
- Typical product life cycles for the asset
- Obsolescence
- The stability of the industry in which the asset operates and changes in the market demand for the products or services output from the asset
- Expected actions by competitors or potential competitors
- The period of control over asset
What means that is required a professional judgement when deciding useful life of an asset?
Significant uncertainty may exist when determining useful life, so
* Determine useful life on prudent basis
* Entity should not determine useful life that is unrealistically short
Can the useful life of intangible asset arising from contractual or legal rights exceed the period of the contractual or other legal rights?
Generally No, but there are exception when renewal terms exist.
Where contractual or other legal rights conveyed for limited term, when useful life includes renewal terms?
If there is evidence (possibly from experience) to support renewal by entity without significant cost and there is evidence that any renewal conditions will be met
Where contractual or other legal rights conveyed for limited term, when useful life does not include renewal terms?
where cost of renewal is significant compared with future economic benefits from the renewal. The
renewal cost instead represents a new intangible asset
What shall shows the amortisation method of an intangible asset with finite useful life?
The amortisation method of an intangible asset with a finite useful life shall reflect the pattern in which the asset’s future economic benefits are expected to be consumed by the entity (straight line if cannot be determined reliably).
Which are the most common amortisation method used?
- Straight line:
constant charge over assets useful life - Diminishing balance:
decreasing charge over assets useful life - Units of production:
charge based on expected use or output
When does an entity review amortisation period and amortisation method fo intangible asset with a finite useful life?
At least each financial year-end.
When the amortisation period or/and method change prospectively in accordance with IAS 8?
If there has been a change in:
- The expected useful life of the intangible asset, or
- The expected future economic benefits to be derived from the asset
How is carried the test for impairment on intangible assets with indefinte useful lives?
Test for impairment, in accordance with IAS 36
Impairment, is carried by comparing assets recoverable amount with its carrying amount
When should an enity Test for impairment an intangible asset with indefinite useful life?
‐ Annually, and
‐ Whenever there is an indication that the intangible asset may be impaired
What is an indicator that intangible asset may be impaired?
when there is a change in useful life of an intangible asset from indefinite to finite
When does the entity review if event and circumstances continue to support indefinite useful life?
Each period.
If indefinite useful life can no longer be supported, account for prospectively as change in accounting estimate in accordance with IAS 8.