Amoeba Flashcards
Mitochondria is branched tubular cristae?
Mitochondria is single, large body?
Mitochondria is elongated-sausage like?
4 pathogenic amoebas?
E. Hysotlytica, D. Fragilis, Acathamoeba and N. Fowleri
On examination, specimen shows a quadrinucleate cyst?
E. Histolytica
Transmitted via feco-oral ingestion of helminth eggs. Endosome is fragmented.
D. Fragilis
Tx for D.fragilis?
Causes PAM
Naegleria Fowleri
Causes Granulomatous Amoebic Encephalistis (GAF). keratitis
Spiky acanthopodia
Spiky acanthopodia on slide?
Spiky acanthopodia
Octonucleate cyst with large glycogen mass
Entamoeba Coli
Large nuclei, takes up 1/3 of space and chromatoidal bodies in cyst?
E. Polecki
Trophozoites with leukocytes?
E. Gingivalis
Trophozoite with Invisible
Karyosome, large and central; Glycogen vacuole, basket of flowers, eccentric karyosome touching nuclear membrane, crescent shaped-chromatin granule formation
E. Butschlii
No formation of distinct karyosome- BIG DOT
E. Nana