Ammendments 11-27 Flashcards
11th ammendment
11th ammendment was what?
Clarifies the limits of judicial powers.
If another country is trying a U.S citizen, the courts cannot intervene
12 ammendment was when?
What is the 12th ammendment
Clarification of electoral system…
- split ticket voting
- Senate chooses a vp in vp and President’s absence
13th ammendment
The abolishing of slavery
“Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall be duly convicted”
13th and 14th ammendments
14th ammendment
Clarifies that Lockian ideals are extended to all, no matter.
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States”
15th ammendment
All men have the right to vote.
If they’re recommended to a voting register by someone already on it (white people)
1870 was the…
15th ammendment
16th ammendment
16th ammendment did what
Clarified the federal government’s power of tax extends to money making of “all sources derived”
1913 was which ammendment?
17th ammendment
What is the 17th ammendment?
Establishes Senators prerequisites
- 6 years a term
- 1 senator = 1 vote
- 2 senators each state
18th ammendment
The 18th ammendment
19th ammendment
19th ammendment
Universal female included suffrage
1933 was which ammendment?
21st ammendment
20th ammendment was what?
20th day of January ends a President’s term
And the Congress must assemble once every year, 3rd January
Clarification on how President’s terms end and begin.
21st ammendment did what?
Overturns prohabition
1933 is which ammendment?
21st ammendment
22nd ammendment did what?
Establishes 2 term maximum
22nd ammendment
23rd ammendment did what?
Gives 3 college seats to Washington D.C
23rd ammendment
24th ammendment
24th ammendment
Votes cannot be denied because of failure to pay taxes
25th ammendment
Vp assumes presidential office upon a president being removed
25th ammendment
26th ammendment did what?
Made the voting age 18
26th ammendment
27th ammendment
Security of pay given to representatives, their fees cannot be changed during their term.
27th ammendment