American Styles Flashcards
A straw colored beer of 2-3 SRM, low perceived bitterness (8-12 IBU) and a low alcohol content of 2.8-4.2%. Light in flavor, thin body and high carbonation combine to create a highly refreshing beer.
American Light Lager
A lightly flavored beer with hints of grainy malt and occaisonal low, yeasty fruitiness. Straw to light gold (2-4 SRM). A lower to normal ABV of 4.2-5.3% and an IBU of 8-18. Highly carbonated.
American Lager
This straw to gold (2-6 SRM) beer is lightly flavored with a moderate perceived bitterness of 18-25 IBU and a normal abv of 4.6-6%. Sometimes having a cracker or white bread malt flavor. Highly carbonated with a crsip light body.
International Pale Lager
A straw to light gold (2.5-5 SRM) beer with a moderate perceived bitterness of 8-20 IBUS and an ABV of 4.2-5.6%. Similar in appearance and alcohol to American Lager but with a sweet corn malt flavor.
Cream Ale
This lightly malt flavored beer has a straw to gold appearance at 3-6 SRM, moderate bitterness of 15-30 IBU and a lower to normal ABV of 4-5.5%. Bread notes are often present in the flavor.
American Wheat Beer
An approachable straw to gold 3-6 SRM beer with moderate IBU of 15-28. Lower to normal alcohol of 3.8-5.5% makes a refreshing beady malt flavors come to life.
American Blonde Ale
A moderately hopped (30-50 IBU) beer with hop flavors of citrus, grapefruit and pine makes this light gold to light amber (5-10 SRM). ABV of 4.5-6.2%. Usually has some caramel or toast notes present.
American Pale Ale
Light Amber to Dark Amber SRM of 10-17, and a pronounced bitterness of 24-40 IBUs make the pine an citrus hoppiness of this beer balance with the rich malt flavors that include caramel and toffee. 4.5-6.2% ABV
American Amber Ale
With a pronounced perceived bitterness of 30-45 IBU and normal ABV of 4.5-5.5%, this light amber to amber (10-14 SRM) beer is toasty and caramel forward. Woody or Minty (Northern Brewer hops) help to balance out the flavor profile.
California Common
This gold to amber (6-14 SRM) beer clocks in at normal to elevated ABV of 5.5-7.5% and an assertive bitterness of 40-70 IBU. High levels of hop aroma support some cracker/ biscuit-like malt.
American IPA
This gold to amber (6-14 SRM) beer has an IBU of 60-120 and an ABV of 7.5-10%. An extreme espression of American hops in aroma, flavor and bitterness. Sometimes sugar is used to lighten the body.
Double IPA
Also known as a Cascadian Dark Ale, this brown to black (25-40 SRM) normal to high ABV (5.5-9.0%) beer is a mildly roasty brew with hints of coffee and chocolate. 50-90 IBUs.
Black IPA
A blend between an American IPA and a Belgian Witbier, this highly hopped (40-70 IBU) beer clocks in at normal to elevated ABV of 5.5-7.0%. Light gold to gold SRM of 5-8.
White IPA
This brown to black (22-40 SRM) roasty, caramel, toffee , beers is usually around 25-50 IBUs and is often brewed with black malt. A normal to elevated abv of 4.8-6.5%.
American Porter
A caramel, nutty & toasty beer that typically sits around 18-35 SRM, with a moderate perceived bitterness of 20-30 IBUs and a normal abv of 4.3-6.2%.
American Brown Ale
This style exhibits assertive American hop flavors (35-75 IBU) and a normal to elevated 5-7% ABV. Coffee and chocolate roast with lightly burnt notes and a dark brown to black 30-40 SRM.
American Stout
Intensely roasted coffee and dark chocolate flavors are imparted on this dark brown to black 30-40 SRM, with a pronounced bitterness of 50-90 IBUs and a high to very high abv of 8-12%.
Imperial Stout