American Literatcy Final Flashcards
blinded by brother
My Life and Hard Times
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
James Thurber
science fiction and dark humor survived WWII bombing Cat's Cradle Slaughterhouse Five A Man Without a Country
Kurt Vonnegut
many children died or suffered during life New Hampshire rural writing New England Nothing Gold Can Stay The Road Not Taken Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Spoke at JFK inauguration
Robert Frost
believed in physics
A Faithful Narritive
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
unified religion with physics and science
Jonathan Edwards
author, printer, diplomat helped write Declaration of Independence Poor Richard's Almanac by Richard Sanders polymath (accomplished in many fields) wrote autobiograhpy and self-help book
Benjamin Franklin
ancestor involved in Salem witchtrials Scarlet Letter focus on New England romantic writing changed last name
Nathanial Hawthorne
writer, poet, crtitic "the father of the detective story" The Raven The Mask of Red Death mystery, horror, science fiction
Edgar Allan Poe
novelist, poet
Moby Dick
Billy Bud
Herman Melville
lived during Civil War The Innocents Abroad The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Huckleberry Fin realism, hypocrisy, opression real name Samuel Langhorne
Mark Twain
father believed in equality, transendentalist worked as nurse during Civil War Hospital Sketches Little Women influenced by war Work Modern Mephisophis
Louisa May Alcott
lived in isolation thousands of poems written, only 11 published Hope is the Thing with Feathers odd punctation and capitalization wrote in quatrains
Emily Dickinson
The Portrait of a Lady The Wings of a Dove Daisy Miller The Golden Bowl brother was known psychologist inspired by Hawthorne
Henry James
born into slavery anti-slavery and women's rights lecturer My Bondage My Freedom abolitionism
Frederick Douglas
Devil's Dictionary cynical, sarastic ghost stories many pseudonyms inspied by Twain and Poe An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
Ambrose Bierce
The Awakening (scandalous) The Story of an Hour Bayou Folk A Night in Acadie feminist author
Kate Chopin
nobel prize winner British citizen Gerontion The Waste Land stream of consiousness, blank verse
T.S. Elliot
playwriter A Street Car Named Desire Orhpeus Descending Camino Real suffered from anxiety, depression, alcoholism Cat on a Hat Tin Roof The Glass Menagerie
Tennessee Williams
satiracal novelist
involved in military
Joseph Heller
Edward Estlin
used spacing, lower case, lack of punctuation
E.E. Cummings
wrote for modernist movement common american Spring and All The Red Wheelbarrow physician Pulitzer Prize
William Carlos Williams
southern literature The Reivers The Sound and the Fury racial prejudice inner monologue wrote about Yokmanpat county
William Faukner
female african-american author
The Bluest Eye (controversial)
The Beloved (Pulitzer Prize)
first black female to win Nobel Prize Literature
Toni Morrison
slavery cook in WWII The Invisible Man educated black protagonist Juneteenth published posthumously
Ralph Ellison
Their Eyes Were Watching God Dust Tracks on a Road Mules and Men folklorist accomplished black writer
Zora Neale Hurston
Of Mice and Men The Grapes of Wrath (Pulitzer Prize) banned books due to violence, sexual references Nobel Prize Cannery Row Travels with Charley
John Steinbeck
Uncle Tom’s Children
Native Son
Black Boy (autobiography)
Book of the Month
Richard Wright
used writing as social, political platform The Color Purple Possessing the Secret of Joy still alive Pulitzer Prize
Alice Walker
working and traveling as hobo inflenced writing poet Chicago Poems Cornhuskers Smoke and Steel The Fog
Carl Sandburg
Harlmen Renaissance
novelist, poet
Dream Deffered
simple ideas, simple language
Langston Hughes
author, journalist adventure novels White Fang The Call of the Wind wrote 1000 words a day
Jack London
analytical nonfiction writer The Tipping Point The Coolhunt Outliers (statistics) Blink (decision making)
Malcolm Gladwell
poet, journalist Leaves of Grass Song of Myself O Captain My Captain free verse
Walt Whitman