American Idioms 4, B Flashcards
Baby blues
Blue eyes
Back at you
Same to you (used to return a greeting or insult)
Back in the day
In the past, some time ago
“Back in the day, he’d had one of the greatest minds I’d ever come across”.
Back to square one
Back to the start; forced to begin something again
Backburner (on the)
Not urgent; set aside until later
Backing and filling
Delaying a decision by making small changes or arguing about small details
Backroom boy(s)
People who work in anonymity
Bad blood
To have ill feelings towards someone
Bad taste in one’s mouth
Unease, a feeling that something unspecified is wrong in a situation
Bail out
To rescue someone from a bad situation, to shield someone from the consequences of his or her actions
Bat an eye
To avoid expressing surprise, fear, or shock
Bat/Play for both teams
To be bisexual
Bat/Play for the other team
To be homosexual
Be an item
Two people are an item when they are having a romantic relationship
Be kovey–dovey
Expressing your love in public by constantly kissing and hugging
Be footloose and fancy-free
To be free of responsibilities, including romantic commitments
Beat the air
Fighting without any purpose
“You are just beating the air if you want to turn him into a good boy”.
Beat the heat
Finding a way to stay cool when it is very hot outside
“I have found that drinking a cool glass of water helps to beat the heat in summer”.
Beau monde
A fashionable society
Beck and call
Being completely available to someone when needed
Beef up
To become big and muscular
“Google has beefed up its search algorithm to provide the best quality search result to its users”.