American History Rewrites II Flashcards
Rise of T Roosevelt and how he came to be president:
assassination of McKinley
Legislative reforms and actions:
Pure Food and Drug, Meat Inspection Act, Newlands Act; national parks; blocking Morgan’s Northern Securities RR
Square Deal:
TR sides with United Mine Workers over management, - “Square Deal” for all
Hetch-Hetchy Affair:
valley that might be flooded to provide more water to San Francisco. Conservationist and Sierra Club founder John Muir says no. TR and San Francisco say yes after fire destroys part of SF due to lack of water.
Russo-Japanese War:
Japan attacks Russian fleet at Port Arthur in China. Japan winning. TR negotiates Treaty of Portsmouth to end war; gets Nobel Prize
TR and the Great White Fleet:
TR sends US ships off coast of Japan after Japan breaks trade agreement
Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine:
We can go into any country in our hemisphere to stabilize govt..even for economic reasons. Europe cannot bring troops to our hemisphere.
What was the saying that went along with TR and doctrine?
Speak softly and carry a big stick
Taft and Ballinger-Pinchot Affair:
L. Glavis (with General land Office) exposes corruption/kickbacks of Taft’s very corrupt Sec. of Interior-R. Ballinger; G. Pinchot (National Forestry Service chief) brings info to Taft but he does nothing. Glavis, a “whistleblower” on corruption fired and Ballinger approved by Congres
Impact of scandal on Taft’s administration:
loss of progressive support in next election.
Next election:
between Taft (R); TR (Progressive) Wilson (Democrat)
New Nationalism:
Teddy Roosevelt’s political philosophy
New Freedom:
Woodrow Wilson’s political philosophy– Teddy Roosevelt: a trust regulator but Wilson is a trust buster—Wilson wins
Wilson in Mexico
Diaz (corrupt but US friendly) overthrown by Madero (anti-US business) Madero overthrown by Huerta (US friendly backed by Taft); Huerta loosed US support when he kills Madero; Wilson considers Pancho Villa, but changes his mind; Villa raids into US; General Pershing’s assault into Mexico but never catches Villa
WWI: Cause
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist and member of the Black Hand; Austria goes after Serbia; Russia backs Serbia; Germany backs Austria; France backs Russia, England backs Belgium…Europe stumbles into war.
Triple Alliance (Central Powers/Axis):
Germany, Austro-Hungary, Ottoman Empire (Italy at first but Italy switched to other side)
Triple Entente (Allies):
Britain, Russia, France (and Italy after switch)…and, later U.S.
Italy switches
to Entente/Allies
Ottoman Empire joins:
Triple Alliance/Central powers/Axis
Tools of War
airplane, tank, poison gas, trenches, machine guns, flame throwers, trench mortars, artillery
Difference in East and western warfare
East traditional & western trench warfare
Battle with 1st use of chlorine gas
Germany’s attempt to “bleed white” the French…almost a million total casualties
Chateau Thierry:
with US help, Allies push Germany away from Paris
Allies (Including US) push Germany back to German border…then Germany surrender
Red Scare
US government goes after Communists, Marxists, and socialists
Palmer raids
go after anyone who is “un-American”–Sacco and Vanzetti, Italian anarchists
executed for murder but they were innocent
Francisco Franco in Spain
Fascist govt, supported by US vs Communist supported forces
Abraham Lincoln Brigade:
Americans fights against Franco and fascists on side of
Causes of Great Depression:
disparity of wealth, European economy, lack of diversification in