American Hepatozoonosis (Polysystemic Infectious Diseases) Flashcards
What agent causes classic hepatozoonosis?
Coccidian Hepatozoon canis
- An Old World disease
- Mild signs, leukocytosis (may look like leukemia)
What agent causes American hepatozoonosis?
Coccidian Hepatozoon americanum
How is American hepatozoonosis transmitted?
- INGESTION of ticks (because it’s a coccidian)
- Ingestion of oocysts
- Oocysts > sporocyts > intestine > lymphatics > muscle
- Intense local inflammation
- Merozoites (lymphatics)
- Tick bites (lympatics)
What type of tick transmits American hepatozoonosis?
Amblyomma maculatum (Gulf Coast Tick)

Where (geographically) is American hepatozoonosis commonly seen?
Rural southeast US (we get it here from travelers)
What are the clinical signs in a patient with American hepatozoonosis?
- Fever, lethargy
- Stiff gait
- Reluctance to walk (severe polymyositis)
- Will not walk to food
- Muscle waste (masticatory muscles go first)
- Ocular discharge

What does the lab work look like in a patient with hepatozoonosis (American)?
- Leukocytosis (may be severe)
Artifactual hypoglycemia
- Leukocytes eat glucose before getting to lab (can get blood with fluoride)
- Increased ALP
How do you diagnose a patient with suspected hepatozoonosis (American)?
Meronts in muscle biopsy (most consistently reliable method)
- Problem: polymyositis
- Gamonts in blood smear
- Neutrophilia + periosteal proliferation of long bones (radiographs)
- Real time PCR (takes time)
- Serology (ELISA no longer available)

What is the treatment for a dog with hepatozoonosis (American)?
- Supportive:
- Nutritional support
- Hydration
- Antiprotozoal:
- Triple combination therapy (2 weeks)
- Clindamycin, SMT & TMP, pyrimethamine
- Ponazuril (2 weeks)
- Acute phase
- Have to change to chronic therapy to prevent relapsing (2 years)
- Chronic therapy (2 years)
- Decoquinate mixed in food BID
- Quinolone anticoccidial
- Decoquinate mixed in food BID
- Triple combination therapy (2 weeks)