American government chapter 13 & 16 Flashcards
A___________is a policy document allocation burdens(taxes) and benefits( expenditures). A_______-translantes financial resources into human purposes
A______occurs when expenditures exeed revenues in a given fiscal year. aover the last 25 years the government has run up large annual_________. Why is this?
Budjet deficit
because the goverment spend more that it recieves from tax revenues
The _________amendment to the Constitution permits the G to levy taxes. Today_______million tax returns are filled each year.
The president and Congress are often caught in a budjetary squeeze. Why?
Americans want a balance budjet, low taxes, maintain government services
Income tax is________, meaning that those with more income pay higher rates of tax on their income. A ______flat tax is one where everyone pays the same rate
A_______ are issued by the G when it wants to borrow moiney. It is the interest the G must repay on these bonds that utilizes 8% of the the G’s expendentures. Borrowing money shits the burden of repayment to future tax payers who will have to service the debt and pay principle . America also borrows from other governments and foreign investors to fund its debt.
Every dollar borrowed today by the G will cost taxpayers many more dollars in __________interest over the next 30 years. Most G borrowing is for _________and not capital expenses.
It should noted that American families live ithe same way-financing day to day expenses with credit cards and mortgages
Day to day
The G also uses taxes to equalize incomes among citizens, encourage or discourage growth in the economy; and to promote specific interests. What are some ways it does this?
Tax credits, tax collection, tax exemption
In 1932 the G was spending ______ per year. Today the G spends more than this amount in one day.
3 billion dollars
The defense budget has historically been more than half of the federal budget but now is _____of the budget._____________have more than doubled
Social welfare expendituress
The social security act passed by FDR extends direct and indirect aid to the elderly, needy, sick and disabled(through medicare) and the poor.__ million Americans recieve payments each month under this act. the typical retired worker recieved________ per months in 2002
Under the SSA, money is taken from the working members of society and spent on the retired members. In 1945, SS was financed with a __ tax on payroll. Now its up to __. In 1945 ________ workers paid into the system for each beneficiary, now only_____workerspay for each beneficiary. The baby boom combined with increased life expentancy has added a lot of people to the SS rolls. Soon the number of workers for each beneficiary will be 2 which means the amount of SS tax for each worker will go up
_____________is the largest social policy of the G accounting for 1/3 of the federal budjet. Liberals typically favor social programs while conservatives see them as a drain on the budget
Social security & Medicare
___________is the share of the national income earned by various groups of people. ______is the amount of funds collected between any 2 points of time.______-is the value of assets
Income distribution
Explain the dilemma of the social security system.
1- people are living longer. 2- babyboomers are retiring.3- aging population. 4 fewer contributions , more beneficiaries.