American goverment mid term worksheet 6 and 7 Flashcards
the study of ——————-in America aims to understand the distribution of the population’s belief about politics and policy issues
Public opinion
—————–is the cience of human population. The most valuable tools for understanding demographic changes in America is the ————-. The constitution requires that the government conduct an actual enumeration or census once every ———-years
10 years
federal law allows ————————-new immigrants to be admittewd into the country every year. In recent years illegal immigrants outnumbered legal immigrant
1 million
12% of population is immigrant. 20 percent is citizen
America has always been know as a melting pot but now America is projected to be a ————————meaning that America will soon cease to have a white anglo-saxon majority
minority majority
In th epast 60 years most of America’s growth has been centered in the west and south with the NE seeing very low growth. This creates———————–in the House of representatives. After every census , the 435 seats in the house are reapportioned based on population changes
a————————-is the process by which an individual acquires her political orientation. Most political socialization for children is perform through family and not though formal classes.—————— has ten the place of parents as the main sources of political socialization. Average grade school children spend nore time watching TV than they do in school.—————- has displaced parents as the chief source of information for children
political socialization
mass media
public opinion polls rely on a ——————–of the population. A—————————–is typicallyy 1000 to 1500 people chosen at random through random digit dialing. these polls have a ——————- of plus/minus 3% meaning that 95% of the time the poll reflects what the general population thinks with plus/minus 3%
ramdom sampling
sampling error
what are some criticisms of polls?
make bad policy acceptable.
polls results can be manupulated, bandwagon effect create followers
a—————————–is a coherent set of values and beliefs about public policy.—————–ideology supports a wide scope for central government , often involving policies that aim to promote equality.—————– ideology supports a less active scope of government that gives freer reighn to the private sector
politcal ideology
liberal ideology
conservative ideology
overall, most Americans consistently choose the ———————–label over ———————-.41% conservativw-36%moderate-21% liberals. For this reasons , governemnt in America is relatively restrained as compared to many European countries
generally, younger people are liberals and younger people are less likely to vote. Liberals are therefore under represented in government and voting. There is also a ———–gap in America with women being more likely to vote democratic and liberally than men
—————————consists of the activities citizens engage in to influence the selection of political leaders and policies. Conventional participation includes:——————-Unconventional participation includes:
political participation
voting, trying to persuade others, ringing door bells.
protesting, civil disobedience, violence
studies support the teory that ———————-citizens participate more in the political process. Education, income and occupation determine one’s level of political participation. The gap betweeen participation and the national average is closing in part because minorities have a group consciousness which inspires voting
educated upper class
the——————includes tv, radio, newspapers, magazines and the internet.—————-media includes newspapers and magazines and —————media includes radio, tv and the internet
mass media
print media
electronic media
THE—————regulates broadcast media. Althought the FCC is an independent regulatory agency, it is subject to many political pressures. the fcc regulates broadcast media in 3 important ways. What are they?
How many stations can be owned or control by a single company
conduct periodic examination of the goals and performances of stations.
issued a number of fair treatment rule concerning asscessible airwaves for political canditates for the same office