American Drama Flashcards
Who are two of the earliest known theater directors in America
Lewis and William Hallam 
A technique used to create emphasis by saying less than what is known to be true. It’s often used in a humorous way helping to create an ironic or satire tone
A particular kind of understatement that expresses the affirmative by seeing the negative of the contrary
Summery of “the still alarm”
The characters are unconcerned about a serious fire. instead of quickly evacuating the building and getting to safety they stay in their room Even though they know the fire is quickly reaching them
Why did Kaufman use understatement in “the still alarm”
He uses understatement to portray British society as stiff and excessively proper.
Ex. Instead of being concerned about getting out of a Burning building safe we Bob where he said no one will know where his mail should be sent
Ex. No one raises their voices during the situation because it would be improper
Why does Kaufman stay at the beginning of the play that no actors should ever raise their voice
Because one of the main objectives of the play is to parity British society And to mock how the British act
What were British plays from the early 20th century like
These plays were full of stuff characters who interacted with one another in a formal manner no matter what the situation