American body idioms Flashcards
I’m all ears
The person is prepared and ready to listen to what you have to say
Give me a hand
please help or assist me with something
Get it off your chest
share information about something that has been bothering you
Pick your brain
to ask questions to find out someone’s thoughts or opinions on a topic
Go behind one’s back
to sneak and do something without telling someone who should be aware
bundle of nerves
very nervous or anxious about something
Green thumb
to be good at gardening; having good skills or luck with growing flowers or vegetables
Cry your heart out
Means to cry very hard about something or someone. (Ex. I cried my heart out when he broke up with me.)
Pat on the back
Means a gesture done to recognize or thank someone. (Ex. I gave him a pat on the back for all his hard work.)
Pull one’s leg
Means to joke or tease someone. (Ex. I was just pulling your leg, I am not giving away your new bike)
Sweet tooth
Means to crave something sugary or sweet. (Ex. I bought tons of candy because I have such a sweet tooth today)
See eye to eye
Means to agree on something. (Ex. His dad and him never saw eye to eye on any matters relating to politics.)
Look down your nose
Means to act like you are better than someone else. (Ex. She is so arrogant and looks down her nose at everyone she meets.)
Foot in mouth
Means to say or do something that offends someone else. (Ex. He put his foot in his mouth when he called her the wrong name for the second time that day.)
Cost an arm and a leg
Means that something is very expensive. (Ex. The tires on my car cost me an arm and a leg to get replaced.)