Memorize Dates
17th century Date: 163_
1st C___ is H____ in the state of M_____ training m_____ of the G______
1636 Harvard, the first American college, was founded in Massachusetts for the purpose of training ministers of the Gospel
17th century Date: 164_
B___ P____ B___ 1st pr____ in col____
1640 Bay Psalm Book first book printed in the colonies
17th century Date: 164_
The stated of M______ compulsory e_____ l____
1642 Massachusetts compulsory education law
17th century Date: 164_
1st s____ of l____, Old Del_____ S_____ Act, passed in
in the state of M______; esta_______ gr______ sc_____ so children could read the Scr__________
1647 First general school law, Old Deluder Satan Act, passed in
Massachusetts; provided for the establishment of grammar schools
so children could read the Scripture
18th century Date 175_
Ben______ Fra_______ organizes A______in Phil________ which
later became the Uni_______ of Pen__________
1751 Benjamin Franklin organizes Academy in Philadelphia which
later became the University of Pennsylvania
18th century 178_
1st Am__________ text______ , Noah Web_______ sp_______ book,
1783 First American textbook, Noah Webster’s spelling book,
18th century 178_
L________ as f_________ aid were implemented by the No___we___
Ord_____________ which said that sch_______ were necessary to promote: “rel_______ , mor________, and kn______.”
(Voted again in 1789 under newly ratified Consti_______.)
1787 Lands as federal aid were implemented by the Northwest
Ordinance which said that schools were necessary to promote
“religion, morality, and knowledge.” (Voted again in 1789
under newly ratified Constitution.)
18th century 179_
Pas_______ of the 1__th Amen________to the U.S. Con____ reserved
ed_________ for the various states
1791 Passage of the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reserved education for the various states
19th century 182_
1st t_x-supp_______ h_____ sch____ est____ in Bos______
1821 First tax-supported high school
established in Boston
19th century 182_
1st pri______ nor______ sch______ for t____ch___s organized in the state of Ver_______
1823 The first private normal school for
teachers organized in Vermont
19th century 183_
McG______ R________ began and c________ to have an enormous
infl_______ for over a century.
1836 McGuffey Readers began and
continued to have an enormous influence for over a century.
19th century 183_
Horace M______, 1st state S_______ of Ed__________ started
“Com_____ Sch_____ Rev______” - 1st pub_____ sch_____ started and the B______ still taught
1837 Horace Mann, first state Secretary
of Education, started “Common School Revival” - first public
school started and the Bible still taught
19th century 183_
1st state n_______ sch______ organized at Lex____, Mas_______
1839 First state normal school organized
at Lexington, Massachusetts
19th century 185_
1st U.S. kin_________ established at Water______, Wisc_______
1855 First U.S. kindergarten established
at Watertown, Wisconsin
19th century 185_
Nat_______ Tea_______ Asso________ formed, now known
as the (acronym) ___ ___ ___ for N_____ T_____ A_____
1857 National Teacher’s Association
formed, now known as the NEA
National Education Association