Ambulatory Med Chapter Flashcards
Two major types of HTN?
Essential (no ID cause–95%) and Secondary
Most common cause of secondary HTN?
Renal artery stenosis.
Most common cause of secondary HTN in young woman?
Causes of secondary HTN?
1) Renal/renovascular,
2) Endocrine,
3) Meds,
4) Coarctation of the aorta,
5) Cocaine,
6) Sleep Apnea
What effect does HTN have on heart?
Increased afterload–>concentric LV hypertrophy–>decreased LV function. Chamber dilates–>fail.
What are the major organs damaged by HTN? Effects?
Heart--LVH, MI, CHF, aortic dissectoin, Brain--Stroke and TIA Chronic kidney disease Peripheral vascular disease Retinopathy
Risk factors for HTN?
Age (old) Gender (men) Race (African American 2x white risk) Obesity Fam history Hi sodium intake Alcohol (2 + drinks per day)
What is the cutoff for hypertension? Prehypertension?
HTN: 140/90 general, 130/80 in diabetes/renal pts.
How to test for HTN? Immediate follow up?
BP–5 min rest before measurement, no caffeine or cigs for 30 mins pre measurement. 2 readings >4 weeks apart.
F/u: Urinalysis, Chem panel, Fasting glucose, Lipids and EKG.
bHCG in women before starting drugs.
Lifestyle changes for HTN?
Decrease salt Wt loss Exercise Avoid alcohol Cut saturated fat Stop complicating meds Cut stress
Pharmacological management of HTN. Who is each recommended for?
1A) Thiazide diuretics–best for black, non diabetics.
1Bi) ACE inhibs–best for diabetics
1Bii) ARBs–best for those who cant tolerate ACE
1C) Ca channel blockers
(all great first choices)
1D) Beta blockers
2) Alpha blockers–second or third line
3) Vasodilators (hydralazine/minoxidil)–for very refractory
What can act as a secondary cause of hyperlipidemia?
Endocrine--hyperthyroid, DM, Cushings Renal--Nephrotic, uremia Liver--chronic liver disease Meds--Beta blockers, thiazides, glucocorticoids, estrogen Pregnancy
Risk factors for hyperlipidemia?
Diet (saturated fat, high calorie for TGs, Alcohol for TGs and HDL) Age Activity level Family hx, genetics Gender (men > women until menopause) Meds
Which lipid correlates w CAD risk?
LDL > 160
Goal levels for Lipids?
Chol < 200
LDL <125