Amblyopia 2 Flashcards
What is amblyopia
Amblyopia is a defective visual acuity in both or one eyes which persists after correction of the refractive error And removal of any pathological obstacle to vision
What are the types of amblyopia
Stimulus deprivation - it affects one or both eyes ,
Can be virtually complete when little or no light enters the eye and no image is formed as in ptosis covering the pupil or it can be partial - allowing some passage of light e.g. a corneal scar
Other conditions that may result in this type of amblyopia- congential cataract, vitreous opacity
Strabismic amblyopia -
Consequence of unilateral or constant or near constant strabismus
It occurs mainly in esotropia - because most exotropia remain intermittent during childhood
Anisometropic amblyopia
- significant difference in the refraction of the two eyes such that one eye receives a clearer image for all distances
- the refractive error can be predominantly spherical or predominantly astigmatic
Meridiononal amblyopia - this occurs when their is moderate or high degree of uncorrected astigmatism in one or both eyes - the risk is increased if the astigmatism is oblique
Idiopathic amblyopia - not known cause
Ametropic - it is bilateral and occurs when their is a high degree of of refractive error in each eye
It occurs in association with high bilateral hypermeteopia in excess of 6DS
What two factors are involved in the production of amblyopia
- form vision and abnormal binocular interaction
Deprivation of form vision- when no stimulus reaches the fovea or more commonly partial -when their is a degraded image
Abnormal binocular interaction - involved in all types of unilateral amblyopia but not in bilateral amblyopia provided each eye is affected to the same extent - it occurs when incompatible images are formed on the fovea
In stimulus deprivation amblyopia- competition is between the normal image and the white noise or degraded image formed in the affected eye
In strabismic amblyopia - competition results from visual confusion in which images of different objects stimulate the fovea and are seen superimposed
Anisometropic amblyopia - competition occurs when a defocused or distorted image of the fixation object is superimposed on the image projected from the normal fovea
Neurones from the two eyes are thought to compete for complete control over cortical connenections during the developmental period - those from the better eye gain control at the expense of neurones from the affected eye