Ambitious vocabulary Flashcards
What is another word for bad?
Abhorrent - causing or deserving strong dislike or hatred
“They’ve manipulated it into existence and I find that abhorrent.”
What is another word for good?
Benevolent - characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings
“He was a benevolent old man and wouldn’t hurt a fly”
What is another word for happy?
Euphoric - characterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness.
‘She was euphoric when she received the Oscar’
What is another word for disgusting?
Repugnant - extremely distasteful; unacceptable.
“I found it totally repugnant”
What is another word for sad?
Melancholy - a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.
“an air of melancholy surrounded him”
What is the another word for big?
Ginormous - extremely large.
“A waitress brings us a ginormous pot of tea”
What is another word for small?
Minuscule - extremely small; tiny.
“a minuscule fragment of DNA”
What is another word for amazing?
Astonishing - extremely surprising or impressive; amazing.
“an astonishing achievement”
What is another word for confused?
Jumbled - mix up in a confused or untidy way.
“a drawer full of letters jumbled together”
What is another word for angry?
Indignant - feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment.
“he was indignant about the way he had been treated”
What is another word for lazy?
indolent - wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy.
“they were too indolent to work when it was hot”
What is another word for beautiful?
Appealing - attractive or interesting.
“‘I found younger men more appealing than older men,’ she says.”
What is anoter word for scared?
Petrified - so frightened that one is unable to move; terrified.
“the petrified child clung to her mother”
What is another word for disbelief?
Scandalous - making people shocked and upset
The high price of gas these days is scandalous.