(AMB 4170) Communications Flashcards
The study of facts that will help the officer have a greater understanding of what Communication is and how to work around barriers to make it most effective. Instructor: ?
AMB 4170
What are the 3 main variables that influence the communication process?
- ) The Sender
- ) The Receiver
- ) The many filters
AMB 4170
What is a “Frame of Reference”?
Its the way in which each person sees the world.
*No two people see the world the same!
AMB 4170
What are the 3 categories that “Barries” fall into.
- ) Physical
- ) Emotional
- ) Intellectual
AMB 4170
What is a communication barrier?
Something real or imagined, that makes one less willing or less able to communicate.
AMB 4170
What is a key way to overcome barriers that prevent effective communication?
A positive attitude and the building of rapport.
AMB 4170
“Body Barriers” are a type of physical barrier that are often indicators of what?
- ) Close mindedness
- ) Shutting the speaker out
- ) Resistance to the message
- ) Defensiveness
AMB 4170
What are some examples of “Body Barriers”?
- ) Crossed arms
- ) Crossed legs
- ) Out stretched legs
AMB 4170
How does an “Authoritarian Barrier” work?
Having an authoritarian presence may intimidate the person being interviewed this preventing the individual form providing information.
AMB 4170
What are some examples of “Authoritarian Barriers”?
- ) Sitting behind a desk
- ) Placing hands on your hips
- ) Crossing arms
- ) Resting hand on weapon
- ) Clenching fists
- ) Steepled fingers
- ) Superior eye level
- ) Uniform or plain clothes (situation dependent)
AMB 4170
Explain how the use of “Distance” is a tactic that an officer can use during an interview.
The distance between people in an interview environment, both formal and in the field, affects the psychological responses.
AMB 4170
The use of “Distance” is an ________________ technique when conducting a suspect interview.
Extremely Effective
AMB 4170
Explain how “Nervousness” can be a barrier to communication.
Nervousness alone can CREATE barriers.
AMB 4170
What are some signs of nervousness or stress that an interviewee can show?
- ) Perspiration
- ) Dry mouth and lips
- ) Wringing of hands
- ) Shifting gaze
- ) Pulsating carotid artery
- ) Blinking eyes
- ) Tapping of feet or fingers
AMB 4170
It is important that an officer remember to examine the totality of circumstances of the interview, b/c nervousness is _____________
NOT ALWAYS a sign of guilt.
AMB 4170
Why is the “Distrust” barrier so important to an officer during interviews?
Distrust is often a very significant barrier to gathering truthful information, and is difficult to overcome.
AMB 4170
What is the definition of the “Alienation Barrier”?
The feeling whether real or imagined, of not belonging, or being accepted.
AMB 4170
What are some examples that may cause the “Alienation Barrier”?
- ) Difference in values
- ) Different belief system
- ) Varying behaviors
- ) Different cultures and customs
AMB 4170
Explain what the “Gap Barrier” is.
It is a value system, that each person has, based on their own unique experiences, culture, upbringing, and actual physical makeup.
AMB 4170
What are some common “Gap” Barriers?
- ) Gender
- ) Age (ie “the generation gap”)
- ) Race
- ) Religion
- ) Education
- ) Experience
- ) Occupation
AMB 4170
When confronted with “Gap” Barriers what should the officer do?
Focus on the feelings that the value evokes, and not the actual experience itself.
*It is usually not beneficial or wise to try to relate to an event that someone else has experience and the officer has not.
AMB 4170
It is important to use _________ and ________ empathy, while enforcing the laws.
Compassion and Empathy
AMB 4170
It is important to remember, that the interviewee’s information is __________ for prosecution and the bigger picture.
AMB 4170
Describe some examples of “Other Barriers” that can impede on the communication process.
- ) Making premature comments and evaluations
- ) Interrupting others
- ) Talking too much - Let the interviewee talk
- ) Repeatedly telling other what to do
- ) Sarcasm and gallows humor
- ) Placing blame
- ) Arguing
- ) Arrogance
- ) Prejudice
- ) Stereotyping
AMB 4170
It is extremely imperative that Law Enforcement Officers do what, while conducting an interview?
Be aware of their surroundings during the interview
*Both in the formal setting and in the field.
AMB 4170
What are the 4 primary barriers to Cross Cultural Communications?
- ) Language
- ) Ignorance of cultural norms
- ) Prejudice
- ) Ethnocentrism
AMB 4170
What is the definition of “Ethnocentrism”?
The belief that one’s own ethnic group is superior to all others.
AMB 4170
Name the components required to be an effective Law Enforcement Communicator.
- ) Self Concept
- ) Active Listening
- ) Clarity of Expression
AMB 4170
Indicators of Truthful Denials tend to be what?
- ) Direct
- ) Spontaneous
- ) Strong
AMB 4170
Indicators of Deceptive Denials tend to be what?
- ) Hesitant
- ) Weak
- ) Similar to “I swear to God”
- ) Generalized Responses (ex. “usually”)
- ) Qualifiers (ex. “As far as I can recall”)
- ) Spoken rapidly
AMB 4170
Indicators of Deceptive Verbal Responses tend to be what?
- ) Guarded
- ) Insincere
- ) Evasive
- ) Often omits the pronouns such as “I” or “my”.
*For Example: “My car” becomes “the car”
AMB 4170
What are the 4 factors that are relevant when evaluating behaviors as indicators of truth or deception?
- ) Culture
- ) Change
- ) Context
- ) Clusters