Amazon rainofret Flashcards
Amazon - River Basin
Water losses from the Amazon Basin result from river flow and export of atmosphere vapour to other regions
This loss is made good by an inward flux of moisture from the Atlantic Ocean
Features of TRF
High precipitation High evapotranspiration Humid Hot Lots of vegetation on all levels
Physical factors (Geology)
Impermeable catchments have minimal water sotrage capacity resulting in rapid run-off
Physical factors (Relief)
Most of the Amazon Basin comprises extensive lowlands in areas of gentle relief water moves across the surface for horizontally through the soil (through flow) to streams and river in the west.
Physical factors (Temperature)
High temperature throughout the year generate high rates of evapotranspiration, Convection is strong leading to high atmospheric humidity
What is the main store of nutrients in TRF
Climate features
Precipitation is higher in jan to may than jun to sept
What are the consequences of the TRF climate
High NPP
Rapid decomposition
Rapid nutrient uptake
What is the geology like
Lack of carbonates
People and the Amazon
Indigenous people have lived sustainabily in the TRF for thousands of years
Hunter-gatherers and shifting cultivation
Name 3 strategies to manage the Amazon
Protection through legalization
Reforest areas
Improve agricultural techniques
Parica Project
Western Amazon
Sustainable forestry scheme aims to develop commercial timber plantation on government owned deforested land
Surui people
Participate is a scheme to protect primary rainforest on tribal land from further illegal logging and reforest areas degraded by deforestation
What is the problem with improved agriculture
Farming has been the main cause of deforestation in Ammonia
Permanent cultivation proved unsustainable
Examples of Diversification
Crop rotation
Combining arable and livestock operations