Amazon Case Study Flashcards
How many trees are there in the Amazon rainforest? (How much of a carbon store)
300 billion trees store 1/5th of all the carbon in the planet’s biomass
What is the average rainfall and temperature in the Amazon per year? (Mm)
3000 mm per year and temperature averages at 28 ^C (very humid climate, ideal for plant growth)
How much of its primary rainforest Amazon has lost in the last 50 years?
How much of the lost Amazon rainforest was lost due to cattle ranching?
80% other reasons include logging, mining, housing
What is an impact of deforestation on evapotranspiration?
Transpiration will rapidly decrease, reduced evapotranspiration from cleared areas mean the air is less moist, resulting in a reduction in a cloud cover
What is an impact of deforestation on a surface flow?
With less trees, most rainfall will go straight to the floor encouraging surface flow as soils become dry and baked as it becomes more exposed to the sun
What is an impact of slash&burn on the rainfall?
Particles resulting from burning of trees increases the density of airborne aerosols around which water vapour condenses, as a result, smaller droplets occur in the clouds which are too small to precipitate , resulting in less local rainfall
Which clouds are formed from evaporated moisture from deforested areas?
Shallow cumulous clouds which do not produce rain
What is an effect of deforestation on the capacities of river to hold water?
The removal of trees through slash and burn reduces porosity of the soil causing faster rainfall drainage, erosion and silting of rivers and lakes
By how much is regional rainfall predicted to decrease due to deforestation?
By 20%, as air blowing from the rainforest contains less moisture
How much of carbon is released into the atmosphere as a result of slash&burn?
30-60% of the carbon is lost immediately
By how much Amazon rainforest has been shrinking each year since 2000?
By 0.3% each year
How much carbon is absorbed and emitted each year by Amazon rainforest?
In a typical year Amazon the Amazon rainforest absorbs 2.2b tones of CO2, whilst emitting 1.9b tones of CO2.
Is the Amazon capacity to absorb CO2 declining?
Yes. In the 1990, the Amazon was absorbing 2 billion tones, by 2015 it has decreased to just 1 billion tones
Is the Amazon continental carbon sink?
How much of carbon Amazon is estimated to store?
80-120 billion tones
How much of forest (in hectares) was lost each year between 2000-2010?
3.6 million hectares per year
How Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organisation (ACTO) is planning to reverse the loss of forest cover?
Through sustainable forest management, including protection, restoration, afforestation, reforestation, monitoring and preventing illegal logging, creating protected areas at the regional levels through conservation corridors, going through more than one country
How much area does Para rainforest reserve cover?
15 million hectares, linking existing reserves to form a vast conservation corridor in the northern Amazon
Explain agroforestry
It is the combination of planted trees with annual crops, trees in agroforestry system will hold more carbon than would the vegetation otherwise occupying the site
How reforestation works?
atmospheric carbon is sequestered by being incorporated into the tree biomass, and depending on whether the wood is harvested and what products are derived, the carbon is maintained out of the atmosphere for variable amounts of time