Alzheimer’s disease Flashcards
Protective factors
hrt (oestrogen)
higher level of pre-morbid education
micro + macroscopic
- Degeneration of cholinergic neurones in nucleus basalis of Meynert → def. in Ach
- Microscopic changes: neurofibrillary tangles (intracellular) + beta-amyloid plaque formation (extracellular)
- Macroscopic changes: cortical atrophy (commonly hippocampal), widened sulci, ventricle enlargement
- Early onset Alzheimer’s: presenilin 1 (chromosome 14), presenilin (chromosome 2), amyloid precursor protein (chromosome 21 → TRISOMY 21 [Down’s] therefore more likely to get early onset dementia as more likely to have this gene as 3 chrom. 21s)
- Later onset Alzheimer’s: ApoE-4 (chromosome 19)
Advancing age FHx (1st degree) Genetics (above) Down’s syndrome low IQ + lower education attainment cerebrovascular disease vascular RFs (Past stroke/MI, smoking, HTN, DM, ^ cholesterol)
Summary: Early memory loss + focal cognitive defects → later manifestations = personality changes
early symptoms
Early Sx’s →
failing memory (esp. disorientation for time)
muddled efficiency w/ ADLs, spatial dysfunction
behaviour changes (irritable)
difficulty finding words
forgetting names of people/places
middle symptoms
Middle Sx’s → intellectual and personality deterioration apraxia confusion language problems (aphasia) difficulty w/ executive thinking
late symptoms
Late Sx’s → eating problems depression agitation personality changes dependent physical deterioration incontinence gait problems weight loss primitive reflexes
psychiatric and behavioural symptoms
Psychiatric Sx’s → delusions (esp. paranoid), auditory ± visual hallucinations (simple misidentification), depression (common)
Behavioural Sx’s → aggression, wandering, explosive temper, sexual disinhibition, incontinence, excessive eating, searching behaviour
features of early onset Alzheimer’s
define aphasia
person’s problem in ability to understand speech
define apraxia
inability to carry out previously learnt purposeful movements (including speech) despite normal coordination + strength
(cant give x’s cos can’t move their mouth)
What 5 things do pts have impairment with relating to cognitive and executive functions
- Executive → problem solving, abstract thinking, reasoning, deciding, judgement, planning, organising, processing
- Visuospacial abilities → getting lost, copying figures
- Language disturbances (decreased vocab, word finding difficulty, preservation [repetition], aphasia…)
- Apraxia → inability to carry out previously learnt purposeful movements (including speech) despite normal coordination + strength
- Agnosia (impaired recognition of sensory stimuli w/out sensory loss)
- Hx
- MSE: important to note clouding of consciousness (delirium)
- Cognitive testing: MMSE + AMT
- Physical examination: focal signs, reflexes, plantar responses, gait disturbance, PD signs
- Blood tests
a. FBC, , LFT, U/E, glucose, ESR, TSH/TFTs, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, syphilis tests, HIV screen, vit B12, folate, CRP, blood culture - LP → exclude CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease)
- EEG → CJD + frontotemporal dementia
- CXR (pneumonia, lung tumour [e.g. SCLC → hyponatraemia [confusion]])
- Urine dipstick (UTI)
- Brain imaging → indicated if <60
a. CT (head)/MRI - Genetic tests: HD + familial dementia
- Referral to memory clinic
ALWAYS remember that calcium is separate from U+Es (therefore give both in answers)
ICD-10 criteria for disease (early onset and late onset)
- Criteria for dementia met
- No evidence for any other possible cause of dementia
- Early onset AD:
(1) + (2) + <65
o Rapid onset + progression
o Memory impairment + aphasia, agraphia (decreased ability to communicate through writing), alexia (decreased ability to read), acalculia (decreased ability to perform maths tasks) or apraxia - Late onset AD:
(1) + (2) + Age >65
One of:
• Slow, gradual onset and progression
• Predominance of memory impairment over intellectual impairment
Treatment - general
- MDT approach: OT, PT, COE doctor, GP, social worker…
- Pts must contact DVLA
- Early discussion for advanced planning (before deterioration) → advanced statements or directives, lasting power of attorney…etc
- Later in disease → Mental capacity act (assessment)
Treatment - pharmacological
- Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors → e.g. Rivastigmine (SEs: GI) → ^ ACh in cholinergic synapses in CNS, slowing progression of the disease
- 2ND line (or add in): Memantine (NMDA-receptor antagonist → binds to excitatory glutamate receptors in CNS)
- Also: anti-depressants e.g. sertraline, anti-psychotics if challenging behaviour e.g. risperidone
Treatment - non pharma
- Social support (support groups) → Alzheimer’s Society UK
- ^ assistance w/ ADLs
- Information + education
- Community dementia teams
- Home nursing + personal care
- Community services (e.g. meals on wheels, day centres, care homes…)
- Non-cognitive symptoms (aromatherapy, massage, music therapy, animal assisted therapy)