Alternative Energy sources Flashcards
Describe Shale Gas
- Natural Gas trapped in fractures and pores of sandstone and shale
- Extracted by hydraulic fracking, chemical water breaks apart rock and gas is cooled and extracted
- Extracted mostly in USA Texas
- Uses lots of space, can cause earthquakes, contaminates and lowers groundwater levels
- Emits greenhouse gasses such as methane
- Linked to animal deaths
-Lower Carbon footprint than coal and increases energy security
Describe Tar Sands
- Mix of sand, clay, water and bitumen
- Must be strip-mined as it is too thicc to pump from ground
- mostly occuring in alberta Canada
- Very expensive, 10-12 dollars per barrel, 2 dollar for conventional oil
- 5 water barrel per barrel of oil
- Carbon sequestration decreases, deforrestation
- Carbon emissions
- Increases energy security, increases jobs and boosts economy, vital revenue for local economies, makes fuel stop gap to use for renewable energy
- 470 km^2 of taiga has been removed, 1.8 million contaminating waste water, sharp decline in caribou within extraction sites/extinction expected in 2040
Describe Oil Shale
- Oil bearing rocks permeable enough to have oil pumped directly
- pressurised underwater with lots of heat
- Done in Colorado (approx 800 barrels)
- Very expensive due to heat, 2 barrels of water per barrel of oil, health implication for those in range
- Carbon removed from storage and is emitted through extraction process and in the oil
- Removal of vegetation cover, 1 tonne of waste rock per barrel, overuse of water resources
- Creates jobs
- increases energy security and is domestic source for USA
Describe Deepwater oil
- Oil and gas found offshore deep in water
- Offshore drilling in oil rigs
- Done in gulf of Mexico (200,000 barrels of oil and 5.1 million m^3 of gas per day) and Brazil (aims for 500,000 barrels a day ny 2020)
- Offshore spills (e.g. deepwater horizon), long distance from shore (saftey bad), expensive
- Extraction and use of product releases lots of CO2
- Oil spills cause ireversible damage to local ecosystem
- Increases energy security
- increased jobs
- big boost to economy
Give the 2010 and 2015 statistics for conventional and unconventional fossil fuels (in millions of barrels)
2010: -Conventional: -Oil:5 -Gas:4 -Unconventional: -Oil:1.2 -Gas:5 2015: -Conventional: -Oil:5.2 -Gas:4 -Unconventional: -Oil:3 -Gas:7
What are the future projection regarding unconventional sources of energy
-By 2030 unconventional sources will rise by a factor of and extraction of unconventional oil will exceed conventional oil
Why are unconventional oils used in place of conventional ?
conventional oil is soon to run out (soon in the overall time scale) and unconventional will have to be used as an alternative
Why are unconventional sources not used as often as conventional ?
- Typically more expensive
- Have worse environmental impacts which can lead to worse social impacts
List main point for “assess the role of un-conventional fuels as a contributor to the worlds energy use”
deepwater oil:
–“one of the largest oil finds ever”
–expected 500,000 daily oil barrels by 2020
–200,000 oil barrels per day through the gulf of Mexico
–5.2m^3 of gas per day
Tar Sands:
-By 2030 could meet 16% of North America’s oil
-70% of extracted oil exported to USA
-28% of Canada’s oil
-increase by 5 million barrels of gas a day and 2 million gas barrels a day in 2015
By 2030 it is projected that:
-unconventional gas will be produced more than convention by 3x
-the extraction of unconventional oil will stand to exceed unconventional sources