Alteration Sec. 2 Flashcards
What was God’s plan for us from the beginning?
To fill us with his own divine life
Truly, truly, I say to you. Unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood. You have no life in you.
John 6:53
What is the Eucharist? (2)
- source and summit of our faith
* literal body and blood of Christ
What happens when we receive the Eucharist?
- become partakers of the divine nature
- we are “abiding” in him and he in us in the most tangible way possible
- we are united with him, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity
What do we lay upon the altar?
Life, hopes, dreams, fears, anxieties-our very selves-to be consumed and transformed by the God of the universe
What determines how attentive we are to what’s going on?
- So you dress appropriately and act reverently
- Do you sing as best as you can
- Do you say the responses
- Do you listen to the readings and homily
Is Jesus God or Man?
Jesus is fully God and fully man
Can we trust God to provide for our needs?
He does not just give us the bare minimum; he exceeds our needs every day.
What does Penitential and Rite mean?
Penitential: to be sincerely sorry for our sins
Rite: solemn ceremonial action
What does repentance involve?
- soul
* body
How can venial sins be forgiven?
During Mass itself
- in penitential rite
- in Holy Eucharist
What is Grace?
God’s life in us
Can we become angels after we die?
No, but we can become saints
What does angel mean?
True or False
The existence of angels is a truth of our faith.
What does it mean that angels are pure spirits?
They have no physical bodies; however, they do take on “human form” sometimes.
Are we always surrounded by angels?
Yes. They are constantly BE holding the face of God.
What are the Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones dedicated to?
The contemplation of God.
What do the Dominions, Virtues, and Powers do?
Govern the universe in its totality
What do the Principalities, Archangels, and Guardian Angels do?
They are dedicated as Gods messengers.
What does “Thrones and Dominions” mean?
It’s refers to all types of angels.
What does an angels presence at mass do?
It invites us into deeper contemplation and prayer.