Alteraitons of the female reproductive system Flashcards
-Infection of the vagina caused by sexually transmitted bacteria and Candida albicans
-Any change in vaginal discharge may signify a problem
-Dx based on Hx, Physical exam and lab exam of discharge
-Benign tumours that develop from smooth muscle cells in the myometrium
-Most common tumour of the uterus, most remain small and asymptomatic
-Cause is unknown, but related to estrogen, increase during pregnancy
-Classified according to locaiton in the uterus linings
-Degenerative changes may happen when a tumour outgrows its blood supply
Fibroids CM
-Major CM are abnormal uterine bleeding, pain, and symptoms r?t preassure (eg dysuria, urinary frequency and urgency)
-Often found when examination reveals a hard and lumpy uterus
Fibroids Treatment
-Watchful Waiting
-Horomones (BC, IUD, GnRH agonists, Selective progesterone receptor modulators)
-Presence of functioning endometrial tissue outside of the uterus
-Responds to hormonal cycle
-Found outside the ovary, pelvis, or uterus causes increased risk for endocrine cancers
-Cause unknown, but sevral theories including genetic predisposition
Endometriosis pathology
-Implants may occur throughout the body, usually ovaries, uterine ligaments, rectovaginal septum, and pelvic peritoneum
-If blood supply is sufficient, the tissue proliferates, breaks down, and bleeds in conjunction with normal cycle
-Bleeding causes inflammation, pain in surroundig tissues, may cuase fibrosis, scaring and adhesions
Endometriosis CM
-Variable in frequency and severity, usually include infertility and pain
-In most cases, the severity of endometriosis is not related to the degree of symptoms
-Exact mechanism for infertility is unknown
-Laprascopy required for definitive TX
Endometriosis Tx
-Horomones (bcp, progestins (depoprovera), GnHR agonists (lupron), Aromatase inhibitors (Arimidex))
-reproductive tract cancers account for about 12.5% of female cancers
-Most common are cervical and ovarian
Cervical Cancer
-Death from cervical cancer decreased by 55% from Pap smears.
-precancerous dysplasia seen more frequently in young women
-Staged according to histology 0 premalignant lesions occour 10-12 years earlier
Continum from
1. Cervical epitheal neoplasia
2.Carcinoma in situ
3. Invasive carcinoma of the cervix
Cerivcal Cancer Risk Factors
-Infection with HPV before age 16
-Multipule partners or a partner with multipule partners
-Poor Nutrition
Cervical epithelial neoplasms (Vervical dysplasia)
-Must have screening tests - 90% detected early
-Graded as mild (CIN 1), moderate (CIN 2), severe (CIN 3 )
Carcinoma in situ
-Underlying tissues not affected but all other cells are affected
-cells changing from carcinoma in situ back to intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 1) is uncommon
Invasive Carcinoma of the cervix
-Direct invasion into adjacent tissues and metastasis (spread of cancer cells)
-Affects the uterus and plevic wall
-Travels though lymph
Ovarian Cancer Risks
-6th most frequent cancer, incidence increases with age
-Cause is unknown at present, risk in creases with 1st degree relatives with disease or breast cancer
-other risks in clude use of fertility drugs, and HRT or dies low in fruits and veg and high in fat
Ovarian Cancer
-Good survival rate if caught early, but only 25% caught early
-Often considered a silent disease, can have divers s&s
-Most obvious symotoms are pain and abdominal distension
-Usually adavanced by time treatment is sought
-May use radiation and chemo
Breast Cancer
-Most common cancer of women
-Leadig cause of death in women age 40-44
-Second leading cause of death from cancer
-Disease of glandular epithelium
-50% occur in upper outer quadrant of the breast (most glandualr tissue found there)
Breast Cancer s&s
-First sign is usually a painless lump
-Manifestaitons vary according to type of tumor and stage of disease ( eg if spread to bone person can feel bone pain)
Breast cancer dx
-Mammogram and biopsy
-Physical assessment
needel localized biopsy
-Excisional biopsy
Breast cancer treatment
-Chemotherapy depending on receptors
-Horomone therapy ( long term )
-Bone marrow transplantaiton for very serious cases
Impaired fertility
-Inability to conceive after 1 year unprotected intercourse
-Affects 15% of couples
-Tx aimed at correcting the problem
-Best Tx is prevention, especially STD prevention
Factors affecting fertility (Males)
-Diminished quantity/production of sperm
-Diminished quality of sperm
-Anatomical abnormalities
factors affecting fertility (females)
-Malfunctions of fallopiam tubes, ovaries or reproduction hormones
-Adhesions from pelvic infections
-Disruptions of ovulaiton or implantation