Alska- Opportunites And Challanges Flashcards
How many employees are in the fishing industry?
How much money does fishing earn a year?
$6 million
How many jobs are in the oil industry?
100,000+ jobs currently
How many tourists visit per year?
2 million
How much does hydroelectricity make up of Alaska’s energy?
How much is oil worth in Alaska?
$40 million
How many visitors come on cruise ships?
What’s the name of an example of a 120 MW dam?
‘Bradly lake’
What can fishing do? (Bad)
Overfishing and equipment can kill off fish stocks
What happens when the oil melts the permafrost?
It realises methane
What two things are wrong with tourism?
Litter and tourists can disturb the wildlife
How much did the ‘Bradley lake’ dam cost?
$300 million to build
What is a one benefit of fishing? (Long term)
Sustainable and will last a long time
What happened in 1989 regarding oil?
There was a oil spill killing 5,000 otters and also seals
What does the tourism do to ecosystems?
It spread the word about protecting the fragile ecosystems