Alsace: Soils Flashcards
Give a brief description of Alsatian soil types.
Alsatian vineyards have myriad soil types. The land is a geologic mosaic, with granite, limestone, schist, clay, gravel, chalk, loess, and a local pink sandstone called grés de Vosges.
What is the local pink sandstone called?
Gres de Vosges
What soils are the steeper mountain slopes generally composed of?
The steeper mountain slopes are generally composed of schist, granite, and volcanic sediment.
What soils are the lower slopes generally composed of?
The lower slopes sit on a limestone base.
What soils is the plain at the foot of the mountain generally composed of?
The plain at the foot of the mountains consists of richer alluvial clay and gravel soils.
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Altenberg de Bergbieten AOP?
Département: Bas-Rhin
Soil Type: Marl-Limestone-Gypsum
ha: 29.07
Commune: Bergbieten
Grapes: Riesling 75%
Gewurztraminer 19%
Pinot Gris 3%
Muscat 3%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Altenberg de Bergheim AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Jurassic Marl-Limestone
ha: 35.06
Commune: Bergheim
Grapes: Varietal Wines: Riesling, Gewurztraminer, Pinot Gris, Blends
Blends: 50-70% Riesling, 10-25% Pinot Gris, 10-25% Gewurztraminer, max. 10% combined Chasselas, Muscat à Petits Grains, Muscat Ottonel, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Blanc
Chasselas, Muscat à Petits Grains, Muscat Ottonel, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Blanc must have been planted prior to 2005
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Altenberg de Wolxheim AOP?
Département: Bas-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Jurassic Marl-Limestone
ha: 31.20
Commune: Wolxheim
Grapes: Riesling 58%
Gewurztraminer 25%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Brand AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Granite
ha: 57.95
Commune: Turckheim
Clos VIneyards: Clos de la Treille (F. Baur)
Grapes: Riesling 41%
Gewurztraminer 31%
Pinot Gris 25%
Muscat 3%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Bruderthal AOP?
Département: Bas-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Marl-Limestone
ha: 18.40
Commune: Molsheim
Grapes: Riesling 38%
Gewurztraminer 31%
Pinot Gris 29%
Muscat 2%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Eichberg AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Oligocene Limestone
ha: 57.62
Commune: Eguisheim
Grapes: Gewurztraminer, Riesling, Pinot Gris
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Engelberg AOP?
Département: Bas-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Marl-Limestone
ha: 14.80
Commune: Dahlenheim, Scharrachbergheim
Grapes: Riesling 54%
Gewurztraminer 36%
Pinot Gris 10%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Florimont AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Marl-Limestone
ha: 21
Commune: Ingersheim, Katzenthal
Grapes: Gewurztraminer 38%
Riesling 34%
Pinot Gris 25%
Muscat 3%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Frankstein AOP?
Département: Bas-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Granite
ha: 56.20
Commune: Dambach-La-Ville
Grapes: Gewurztraminer 49%
Riesling 27%
Pinot Gris 22%
Muscat 2%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Froehn AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Limestone-Sandstone
ha: 14.60
Commune: Zellenberg
Grapes: Gewurztraminer, Pinot Gris, Muscat
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Furstentum AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Jurassic Limestone
ha: 30.50
Commune: Kientzheim, Sigolsheim
Grapes: Gewurztraminer, Riesling, Pinot Gris
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Geisberg AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Marl-Limestone-Sandstone
ha: 8.53
Commune: Ribeauvillé
Grapes: Riesling 100%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Gloeckelberg AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Granie
ha: 23.40
Commune: Rodern, Saint-Hippolyte
Grapes: Pinot Gris 61%
Gewurztraminer 35%
Riesling 4%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Goldert AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Marl - Oolithic Dogger (Porous Limestone)
ha: 45.35
Commune: Gueberschwihr
Grapes: Gewurztraminer 60%
Riesling 19%
Pinot Gris 11%
Muscat 10%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Hatschbourg AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Marl-Limestone and Loess
ha: 47.36
Commune: Hattstatt and Voegtlinshoffen
Grapes: Gewurztraminer, Pinot Gris, Riesling, Muscat
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Hengst AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Marl-Limestone-Sandstone
ha: 53.02
Commune: Wintzenheim
Grapes: Gewurztraminer 48%
Pinot Gris 35%
Riesling 17%
Pinot Noir
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Kaefferkopf AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Granite and Limestone-Sandstone
ha: 71.65
Commune: Ammerschwihr
Grapes: Gewurztraminer 55% (Principal)
Riesling 30% (Complimentary)
Pinot Gris 9% (Accessory)
Muscat 6% (Accessory)
Pinot Gris (not allowed for VT or SGN)
60-80% Gewurztraminer, 10-40% Riesling, max. 30% Pinot Gris, max. 10% Muscat
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Kanzlerberg AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Keuper Gypsum Marl and Muschelkalk
ha: 3.23
Commune: Bergheim
Grapes: Riesling, Gewurztraminer, Pinot Gris
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Kastelberg AOP?
Département: Bas-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Slate
ha: 5.82
Commune: Andlau
Grapes: Riesling 100%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Kessler AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Clay-Sandstone-Limestone
ha: 28.53 ha
Commune: Guebwiller
Grapes: Gewurztraminer 64%
Pinot Gris 19%
Riesling 13%
Muscat 4%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Kirchberg de Barr AOP?
Département: Bas-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Calcareous Marl
ha: 40.63
Commune: Barr
Grapes: Gewurztraminer 53%
Riesling 30%
Pinot Gris 16%
Muscat 1%
Pinot Noir
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Kirchberg de Ribeauvillé AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Marl-Limestone-Sandstone
ha: 11.40
Commune: Ribeauvillé
Grapes: Riesling 71%
Pinot Gris 17%
Gewurztraminer 8%
Muscat 4%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Kitterlé AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Sandstone-Volcanic Soil
ha: 25.79
Commune: Guebwiller
Grapes: Riesling 44%
Gewurztraminer 28%
Pinot Gris 28%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Mambourg AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Magnesium-Rich Limestone-Marl
ha: 61.85
Commune: Sigolsheim
Grapes: Gewurztraminer, with some Pinot Gris, Muscat and Riesling
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Mandelberg AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Marl-Limestone
ha: 20
Commune: Mittelwihr and Beblenheim
Grapes: Gewurztraminer 54%
Riesling 39%
Pinot Gris 7%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Marckrain AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Marl-Porous Limestone
ha: 53.35 ha
Commune: Bennwihr and Sigolsheim
Grapes: Pinot Gris, Gewurztraminer
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Moenchberg AOP?
Département: Bas-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Marl-Sandstone with Scree
ha: 11.83
Commune: Andlau and Eichhoffen
Grapes: Riesling 62%
Pinot Gris 23%
Gewurztraminer 15%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Muenchberg AOP?
Département: Bas-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Permian Igneous/Volcanic
ha: 17.70
Commune: Nothalten
Grapes: Riesling
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Ollwiller AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Marl-Sandstone
ha: 35.86
Commune: Wuenheim
Grapes: Riesling 64%
Pinot Gris 17%
Gewurztraminer 18%
Muscat 1%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Osterberg AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Marl-Limestone-Sandstone
ha: 24.60
Commune: Ribeauvillé
Grapes: Riesling 46%
Gewurztraminer 29%
Pinot Gris 24%
Muscat 1%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Pfersigberg AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Jurassic Limestone (Muschelkalk)
ha: 74.55
Commune: Eguisheim and Wettolsheim
Grapes: Gewurztraminer, Pinot Gris, Riesling, Muscat
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Pfingstberg AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Marl-Limestone-Sandstone
ha: 28.15
Commune: Orschwihr
Grapes: Riesling 51%
Gewurztraminer 27%
Pinot Gris 21%
Muscat 1%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Praelatenberg AOP?
Département: Bas-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Granite and Gneiss
ha: 18.70
Commune: Kintzheim
Grapes: Riesling 43%
Gewurztraminer 42%
Pinot Gris 11%
Muscat 4%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Rangen AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Igneous/Volcanic
ha: 22.13
Commune: Thann and Vieux-Thann
Clos Vineyards:
Clos St Urbain (Zind-Humbrecht)
Clos St Théobald (Schoffit)
Grapes: Pinot Gris 57%
Riesling 32%
Gewurztraminer 10%
Muscat 1%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Rosacker AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Dolomitic Limestone
ha: 26.18
Commune: Hunawihr
Clos Vineyards: Clos Ste Hune (Trimbach)
Grapes: Riesling 65%
Gewurztraminer 23%
Pinot Gris 12%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Saering AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Marl-Limestone-Sandstone
ha: 26.75
Commune: Guebwiller
Grapes: Riesling 84%
Gewurztraminer 6%
Muscat 6%
Pinot Gris 4%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Schlossberg AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Granite
ha: 80.28
Commune: Kaysersberg and Kientzheim
Grapes: Riesling 76%
Pinot Gris 10%
Gewurztraminer 13%
Muscat 1%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Schoenenbourg AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Keuper Marl
ha: 53.40
Commune: Riquewihr and Zellenberg
Grapes: Mainly Riesling with some Muscat and Pinot Gris
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Sommerberg AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Mica-Concentrated Granite
ha: 28.36
Commune: Niedermorschwihr and Katzenthal
Grapes: Riesling dominates, with Pinot Gris, Muscat and Gewurztraminer
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Sonnenglanz AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Marl-Limestone
ha: 32.80
Commune: Beblenheim
Grapes: Pinot Gris 50%
Gewurztraminer 42%
Riesling 8%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Spiegel AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Oligocene Sandstone, Latdorfian Marl and Triassic Sandstone
ha: 18.26
Commune: Bergholtz and Guebwiller
Grapes: Gewurztraminer, Pinot Gris, Riesling, Muscat
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Sporen AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Jurassic Marl
ha: 23.70
Commune: Riquewihr
Grapes: Gewurztraminer, Pinot Gris
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Steinert AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Oolithic Dogger (Porous) Limestone
ha: 34.09
Commune: Pfaffenheim and Westhalten
Grapes: Gewurztraminer, Pinot Gris, Riesling
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Steingrubler AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Marl-Limestone-Sandstone
ha: 22.95
Commune: Wettolsheim
Grapes: Gewurztraminer 52%
Riesling 26%
Pinot Gris 22%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Steinklotz AOP?
Département: Bas-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Limestone
ha: 40.60
Commune: Marlenheim
Grapes: Gewurztraminer 44%
Riesling 29%
Pinot Gris 27%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Vorbourg AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Limestone and Sandstone
ha: 73.61
Commune: Rouffach and Westhalten
Grapes: Gewurztraminer 53%
Riesling 24%
Pinot Gris 23%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Wiebelsberg AOP?
Département: Bas-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Sandy-sandstone
ha: 12.52
Commune: Andlau
Grapes: Riesling 96%
Pinot Gris 4%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Wineck-Schlossberg AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Granite
ha: 27.49
Commune: Katzenthal and Ammerschwihr
Riesling 70%
Gewurztraminer 18%
Pinot Gris 10%
Muscat 2%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Winzenberg AOP?
Département: Bas-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Granite
ha: 19.20
Commune: Blienschwiller
Grapes: Riesling 40%
Gewurztraminer 40%
Pinot Gris 20%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Zinnkoepflé AOP?
Département: Haut-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Limestone-Sandstone
ha: 71.03
Commune: Soultzmatt and Westhalten
Grapes: Gewurztraminer 60%
Pinot Gris 24%
Riesling 15%
Muscat 1%
What is the soil type for Alsace Grand Cru Zotzenberg AOP?
Département: Bas-Rhin
Principal Soil Type: Jurassic and Oligocene Limestone - Marl
ha: 36.45
Commune: Mittelbergheim
Grapes: Riesling, Sylvaner, Pinot Gris, Gewurztraminer