Allusions Quiz 4 Review Flashcards
Stealing Someone’s Thunder
John Dennis/ Take credit for the idea of another or to lessen the effect of another’s idea
Witch Hunt
Salem, Massachusetts/ Campaign against a particular group of people with unorthodox opinions
Throw down the Gauntlet
Knights and heavy gloves/ issue a challenge in a dramatic manner
The Muses
Greek Mythology nine goddesses over the arts/ A muse is someone’s source of inspiration
Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis/ An Experience that is bizarre, surreal, or anxiety-producing
Tower of Babel
Book of Genesis/ Babel can refer to any noisy confusion.
Eleanor H. Porter, glad game/ Someone who is unusually optimistic and always looking at the bright side.
Pavlov’s Dogs
Ivan Pavlov, Russian scientist/ Someone who automatically or instinctively responds to or obeys a signal.
St. Mary of Bethlehem, mental hospital/ Bedlam means wildly chaotic, or extremely raucous and noisy
The handwriting on the Wall
Book of Daniel, Belshazzar/ Handwriting on the wall refers to an indication that doom or misfortune is coming
Albatross Around One’s Neck
The rime of the ancient Mariner, Samuel Taylor Coleridge/ A burdensome, ongoing problem.
Prometheus/ Promethean
Zeus, fire/ Valiant resistance to authority or rebellion against the established order of the universe
Hindu deity/ A juggernaut is any force, especially a destructive force, that defies opposition
Red Herring
British fugitives/ Diverting someone onto a false trail or distracting a person from the true issue
Pharisees/ Pharisaical
Jewish law, Jesus/ A hypocrite who upholds the letter of the law, but not its spirit.