Allusions Flashcards
What does ‘In Medias Res’ mean?
Latin phrase for ‘into the middle of things’; epics begin abruptly, in the middle of action.
What does ‘Loaves and fishes’ refer to?
A miraculous abundance in times of scarcity, as seen in the Gospels where Jesus preaches and everyone is fed.
What is a ‘Magnum Opus’?
Latin for ‘great work’; refers to someone’s greatest work.
Who is Janus?
A Roman god associated with January; symbolizes duality, good or bad, wisdom and knowledge.
What does ‘A chip on one’s shoulder’ mean?
An excuse to start a fight, often seen in young boys who dare anyone.
What is a ‘Noble savage’?
A concept in Western philosophy, particularly by Rousseau, referring to someone not corrupted by society.
What does the ‘Burning bush’ symbolize?
A voice of authority; burns but is not consumed, associated with Moses and Pharaoh.
What does ‘Narcissus’ represent?
An obsessive focus on oneself, derived from the myth of Narcissus who fell in love with his own reflection.
Who are ‘Scheherazades’?
Excellent storytellers, notably from ‘One Thousand and One Nights’ or Arabian Nights.
What does ‘Skeleton in the closet’ mean?
An unpleasant thing that is kept a secret, often difficult to confront.
What is meant by ‘Fifteen minutes of fame’?
A great deal of attention for a moment, popularized by Andy Warhol in the context of pop-art.
What do ‘Let the cat out of the bag’ and ‘buy a pig in a poke’ signify?
To unveil a secret; originates from medieval times when buying something unseen was risky.
What does ‘Lot’s wife/Pillars of salt’ refer to?
A warning against unwisely looking back, based on the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Who is Cassandra?
A figure from mythology who was given the gift of prophecy by Apollo, known for predicting disasters.
What is a ‘Catch-22’?
A no-win situation, popularized by Joseph Heller in his novel set during World War II.