allthethings. Flashcards
A decrease in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by the stimulus that is increased in reinforcing effectiveness by the same motivating operation is called the _______ _______. For example, food ingestion decreases the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by food.
abative effect
A motivating operation that decreases the reinforcing effectiveness of a stimulus, object, or event is called an _______ _______. For example, the reinforcing effectiveness of food is abolished as a result of food ingestion.
abolishing operation
An alteration in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by the stimulus that is altered in effectiveness by the same motivating operation is called the _______-_______ _______. For example, the frequency of behavior that has been reinforced with food is increased or decreased by food deprivation or food ingestion.
behavior-altering effect
A motivating operation whose value-altering effect depends on a learning history is called a _______ _______ operation. For example, because of the relation between locked doors and keys, having to open a locked door is this, and makes keys more effective as reinforcers, and evokes behavior that has obtained such keys.
conditioned motivating
A stimulus that has abative effects on the current frequency of some type of response, and will function as a conditioned punisher that decreases the future frequency of the type of response that preceded its onset, is called a _______ _______ related to punishment.
discriminative stimulus
Any environmental variable that alters the effectiveness of some stimulus, object, or event as a reinforcer, and alters the current frequency of all behavior that has been reinforced by that stimulus, object, or event is called _______ _______.
establishing operation
An increase in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by the stimulus that is increased in reinforcing effectiveness by the same motivating operation is called the _______ _______. For example, food deprivation evokes (increases the current frequency of) behavior that has been reinforced by food.
evocative effect
A relatively permanent change in an organism’s repertoire of MO, stimulus, and response relations, caused by reinforcement, punishment, an extinction procedure, or a recovery from punishment procedure, is called a _______-_______ effect. Such effects in respondents result from the pairing and unpairing of antecedent stimuli.
The term that has recently been suggested as a replacement for the term establishing operation is called _______ operation. An establishing operation is any environmental variable that alters the effectiveness of some stimulus, object, or event as a reinforcer, and alters the current frequency of all behavior that has been reinforced by that stimulus, object, or event.
The occurrence of a previously punished type of response without its punishing consequence is called _______ from punishment procedure. This procedure is analogous to the extinction of previously reinforced behavior and has the effect of undoing the effect of the punishment.
A stimulus that acquires motivating operation effectiveness by preceding some form of worsening or improvement is called a _______ _______ motivating operation. It is exemplified by the warning stimulus in a typical escape-avoidance procedure, which establishes its own offset as reinforcement and evokes all behavior that has accomplished that offset.
reflexive conditioned
A decrease in the reinforcing effectiveness of a stimulus, object, or event caused by a motivating operation is called the _______-_______ effect. For example, food ingestion decreases the reinforcing effectiveness of food.
An increase in the reinforcing effectiveness of a stimulus, object, or event caused by a motivating operation is called the _______-_______ effect. For example, food deprivation establishes (increases) the reinforcing effectiveness of food.
A stimulus that acquires its motivating operation effectiveness by being paired with another motivating operation and has the same value-altering and behavior-altering effects as the motivating operation with which it was paired is called a _______ _______ motivating operation.
surrogate conditioned
An environmental variable that, as a result of a learning history, establishes (or abolishes) the reinforcing effectiveness of another stimulus and evokes (or abates) the behavior that has been reinforced by that other stimulus is called a _______ _______ motivating operation.
transitive conditioned
A motivating operation whose value-altering effect does not depend on a learning history is called an _______ motivating operation. For example, food deprivation increases the reinforcing effectiveness of food without the necessity of any learning history.
The occurrence alone of a stimulus that acquired its function by being paired with an already effective stimulus, or the occurrence of the stimulus in the absence as well as in the presence of the effective stimulus, is called _______.
An alteration in the reinforcing effectiveness of a stimulus, object, or event as a result of a motivating operation is called the _______-_______ effect. For example, the reinforcing effectiveness of food is altered as a result of food deprivation and food ingestion.
Behavior that occurs as a collateral effect of a schedule of periodic reinforcement for other behavior is called _______ behavior. Examples include time-filling or interim activities such as doodling, idle talking, smoking, and drinking that are induced by schedules of reinforcement during times when reinforcement is unlikely to be delivered.
adjunctive behavior
An _______ schedule provides reinforcement whenever the requirement of either a ratio schedule or an interval schedule (the basic schedules that makeup the this schedule) is met, regardless of which of the component schedule’s requirements is met first.
A schedule of reinforcement in which the response requirements of two or more basic schedules must be met in a specific sequence before reinforcement is delivered is called a _______ schedule of reinforcement. Here, a discriminative stimulus is correlated with each component of the schedule.
A schedule of reinforcement consisting of two or more elements of continuous reinforcement (CRF), the four intermittent schedules of reinforcement (FR, VR, Fl, VI), differential reinforcement of various rates of responding (DRH, DRL), and extinction, is called a _______ schedule of reinforcement. The elements from these basic schedules can occur successively or simultaneously and with or without discriminative stimuli. Reinforcement may be contingent on meeting the requirements of each element of the schedule independently or in combination with all elements.
A schedule of reinforcement in which two or more contingencies of reinforcement (elements) operate independently and simultaneously for two or more behaviors is called a _______ schedule of reinforcement.
A _______ schedule of reinforcement is in effect whenever reinforcement follows the completion of response requirements for both a ratio schedule and an interval schedule of reinforcement.
A schedule of reinforcement that provides reinforcement for each occurrence of the target behavior is called a _______ reinforcement schedule.
A schedule of reinforcement in which reinforcement is provided at the end of a predetermined interval contingent on the number of responses emitted during the interval being fewer than a gradually decreasing criterion based on the individual’s performance in previous intervals (e.g., fewer than five responses per 5 minutes, fewer than four responses per 5 minutes, fewer than three responses per 5 minutes) is called differential reinforcement of _______ rates.
A schedule of reinforcement in which reinforcement is provided at the end of a predetermined interval contingent on the number of responses emitted during the interval being greater than a gradually increasing criterion based on the individual’s performance in previous intervals (e.g., more than three responses per 5 minutes, more than five responses per 5 minutes, more than eight responses per 5 minutes) is called differential reinforcement of _______ rates.
A schedule of reinforcement in which reinforcement (a) follows each occurrence of the target behavior that is separated from the previous response by a minimum interresponse time (IRT), or (b) is contingent on the number of responses within a period of time not exceeding a predetermined criterion, is called differential reinforcement of _______ rates. Practitioners use DRL schedules to decrease the rate of behaviors that occur too frequently but should be maintained in the learner’s repertoire.
A schedule of reinforcement in which reinforcement is delivered for the first response emitted following the passage of a fixed duration of time since the last response was reinforced is called a _______ _______ schedule. For example, on a 3-minute schedule, the first response following the passage of 3 minutes is reinforced.
fixed interval
A schedule of reinforcement requiring a fixed number of responses for reinforcement is called a _______ _______ schedule. For example, a 4 schedule reinforcement follows every fourth response.
fixed ratio
A contingency of reinforcement in which some, but not all, occurrences of the behavior produce reinforcement is called an _______ schedule of reinforcement.
A situation in which reinforcement is available only during a finite time following the elapse of an FT or VI interval is called _______ _______. If the target response does not occur within the time limit, reinforcement is withheld and a new interval begins.
limited hold
The allocation of responses to choices available on concurrent schedules of reinforcement is called _______ _______. The rates of responding across choices are distributed in proportions that match the rates of reinforcement received from each choice alternative.
matching law
A compound schedule of reinforcement consisting of two or more basic schedules of reinforcement (elements) that occur in an alternating, usually random, sequence, where no discriminative stimuli are correlated with the presence or absence of each element of the schedule, and reinforcement is delivered for meeting the response requirements of the element in effect at any time, is called a _______ schedule.
A compound schedule of reinforcement consisting of two or more basic schedules of reinforcement (elements) that occur in an alternating, usually random, sequence, where a discriminative stimulus is correlated with the presence or absence of each element of the schedule, and reinforcement is delivered for meeting the response requirements of the element in effect at any time, is called a _______ schedule.
The absence of responding for a period of time following reinforcement is called a postreinforcement _______. This effect is commonly produced by fixed interval (Fl) and fixed ratio (FR) schedules of reinforcement.
A schedule that systematically thins each successive reinforcement opportunity independent of the individual’s behavior is called a _______ schedule of reinforcement. These schedules are thinned using arithmetic or geometric progressions.
A behavioral effect associated with abrupt increases in ratio requirements when moving from denser to thinner reinforcement schedules is called _______ _______. Common effects include avoidance, aggression, and unpredictable pauses or cessation in responding.
ratio strain
A rule specifying the environmental arrangements and response requirements for reinforcement is called a _______ of reinforcement. Also defined as a description of a contingency of reinforcement.
Changing a contingency of reinforcement by gradually increasing the response ratio or the extent of the time interval is called schedule _______. This results in a lower rate of reinforcement per responses, time, or both.
A schedule of reinforcement identical to the chained schedule except, like the mix schedule, does not use discriminative stimuli with the elements in the chain, is called a _______ schedule.
A schedule of reinforcement that provides reinforcement for the first correct response following the elapse of variable durations of time occurring in a random or unpredictable order is called a _______ _______ schedule of reinforcement. Here, the mean duration of the intervals is used to describe the schedule (e.g., on a 10-minute schedule, reinforcement is delivered for the first response following an average of 10 minutes since the last reinforced response, but the time that elapses following the last reinforced response might range from 30 seconds or less to 25 minutes or more).
variable interval
A schedule of reinforcement requiring a varying number of responses for reinforcement is called a _______ _______ schedule of reinforcement. Here, the number of responses required varies around a random number, and the mean number of responses required for reinforcement is used to describe the schedule (e.g., on a 10 schedule an average of 10 responses must be emitted for reinforcement, but the number of responses required following the last reinforced response might range from 1 to 30 or more).
variable ratio
Anyone who functions as a discriminative stimulus evoking verbal behavior is called the _______. Different types of these may control different verbal behavior about the same topic because of a differential reinforcement history. Teens may describe the same event in different ways when talking to peers versus parents.
A secondary verbal operant in which some aspect of a speaker’s own verbal behavior functions as an SD or an MO for additional speaker verbal behavior is called an _______. This can be thought of as verbal behavior about verbal behavior.
Punishment that occurs independent of the social mediation by others (i.e., a response product serves as a punisher independent of the social environment) is called _______ punishment.
Reinforcement that occurs independent of the social mediation of other (e.g., scratch an insect bite relives the itch) is called _______ reinforcement.
A type of multiple control that occurs when a single verbal response is a function of more than one variable is called _______ multiple control.
An elementary verbal operant that is evoked by a nonvocal verbal discriminative stimulus that has point-to-point correspondence and formal similarity with the controlling response is called _______ a text.
A type of multiple control that occurs when a single antecedent variable affects the strength of more than one responses is called _______ multiple control.
An elementary verbal operant involving a response that is evoked by a verbal discriminative stimulus that has point-to-point correspondence and formal similarity with the response is called an _______.
A situation that occurs when the controlling antecedent stimulus and the response or response product (a) share the same sense mode (e.g., both stimulus and response are visual, auditory, or tactile) and (b) physically resemble each other is called _______ _______. The verbal relations with this are echoic, coping a text, and imitation as it relates to sign language.
formal similarity
A tact evoked by a novel stimulus that shares all of the relevant or defining features associated with the original stimulus is called a _______ (tact) extension.
A verbal operant involving a response that is evoked by both an MO and a nonverbal stimulus is called an _______ _______. The response is part mand and part tact.
impure tact
An elementary verbal operant that is evoked by a verbal discriminative stimulus and that does not have point-to-point correspondence with that verbal stimulus is called an _______.
Someone who provides reinforcement for verbal behavior is called a _______. This may also serve as an audience evoking verbal behavior.
An elementary verbal operant that is evoked by an MO and followed by specific reinforcement is called a _______.
A tact evoked by a novel stimulus that shares some, but not all, of the relevant features of the original stimulus is called a _______ (tact) extension.
A tact evoked by a novel stimulus that shares none of the relevant features of the original stimulus configuration, but some irrelevant yet related feature has acquired stimulus control, is called a _______ (tact) extension.