Alll Flashcards
Primordial prevention? Modes and examples, where it is best applied?
It’s the prevention of emergence of risk factors in population in which they have not appeared, examples- lifestyle modification,malaria source reduction, best applied in chronic diseases, CHD and hypertension
Primary prevention? Examples or mode
Action taken prior to the onset of disease(pre pathogenssis phase)
Health promotion
Lifestyle and behaviour change
Environmental (safe water and housing)
Specific protection immunization against vpds
Vit A in children
, protection against occupational hazards , accidents ,allergens, carcinogens , quarantine
Secondary prevention? Modes and examples, best applied in ?
Action to interrupt progress of disease and it’s chief complaints
Early diagnosis, case finding and screening test example pap smear for ca , treatment
In T.B , leprosy and std health programs
Tertiary?modes and examples? , best applied ?
Intervention in late pathogenesis phase
Disability limitations
Best in poliomyelitis
Best method to primate healthy life study in children?
Primordial prevention to prevent non communicable diseases
Yoga comes under which medicine?
Preventive medicine
Government programs are mostly for which prevention?
Secondary prevention
Disability prevention?
3 degrees
1 degree- opv
2 degree- limitation of disabilities by treatment
3 degree preventing transition into disability
What should you recommend at diagnosis of rheumatic fever?
Recommended penicillin injections every 3 week , that’s example of early diagnosis and secondary prevention
What is a disease?
Any abnormal condition of an organism that impairs functions
Any loss or abnormalities of psychological, physiological and anatomical function or structure
India has eliminated how many diseases?
Dracunculiasis (Feb 2000) , yaws (2006) , leprosy (2005 ) , polio and neonatal tetanus
Disease under global eradication campaign?
Polio, measles and drancunculiais
Near future India will eliminate?
filariasis (lymph node enlarged ) (leishmaniasis) ~kala azar
Last case of wild polio in India?
13 th Jan 2011
INdia is polio free ?
March 2014
Mass chemoprophylazxis use in which prevention?in which disease its not applied?
2 degree prevention, cholera
Iceberg phenomenon
Differentiates between apparent (clear) and in apparent infection
Not showed by measles, rubella, rabies and tetanus
Incubation period?
the period between exposure to an infection and the appearance of the first symptoms.
Healthy individual isolated after exposure to disease for the longest incubation period
Quarantine is which prevention?
Primary prevention
For which disease quarantine first applied?
For the plague (40 days mean ) And 6 days for yellow fever
Data collection and analysis for action
Disease under surveillance by WHO ?
Polio, rabies, malaria
Relapsing fever , salmonellosis, human influenza
LBTF ( louse borne typhus fever)
The most desirable method for measuring efficacy and effectiveness is ?
Mercury is best disposed off by ?
Safe collection and recycle
Licences for blood banks in India issued by ?
Drugs controller general in india
Best method to compare vital statistics of two population is ?
Standardised death rate
Scabies, trachoma,stds, leporsy and stye
Malaria ( mostly affects children/infants)
Pandemic ?
Influenza 1918 , cholera el tor 1952 , Ac hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is
Exotic diseases?
Diseases that are imported, yellow fever in India , rabies in Australia/USA
Diseases present in high incidence and prevalence, affects all age
Ring immunization is used for ?
100 yards of a detected case, e.g small pox and measles
Chemical isolation
Is rapid treatment of cases in their own homes and rendering them non-infective as quickly as possible, e.g in (STD and TB and leprosy)
Disease that can solely based on active immunisation
Diphtheria Polio Tetanus Measles Dp Teri meri
Staphylococcal food poisoning incubation period
6 hours
Reservoir only human being which disease?
Any person , plants where infectious agent normally lives and multiplies Measles Salmonella (typhoid) hookworm Amebiasis Leishmaniasis in india Cholera Modi salman hai ab cash less
In which disease source and reservoir are same ?
Who is reservoir in hookworm and source of infection?
Reservoir- man
Man is dead end host for ?
Tere pass rabbit tha ?
Trichinosis plauge rabies tetanus
Transovarian transmission??
Disease born by mst
Mite , sandfly, tick
Not seen is louse , flea born disease
latent infection occurs in ?
Brill HAS latent infection Brill zinser disease Hsv Ancylostoma Slow virus infection
Disease infective during later part of incubation period?
Who made chicken happy ? Whopping cough Measles Chickenpox Hepatitis A
Subclinical infection is not seen in?
Isolation is not useful in?
Polio , hepatitis A , typhoid fever
Herd immunity is not important in ?)
Maternal antibodies are not protective vs ?
When a disease constantly present at high prevalence rate and affects all age group equally
When a disease has high level of an infection beginning early in life and affects most of children population
Bimodal peak of disease (bimodal incidence curve) or bimodal age distribution is seen in?
Brade hodge ne car li
Breast carcinoma, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, leukaemia
Man to man transmission is seen in ?
Scabies , pediculosis(head lice)
Diseases which are globally transmitted by anopheles, aedes and culex mosquitoes?
Convalescent carrier?
Convalescent cause DDT wala cough
Cholera, diphtheria,dysentery, typhoid, whooping cough
Incubatory carrier?
Measles IMP PHD incubation
Measles influenza Mumps pertussis polio hepatitis b ,diphtheria incubation
Mumps is caused by ?
Myxovirus parotiditis
Incubation period 14-21 days
Which disease known as “Three day measles “?
What are risks of rubella in adult woman ?
Purpura and arthritis
Which meningococcal meningitis is most dangerous?
Type B
Vaccine is not available for which type of meningococcal meningitis?
Type B
Doc for meningitis?
Penicillin for cases
RMP for carriers
100 days cough?
Whooping cough or pertussis
Which disease only affects man
Pertussis drug of choic
Shick test is done for ?
Most common form of diphtheria?
Faucial/pharyngo- tonsillar
Most severe form of diphtheria?
Laryngeo/tracheal form
Mumps is caused by ?
Myxovirus parotiditis
Incubation period 14-21 days
Which disease known as “Three day measles “?
What are risks of rubella in adult woman ?
Purpura and arthritis
Which meningococcal meningitis is most dangerous?
Type B
Vaccine is not available for which type of meningococcal meningitis?
Type B
Doc for meningitis?
Penicillin for cases
RMP for carriers
100 days cough?
Whooping cough or pertussis
Which disease only affects man
Pertussis drug of choic
Shick test is done for ?
Most common form of diphtheria?
Faucial/pharyngo- tonsillar
Most severe form of diphtheria?
Laryngeo/tracheal form
Mumps is caused by ?
Myxovirus parotiditis
Incubation period 14-21 days
Which disease known as “Three day measles “?
What are risks of rubella in adult woman ?
Purpura and arthritis
Which meningococcal meningitis is most dangerous?
Type B
Vaccine is not available for which type of meningococcal meningitis?
Type B
Doc for meningitis?
Penicillin for cases
RMP for carriers
100 days cough?
Whooping cough or pertussis
Which disease only affects man
Pertussis drug of choic
Shick test is done for ?
Most common form of diphtheria?
Faucial/pharyngo- tonsillar
Most severe form of diphtheria?
Laryngeo/tracheal form