Alliance System Flashcards
Why was the Triple Alliance formed?
To isolate France and form a block between France and Russia
When was the Triple Alliance formed?
Which countries made up the Triple Entente?
France, Britain, and Russia
What 3 alliances/agreements made the Triple Entente?
Franco-Russian Alliance, a Entente Cordiale, and the Anglo-Russian agreement
Why was the Franco-Russian alliance formed?
To join the other in war if one was attacked by Germany or Austria-Hungary.
When was the Franco-Russian Alliance formed?
Why was the Entente Cordiale formed?
GB fell out with Germany over the naval race so France and GB decided to be friends (BUT NOT ALLIES)
What agreements were made in the Entente Cordiale?
France could try to take over Morocco if Britain could take over Egypt
When was the Entente Cordiale signed?
Why was the Anglo-Russian agreement signed?
France persuaded Britain and Russia after the First Moroccan Crisis
When was the Anglo-Russian Agreement signed?
Which nations were part of the Triple Alliance
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy