Allgemein Flashcards


Allgemeine Fakten zum MT


•MT as a Micro System with europe, North Africa, Middle East
•landscaping the MT (F. Baudel)
• Need to study MT as a world or its own and MT as a liquid continent (la MT et le Monde a lepoque de Philipp II)
•liquid continent and crossroads of culture , religion (even tartar and mongols if Black Sea counts)
•common language: lingua Franca (mix of different languages)
• MT lost it’s importance when America was discovered but remained heart of Europe
•every city had its own network of harbors : Latin west, BE, Arabic World (Islamic routes)
•Venice in Adriatic and had connections to east l, Arabs
•fondaco: warehouses where ppl stored goods and ppl could find shelter with their own ppl

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What’s the Triparte and it’s phases and what’s an alternative view


Way to look at changes und duration
Long duration (slow changes)
Intermediate duration (economy and religion, demography, cultural changes, language and social structure)
• short duration (life of men, political changes) and least important forBraudel

Alternative view by Horden or Purcell
•MT as a fragemneted world and changes were regional

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What different ports are there?

  1. City port- the city is the port and vice versa (Venice, Genoa) and city was built around the port.
    Sea shapes the city
  2. City with a port: city is important on itself but also has a port that adds value but is not essential
  3. Port without a city: Rome, Pisa where a port is close by
  4. City without a port: Barcelona as a maritime power but no port till 2nd of 15th century and used sandy beaches
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What professions were there? And what ships?


•Caulkers, sailers, sail cutters, oar makers
•round hulled: high above the water with great volume and transported goods that weren’t precious cos more storage
•thin-hulled: fast travel with limited cargo, lots of oar men and most important ship for MT, low on water
•galleys as most important vessel of MT waters
•oars men were skilled men (had to keep the ryhtmn) who were in MA free and paid (only later being endlaved) and from all over the world
•ate slept and lived on bench
•ate biscotti: a dried bread as a basic element and had to stop many times to get water
• passengers on boat: pilgrims
•sailors: modern day myth as outlaws but in MA strong religious faith and prayers to saints (danger on sea) and captain was in charge of liturgy with dry mass (without body of Christ)

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Maritime Republics


•wrong: cos not self- governing (often still dependent) and not democratic - modern idea
• amalfi, genoa, Venice Pisa

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Venice general facts


•ships owned by the state who rented them out vs Genoa (individual rented to state)
•birth of Venice- few ppl during Roman times and ppl wanted to stay under BE rule
•doges were byz governors who took care of the coastal cities
•Mainland under longboards from 6th
•flood 589 men moves to Rialto cos of destruction
•811 ducal capital to Rialto
• Venice as boarder zone as BE Enclave but btw Frank’s and BE
• didn’t produce much but sorted/organized wood, iron and slaves from North and silk, gold,spices from east
•complex of many islands and connected by bridges with own piazza church ( strong sense of community)
•st mark was brought stolen from Alexandria and Saint and identify strong link to religious and Political ties
•main road canale grande and divided by sisteri
•destroyed Commacio, other city in the commune
•istria and Adriatic to make it safe and under their dominion

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Venice and Genoa- two styles
Part I


• first glance situation seems identical - set at the deepest bay in MT in the physical center of sea
•rallying points btw east and west
•V cut off by the hinderlands through lagoons and G. By mountains
• both republics with both a Doge as supreme magistrate
• much if same infrastructure: tariffs merchants routes contracts currency
•Venice as youngest (no ancient history) and oldest (no barbarian conquest and descendant from Rome and BE)

•Venice and BE: both arts, economical and political predilection as centralization and state supervision, love of splendor and luxury , tradition and mistrust of innovation (slow down but strengthen independence)
•both lasted more than 1000y till Napoleon
• glass and salt production (even poor ppl)
•merchants were rivals on political and merchants side
•doge not princely overlord and elected for life but no authoritarian or hereditary
•state was the pride of whole population who identified w their fortune
• case Nuove sealed off in 1297 till 17th (candian wars) cos of money problems
•last great doge Manin son of a converted Jew (name of godfather) and not old family
•citizen with and without intus and fortis: Venetian territory but not venituan properly - protected but trade restrictions
•social pioneer of pensions for arsenal workers for illness and age

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Genoa Part I


• escaped first Lombarden invasion in 6th but captured by L. And plunged into feudal Europe
•G identity as the first commune was created during the first crusade and established the first set Government
•advanced guard of BE
•harassed by Arabs
•hardness in her character, manner and even her geography (hills)
•Doge but not for life
-coup of Andrea Doria that gave doge only decorative functions
•state was not a community but a prey to be conquered or ennemy
•citizens refused to pay taxes or raise them when needed , so G. Couldn’t get a huge fleet (but had the money) so military expedition were given to private companies
•government grew weaker and not stronger towards modern times
•by 16th taxes and large parts of colonies surrendered to San Giorgio Bank
• but generous to hospitals churches public works (not state) and even Columbus gave his part to San Giorgio to help his country
•no closed circle of nobility but who was successful could enter nobility
•everyone who could was allowed to be in political and economic realm (commoners and nobles)
•citizenship (25y in Venice) could be obtained immediately by recognizing the obligations
•to do commerce not needed to be a citizen or artisan guild
•republic as a business partnership (in Venice a nationalistic symbol)
•G more open dynamic honest (Venice nostalgic Impressionism Dalmatia and Greece and G. Not lived tho)
•no Ressources (only timber) so were pushed out into the sea
•like amalfi and Venice as a stronghold in early days for BE (castrum) on coastline
•Genoa and Pisa allied against Arabs and common expedition against Muslims cities ( sardegna)
• G und P had their own political parties (ghibellinis for imperial and guelfs for pope)
•first government : compagna were milites (nobles cos of rich not blood)
• patron Saint John Baptist
• stealing relics and spoila one could build a civic pride and identity for city

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First Crusades 1095 -1099


• were never called crusades (rather pilgrimage where one takes the cross)
•both religious and economical motivations
•Italian maritime powers mostly as a combination of economic (material) and commercial motivation plus a strong religious motovation
•Mahadia Sack 1087- (crusade before crusade) and Pusan dome built by revenue of sack
• Caffaro: eyewitness crusader and writer of the first Annales ianuenses (official history of Genoese republic till 1294) accurate but also propaganda
•cives et Bellatores dei- citizens and warriors of god (caffaro)
• pope called for crusade and asked G to participate in
• first commanders and consuls of the city were the families who decided to go to first C
• G were granted many privileges in outremer like Antioch (fondaco, 1/3 taxes church, bakery etc)
• galleys dismounted to built weaponry to attack Jerusalem
• first thing when arriving : visiting church of holy sepulcher
• whole coastline of Palestine conquered but want a great economical area yet but a strategic mark
• cathedral church as recipient of privileges
•cities in holy land divided into Italian quarters who took their share
• warriors, merchants and religious orders at same time and gave unique mix
•some families decided to move and make career in crusader state and became nobility there
• Psia answered popes call for crusade with bishop as leader and then patriarch of Jerusalem
• Venetian’s not big supporters ( crusaders Norman’s as enemies and also had presence and trade in the east already that not wanting to disturb) but came in late stage in 1099 (son of doge lead army)and went to turkey to find relics and conquered Haifa
•stopped ten years to keep good r/s to BE till 1123 conquered Tyre
•Pactum warmundi 1123 gave privileges to Venice in alle he cities of the kingdom of Jerusalem and granted possessions reduced tax, buildings (1/3 Tyre and Ashkelon)
• Italian immoagraion enlarged
Genoa: praepotens lanuese praesidum (golden inscription by G with all privileges) next to tomb of JC
• no contradiction btw gain (seen as divine favor) and pious actions (absolution)

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Essay Sea Power by kolditz
Connectivity principle


•naval power based on a war fleet and rise of a commercial network and extended well beyond where military and political influence was
• 9th century Arab, 13th century Venetian and 15th century BE presence showed how important connectivity was
• MAhan thesis: strong fleet to win a (defensive) battle and main object of maintenance and defense of maritime trading interests
•sea power and thalassocracy (state with primary maritime realms, empire at sea)
• connection of spacial activity is important : various ways how microregions cohere - internally and with each other

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Essay Koditz II


• thalassosacry is about setting ships on water but not only warships, also regular ships like Ragusa( no warship cos of V) and position through commercial trade and connection
• even Florence abstained from warships and connections from one port another
•war fleet was expensive and needed timber
•1284 battle of Meloria btw G and P and downfall of P shows the actual power of warship (exist but not only factor)
•in the four great wars from V and G in 13 and 14th in the MT, but none of them changed essentially the balance of power (maybe also luck when G won and had to go back to the city cos of internal struggles)
• 4th crusade V could expand its commercial presence and colonial system to east in 13th and crucial connection btw BE and Levantin (Crete and corfu)
• aragonse focused on west of Mt (Sicily and sardegna)
• Genoa had the widest range of power in MT but politically less stable

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Essay Koditz III
Spatial characteristics


• general rule: ships follow route to shore in need for navigation water so control of coastline important
•BE: nautica Themata as bases of local military fleets
• V wanted to dominate Dalmatian coast
• straights as a vital and crucial point as they couldn’t be avoided (Bosporus or Gibraltar) but after 13th no one could yield power over it and important location for sea battles from A. To modern day
•Muslim Rule in Sicily opened the long distant trade btw Egypt and turkey
• Crete as an indespinsble point of connectivity for Venice for commercial vessels military base and shipbuilding and strong presence of ships showed a way of balance of power

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Pisa as a Maritime Power Referat


• tyrennian Sea and river Arno so two waterways
• loosely connected to HRE but autonomous commune and under Lombard rule since 630
•important sea port
•several military expeditions against Muslim power :Pisan Muslim conflicts
•part of the first crusade and bounty used for Pisa cathedral
• Expedition to Mahdia:
1. Mahdia capital of Ifriquya and base to Muslim pirates
2.pisan and Genoese led expedition approved by pope Victor III
3. Objectives: revenge for pirate raids, commercial interests, religious connotations
• no successful conquest
•development of seaborne siege warfare

Situation on Baleares:
1.under Muslim rule since 8th
2. Naval base to pirates since 10th
3. 11th internal struggles of power
4. 1113 part of Almoravid Califate
5. Often bridge btw Muslim and. Christian world
6.august 1087:
Liber Maiolichinus
1. 12th century epic about Pisan expedition to Mallorca
2. Commissioned by the commune of Pisa ( Politik purpose and legitimation of existence of Pisa)
3. Anonymous poet, but probably Pisan cleric and eye witness

Expedition to Balearen Islands (1113 to 1115)
1.led by Pisa with papal support
2.allies: several western Italian
communes , count of BCN , southern French lords
3.aim: release of Christian prisoners , end of piracy and establishment of commercial base
4. Holy war even tho not in the holy land
5. Baleares conquered but not kept for long
5. Rumors that 30k Christians held captive by Saracen’s and calls for Ames by Pusan’s archbishop at Easter mass 1113
6. Conquest of Ibiza after that Mallorca after a siege

Aftermath of expeditions
1.economic relations w Mahdia and Baleares islands
2. Strong links to Catalonia and southern France
3. Focus on peaceful coexistence
4. Last Pisan military coexistence against western Muslims

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Genoa, Almeria and Tortosa


• inscription on the Porta soprano in Genoa talking about that great expedition and as call for crusade and own political purposes
• pope approved for religious rewards but also legitimes war as such —) focus on Politik and material gains

Genoa and. The Iberian Peninsula
1.military endevaours as part of Reconquista
•1144 proclamation of second crusade by pope Eugene III
• Genoa supports count Raimund Berengar IV of BCN in his campaign against Almoravids

Annales of Caffaro:
1. Political and strategical preparations of the campaign from G to Spain
3.extensive description of conquest of A and Tortosa
4.Autumn 1147: conquest of Almeria 1148: conquest of Tortosa
5. Genoa reward of 1/3 of each towns and bounty

Possible causes:
1. Preventions of Almoravids in trading routes btw G and Marocco
2.religious cause
3. Prospect of gold slaves and spoils of war ( Pisan columns that are at SG)
4almeria and Tortosa as colonies in the west

1. G was strained of resources and after desperate search for money to cover expense
2.A fell back into Muslim rule in 1157 and G sold its third of T to count of BCN. In 1150
3. After paying off debt G emerged as a serious power house in MT

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Third crusade 1189 - 1191


•1187 Jerusalem fell to Saladin and let the 3rd KZ where G and P invested a lot of money and galleys
•Richard lionheart in the holy land
•Acre as the new capital (and granted lots of privileges esp to G and P)
• V. Focuses on Cons. So marginally invested in the campaign and Levant

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Fourth Crusade


• agreement of 1201: Venice would provide a fleet of 50 galleys and other ships to transport crusaders
• G and P in war w each other so Venice obvious choice
•again(like 1 KZ for Genoa) this KZ important factor for V development and builds core of Venetian power in eastern MT
•Const. As orthodox city and hope to reunite east and west church
•crusade influenced by pope Innocent III
•route via Con. Not possible(hostilities) and sea route
1201: contract btw French and doge to transport 4.5k knights , 9k Squirrrs, 20k men and couldn’t fully pay
• crusaders supposed to help take Zara for making up the missing money (Trieste and Muggia first visited to see their loyalty)
•doge of Venice Enrico Dandalo
•1202: Reconquista of Zara, a Christian city
•1203: first crusading conquest in Constaninople Emperor Isaac II Angelos and his son Alexis IV
•1203 V conquers C. And real end of BE
•anti-Latin revolt by the byzantines - siege of Constantinople
•12.04.1204 sack of Constaninople
—-) Quelle über die Eroberung

Reasons for stopover in Constantinople:
•help bring Alexio, son of Isaac II to throne
•family connections of several leaders to BE throne
•chance to use the fleet to danfalos advantage
•Alexios not well received and C. Taken in 1203 and after his assasination C taken 1204 again

•excessive plundering (dandalo) and spoila helped Venice to became the heart of spiritual world next to Hagia Sophia
•Balduin of Flanders crowned emperor of Latin empire (imprisonwd by Hungarian king in 1205)
•dandalos death on journey to free Balduin and buried in Hagia Sophia

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Naval History of BE


Geographical Factors:
• coast stretches for over 20k km
•Maritime space with strategic and economic interests for the BE
• Black Sea: populated with dozens of islands which made navigation safer and easier
•Big rivers into Black Sea
• adjacent land with timber for shipbuilding

Development of Navy:
• important navy btw 6 and 12
[service in the navy less prestigious than in army]

• continuation of Roman predecessors
•reestablishment of a permanent fleet
• introduction. Of dromon galley
•7th: Muslim conquest caused the Roman lake to turn into a battleground btw BE and Arabs
•Greek Fire as a weapon
•9th/10th: Arab power became weaker causing the continuing success of Byzantine Navy
•Byzantine Conquest in the Macedonian Dynasty (867 - 1056)
•Supremacy of BE in Eastern MT

Structure of Byzantine Navy Fleet:
•split into imperial Navy fleet of Con. And the fleets of the Themata
•imperial Navy Fleet: under the command of the emperor and responsible for the maritime safety of the capital and the royal household and part of big maritime attacks
• fleet of Themata: split up into different independent Maritime provinces ( Samoa, Aegean, kibyrrhaioten) and contributed to maritime offensives

Decline of Navy:
•11/12th: marked a turning point
•new players and maritime powers in eastern MT like
- Turkish emirates increased piracy
-peleponnes and attic regain regained relevance
-Norman conquests
-western fleets from V, G, P
•carelessness and military collapse weakens navy and attempts to strength fleet failed ( V asked to help)
• so weak that couldn’t defend itself in 4th crusade
•threat of Norman and Muslim attacks (Thessaloniki) on Be lands weakened BE and asked V to help
• money transfer from fleet to army cos more interested in land gains
•sell of warships that decimated the Be sea power
•BE model different to Italian. Cos centralized imperial administration and Italians : private style (from the commune) with wealthy citizens in charge (ruling class and merchants often same)


Enrico Dandalo 1107 - 1205


• doge from 1192 to 1205
•assumed profession in long distance trade
•political work under status of envoy 1171
•election committee of next doge

•sources were written in context of 4th crusade
-la conquete de const. By French knight Villehardoiun with perspective of environment of D. And crimes caused by crusaders hardly mentioned
-historia by byz. Nobleman niketas choniates as perspective of crimes of C. —) both account difficult of depiction of D

•before the Dogeship:
-dependence of the BE on Venice Fleet- benefits to both, as Byzantine chrysobulls with special rights to V
•later similar treaties to G and P to reduce dependency in 1155
•V. Blamed for attack on G quarters in 1170 and 10k V become prisoners and possessions confiscated
•loss of Zara in 1181

First decade:
• 1192 doge
•introduction of code of laws with standardized court rulings
•introduction of the Grosso
•alexios iii abolished V privileges and new treaty in 1198
• conflicts with Zara and Pisa


World of Outremer - Partitio Romanie


• 4th crusade as a turning point and rise of V, and using crusade as commercial and trade interest and start of colonial Commonwealth in Eastern MT
• stealing relics is to legitimize to be the new capital of Christendom and move from RE to V
- division of Romania w emperor Balduin - like Wild West with small Latin states and V. Gained most of the coast line for trading and strategic points
• V gets 3/8 of Cons.
• survivor of BE became Empire of Nicea
• Genoa gets excluded from this part of the world
• 10 to 25 galleys patrolling the coast to ensure safety
• Adriatic Sea Verdone’s gulf of Venice (regusa and Zara)
• golden age of piracy (no common rulers) and lots of them Genoese cos more anarchistica government style
• P conquers Crete but V take it back for another 500y
• Pisa signed peace treaty (G didn’t) and lots of clash till pope proclaimed peace ( 5th crusade)
• V. Relextuant to be involved in another KZ and gamble on rs with Arabs
•1187 fall of Jerusalem and capital moved to Acre (sea city w port)and city linking Europe to Asia

1217 - 1221: 5th crusade to Egypt (Damietta)
1248 - 1254: crusade of king Luis IX to Egypt

Italian settlement in outremr
- around a street (ruga), courthouse , public buildings , church , fondaco , shops and some cities like Acre independent quarters of Italian. Merchants


War of San sabas ( 1256. - 1258)


•1256 starting of hostilities - Venetians, P., latin crusader barons, templars vs Genoese,
• quarters side by side and age of Guelph and ghibellins so political tensions but also tensions in the crusader states and question who governs islands, lands etc
- Charles of Anjou as Guelf leader
•first open civil war btw V, P, G and included all other players (templars, Latin crusaders etc )
• created alliances (templars and V)
•G. Quarter no access to the port and tried to control monastery of Saint saba
• Templar of Tyre as only eyewitnesses of fall of accre and shows everyone was involved
•1256 Venetians expelled from Tyre and dispute over the land of monastery San sabas (claimed by G and V)
•several naval battles and G. Loses the battle against P and V and is expelled from Tyre and Greek part of the world ( end of their presence)
•1270 treaty of Cremona ending hostilities and 1288 got their quarter back
•stones of Genoese quarters used as spoilia as a sign of victory


Treaty of Nympaeum



• treaty and defense act bte empire if nicea and republic of Genoa
•counter attack against Venice and in return recapturing Con. (Which in the end BE recaptured themselves)
• access of all ports of BE and install fondaci etc
• Black Sea open to G —-) Genoese lake (political masterpiece )
•V focus shifted to Holy land when Black Sea and con lost
• village in front of Con. Granted to G. Called Pera and became G capital in East and controlled access to Con.
••redemption treaty and emperor takes C before G fleet arrives but even though they didn’t participate he kept. His commitments

1270: BE had no interest in war with V and signed a peace treaty (Manuel III)
- V readadmitted to Black Sea


What’s the idea of a SEA POWER


• doctrine from AT Mahan (1890)

• good geographical position on lines of communication and routes
•control of territorial area from which to derive resources
• economy based on maritime trade
•growing population
•strong internal government to follow up strategies
•possession of a fleet with a wide reach
•system of naval bases
•control of lines of communication btw naval bases

Just some points for to the MA maritime cities and none ever gained the total control of the MT


MT and Holy Land and beyond


•Interest of public and private is always intertwined and in MA it was a group of families ruling and not a democracy like in modern idea
• starting to go outside of MT to China and India
•Acre and Cons. As starting points and links for expeditions btw east and west and melting points of cultures
•merchants and friars were the actual ambassadors that upheld communications btw countries (and sent by pope and emperor)


Confrontation Pisa and Genoa


Internal government: too many conflicts btw consuls
• podesta: foreign Magistrat who had temporal government over the city ( cos he wasn’t involved in internal affairs and interests)
• growing political power of the populous (non aristocrats as rich merchants and bankers)
• struggles btw Guelphs and Ghibilinnes

Two parallel political orders: 1. commune with podesta 2. populo with capitani or abati
- four aristocratic families in G.: Quattro gentes
• not always enemies like siege of mahdia
- Pisa most important ghibellin city and G. Guelph
1241: battle of Giglio with Pisan victory and great loss of human lives and starting point of creation of large fleets afterwards
1282: vespers rebellion in Sicily
1282: Great War btw both - for two years the fleets were searching for each other but no battles
- war went bad for Pisa (V stayed neutral even tho often allies before but preferred to see it play out and see rivals destroy each other)
•age of admirals : Alberto morosini, Benedetto Zacaria (worked for Be, corsairs, France , Genoa)
- Pisa was isolated and Zaxcaria created a blockade
1284: battle of tavolara and Meloria
1285: siege of Pisa by the sea
1287: attack on Porto Pisano
1288: hard peace for Pisa who couldn’t respect it
1290: destruction Porto Pisano

  • Italian wars at the age of FII : pisan and Genoese ghibelins allied with emperor

Corsica Problem


•G conquered Bonifacio in 1195 from Pisans which was a nest of pirates and an important center to control Corsica
•Corsica close to G and P and closest big island belonging formally to marquis of Tuscany and later pope granted archbishop of Pisa (military leader)and promoted the P to take possession
• G put pressure on pope and he gave them also a bishop in 1133
• no resources but important geographical position

- divided into four states from single families


Marco Polo and the Italian Friars


• Venetian merchants (1254 to 1324 in Venice)
• traveled through Asia (among Silk Road ) with uncle and father in 1271 and return 1291/95
• got captured and imprisoned by G. During war
• superficial info about China and his experience
• not first European in China but in Mongolian capital (khanbaliq later Beijing)—-) European like Russians and Armenians traveled till Karakorum
•polos had titles of „simur“ and „wutuo“ and had privileged merchants for the Khan and traded in his behalf and probably foreign advisors
• debate if he ever went to China cos no Chinese sources about him
•acre and con. As starting point for expediton
•book: Il milione written account of journey

Italian merchants in China:
•V and G merchants dominated the Eiroasian trade
•G as experts on the condition, travel and trade in China and preferred to travel via Central Asia or via Tana, Kaffa in Black Sea
• many famous Italian families (Francesco pegolo)
• few settled down in China (tombstone of 1342 of Villoni family)
•1338 Francesco Balducci Pelogotti discovered way to China via Sea of Azov
- Chinese goods like silk, brocade, ginger, Tibetan musk
• Europeans brought amber and corals
• pelogottis book : practica Della mercatura as a guide for merchants ( like a Turk speaking translator, 60 ppl for protection and how to trade heavier and lighter goods)
• Chinese trade very profitable

Italian Friars:
•1292 John of montecorvino comes to khanbaliq and starts Christian missionary and first archbishop of khanbaliq
• baptized Nestorian prince and 6k other ppl
• he learned th Mongolian language and preached in it
•couldn’t baptisze the Kahn but built Christian community
• Christian missionaries built a fondaco a hostel in Quanzhou (Andrew of Perugia and Jacob of Florence as bishops)
•1306 place of worship in khanbaliq
•all Franciscans sent by pope


Enrico Pescatore and the Pirates


Development of privacy
• always closely intertwined with sea trade (but also on land)
•Italian mostly attacked Muslim traders and towns to seize goods and to expand their own towns, especially smaller towns
•solution: ppl moved to the hills for protection.
•piracy shifted to sea attacks
- large galleys modeled on BE dromon which could quickly convert from a carriage of goods / pilgrims to a warship
• political instability in MT in 9/10th
•11th: peace restored and trading of merchants and sailors regained but potential violonece remained
12th: some records of pirate activity but mainly individual actions and not organized (like Genoese bigger fleets)
—) piracy not yet really profitable
13/14th: employment of corsairs by the government
- piracy as a means to destroy international competition in maritime trade
- letter of marque(kaperbrief) assigned by government authorized corsairs to capture ships from their enemies (legally)

Corsairs and pirates- difference?
•pirates: commuted maritime seizures on own behalf and on any merchant vessel/ coastal settlement without being subject to a political authority
•corsairs: (privateers)- acted under a authority or direct control of political entity , focusing on merchants of entity’s economic rivals
—) distinction became hazy as corsairs could be pirates and vice versa
—) pirates were actively hired as corsairs and had protection by the law and enhanced social status

Motivation behind employment :
•enforcement of strategic, economic and political Interests
•piracy as a legitimate way to seizing vessels for owns own fleet and to prosecute crimes on the sea —) government defines what’s illegitimate
•reinforcement of military endeavors and justification for aggressive actions in foreign affairs

•increasing profits from legitimate deals by illegitimately seizing (luxury) commodities
•established new contacts to potential trade partners and explored new trade routes
• communal life was based on equality and alternative way to secure livelihood

Measures to control piracy:
- real pirates (acting on their own) could be condemned to death and property confiscated
-corsairs/pirates: only illegitimate when from rival nation.
- if corsairs acted unlawful their actions could be liable in judicial proceedings

•1255 maritime law required privately owned sailing ships to carry arms and protect valuable commodities—) could be used against illegitimate piracy under the pretense of defending themselves
• prohibited citizens from official reprisal operations
• venetian fleet was corsairing but not formally employed

•officium robarie: established to examine complaints from trading partners robbed by the Genoese
•1344: formal instruction to carry arms due to internal political instability —) piracy
•1350-1500: restrictions on letters of marque

ENRICO Pescatore:
•descendant of a G noble family (di castello)
•collaboration with Guilhemo Grasso, count of Malta and admiral of Sicily , and later married his daughter and later inherited count title when grasso was killed
•authority at court of Palermo and influential member of government
•supported the exclusion of Pisan merchants from Sicily trade
•control of exports and revenues
•1204: commandos of G. Fleet and naval expedition under pretense of a avenging a pisan attack but wanted to occupate Syracuse
- reaffirms G position next to V. And dominate major ports along the route to Middle East (no official consent by municipality)
•1206: control over candia and proclaimed himself lord of Crete
•1207: V reconquer Candia but Pescatore stayed in control of rest of island
•1211: forced to renounce all claims on Crete
•1220: admiral of Sicily
• protected G commercial interests throughout his career as both, a Corsair and a pirate


Marino Faliero

  1. political system of Venice
    • ruled by noble families
    •important councils - council of 10, small council and wise men
    •office of doge with increasing power over the century
    • conspiracy and execution of doge unusual
    • population minimized by plague
    • several wars
    • tensions btw ppl and noble class

Marin Falier
-several offices: council of 10 (1315-20,1323), Captain of the sea 1345-46, Major: chioggia 1342&49; serravalle, treviso
Embassador to Austria, Avignon
— already powerful with all those offices
Doge 1355 ( vor Dandalo)
- some sources describe him as noble and wise and some (cortusi) that he wanted peace with G and understood ppl needs
Consequences: beheaded, possessions confiscated and Damnatio memoriae
- election 11.9 1354
- insult of his wife by a young nobleman that was persecuted but too miildly (strong dislike of this class but seems like a rumor and first source far later)

-oder Gegensatz of noblemen and seamen (blamed nobili for loss of sea battle of Porto Longo 1354)
-third doge of his family
-conspiracy with popoli and wanted to kill noble leyer but plans was exposed
-beheaded 1355
- eastbalishing a Kindom of tyrannies from a biased Venetian source and became sovereign like in other upper Italian cities
Strong showcase of personal motivation wants to paint venices stable political System with wise noblemen and dutiful citattadini (administration)and popolani
-Plan: G. Fleet attacks and nobleman are being summoned at st marks to kill after that all other noble families and doge as signore and popoli instead of nobles but plan fails cos doge gave different instructions and is suspicious
- official sources destroyed
-beheaded on. Scala foscara where he gave oath of promissione (constitution of Venice)



  • Commonwealth of Aragonese ppl and Balearic Islands alongside BCN
  • Capital of principality of BCn and ruled by count and 25k population in 14th(smaller than Venice or G but biggest in Aragon)
    -415 visigots invasion , 715 conquest Umayyads, 801 Reconquista left by carolingians
    878: independent counts and no more ties to Carolingians
    1164: dynasty union btw BCN and Ara.
    1258: establishment of ara. Legal codes (consulate of the sea)
    1280: development of municipal fleet
    1359: battle of BCN against Castile Portugal and Grenada (only couple of hours cos strong crossbowmen)
    -different to counterparts in MT
  • private owned fleet by crown and focus on commercial interest
    -maritime strength: ships built till late 17th and vital for crown and commerce
    1229-35 conquest of Balearen
    1282: occupation of Sicily
  • trade across MT and Low Countries
    Naval capacity:
  • galleys built in series and fitted with bombards by middle 14th
    •Catalan Tartares as smaller vessels for fishing commerce and warfare
    •production capacity by 1571 allowed to deploy 50 ships to battle of lepanto
  • difference to Italian commune: monarch with central power who could force and had to be served
  • being part of a kingdom meant manpower, resources network ports

Two Political system


Venice: 100k inhabitants Genoa(50k)
- public organization and fleet as public affair and managed by the state ; protection of routes : responsibility of the government
-Venetian mude (convoys): public- private partnership as periodic convoys
-incanto: public galleys rented to private individuals or groups
•697: first doge of venice
Venice (r.s Lopez): centralization process at the first place, where the interest of the community and collective, good, coherent government, and less internal fightings
Political development:
•9-10th: doges had strong powers like little kings. Monopoly of some families : orseolo, candiani
1032: revolt against orseolo family. Then monoplz of Michiel
-doge had some councillors
1172: revolt and political reformation: official commission created to elect the doge
-conquest of Constantinople in 1204 created wealth of Venetian families

Venetian government (after 1172 reform)

  1. Assemblea popolare
  2. Magior consiglio (300-400) - actually highest entity but in reality no real power
  3. I Quaranta finances and laws
    4.senato (60) -foreign policy
  4. Consiglio ducale (9 plus 1) operative government
  5. Doge ( highest magistrate and kept in check but elected for life)

—-) Venice as a very organized state and everyone had a task (rich and poor serve in same events or organizations)

1297- reform of Serrata del Maggior Consiglio

An organized Population:
- no foreign podesta, strong feeling of independence
- about 100 families involved in the government , 500 in administration
-all Venetian officials could be put on trial( falier)
-from 1250 growing importance of the new and rich merchants (popolo)
-development of the scuole (religious confraternities)

Serrata del maggior consiglio:
1297 reform : enlargement of the maggior consiglio, but also closure of it
-number increase to 1100
-membership almost heriditary
-almost a ruling class (no newcomers)
- very stable but slow system with low risk of one powerful man to take over and only collapsed with Napoleon after 1000y
•beginning of 1200 rich ppl and merchants to rival noblemen

Genoa: 50k and never had a public fleet - in case of need renting galleys from private citizens who were obliged to do
-laws to build uniform galleys
-contract with private groups for public tasks
Genoa(Lopez): fewer and more powerful families, no possibility for the government to central Isa. Private model and individual initiative, family of group enterprises.

Two political and commercial systems that are so opposite but with same success


The arsenal

  • Arab word: house of construction as a kind of factory where ships were built, kept and repaired
  • V. Arsenal became famous as largest one in MT( takes a big chunk when seen on a map)
    -4K ppl working there (and not allowed to work outside )
  • city by itself with bakery water storage
  • Dante describes is as hell (places it in his inferno)

Genoa Arsenal:
- small and outsourced in surrounding region
- set of rules to follow how to build galleys for everyone the same
-privateer in charge of decentralization

Two political and commercial systems that are so opposite but with same success


The Portolan Charts


•medieval nautical chart using navigation form 13 to 15th
•beginning of the professional cartography
•from Italian portulano- relating to ports or harbors and shows the coastline (from one port to the next)
-rhumb lines for compass navigation (capes rivers delta etc)
• drawn in special type of parchment calf skin as more durable
•only coastline not Landesinnere
•carte Pisano 1258 to 1291 oldest one existing today
•empirical knowledge based on experience and navigation etc
•production most likely in V and G also from Catalonia (more detailed and Jewish cartographers good connections to ct, Arabs jews w diplomatic ties to Mongolia and therefore also inland details)
•some from Portugal and Arabic world (taking over that technique)
- main focus is MT region
-piece by piece map that cartographer has obtained from every region and assembled it like a mosaic
- Catalan atlas 1375 details w precious gold silver material and eastern part rougher and more focus on. West
•portions charts as a means to show wealth
•but also in use that’s why not many survive
•controversy over its origin and accuracy - cos far too accurate for medieval technology and similar to Mercator projection used in modern times
—-) coupled from previous civilizations?
- mystery how they could be so accurate

  • radkarte (t and o mal): with Jerusalem in middle and divided into Europe (left), Africa (right) and Asia (top); East for Eden meist oben
  • map of space and time and very theological
  • Greek Tau als Verweis auf Cross und Universum
    —) portolan charts more scientifical

Venetian- Genoese Wars


1293: tensions and troubles in the Levant
Second Venetian- Genoese war

1294: battle of laiazzo: Genoese victory
- pope bonfaace VIII: call to stop but no one listens
1295: genoa armed fleet of 165 galleys ( one of the biggest in MA)
—) internal struggles in Genoa btw G and gihibellins (1296) and political changes in Venice (1297)

A Mediterranean Conflict:
1296: Venetian fleet burns Genoese colony of pera (block trade of enemy and control straight)
1298: geonoese fleet wants to attack Adriatic
7.9 1298: battle of Curzola: 86 G. Galleys and 96 Venetian galleys —-) decisive victory for G: captured btw 78 and 86 galleys
•venetians suffered 7k prisoners and 5-7k death
—) came close to destroying V. But had to come back and deal with the internal struggle (Grimaldi family that was expelled came back)
—) flight of the griffon
1. Increased numbers of galleys and fleets in late 13th
2. Genoa won and started its apogee


Colonies and wars : Pera


( peran en Sykais: fig field on the other side)
•425: integral part of Con.
And full Cory rights in 6th
•Venice attain exclusive privilege to trade in C without paying customs (992/1092)
• Maritime city states built fondachi
- Till 1171: G. Establish a colony in Galatea to trade within Black Sea (1155)—) clashes with V and G. Colony is damaged and BE emperor evicts V.and seizes assets

4th Crusade:
• crusaders, attack, and sack C
•in Latin empire (1204 to 1261)
•1261 Nicean empire retakes C
- Genoese colony from 1267/68 (given to g by treaty of Nympheum)
-fortifications 1348
-under the rule of Genoese podesta
-1296 burned down by V.
•rebuilt and fortified (even tho prohibited)
•usurps trade in port of C and rise of new center of trade in Bospurus and established trade network in Black Sea
- several names interchangeable (galata, pera etc)
-growth to a large near autonomous state and podesta disregarding orders from G.
- greatest of the colonies of G.and big catholic influence within a region of orthodox and Muslims

-fall of C. In 1453:
- podesta given leave to negotiate with sultan
- double strategy of staying neutral (but secretly support for C)
-no sacking or destruction by ottomans and had to break city walls and pax taxes but could keep churches

—) port loses significance in 16th but cultural mixed neighborhood
-two most important ghibelin families (spinola and doria) in charge of P (ghibelin and emperor city)
- signed independent cities not asking G with ottomans or BE and had own foreign policies


Caffa and chios and war of straights

  • ianuensis civitas in extremo Europae
    -besieged by tartars in 1346: plague started frome three
    -founding date unclear (maybe 1266) and first G. Coming in 1270
  • gained by G from khan (but claims to have built it on ruins of Thedosia so a Mongolian city before)
    -population: 20-100k unclear but big city and big port( still smaller than others w 20galkeys)
    -heart of the Genoese colonies in Black Sea and end of silk route
    -1308 conquest of caffa (many wars with mongols)
    -1313 reorganization of colony offer reorganization
    Siege of caffa:
    •open conflict with Mongols and Italian city states 1343
    •no official treaty after hostilities ended

Importance of caffa:
- size and location and accessibility to resources and important port outside of MT
•slave trade and goods from China and grain
•1457 falls to ottomans and limited influence starting in 1453
• several other ports in the region
• European city in midst of mongol territory
• eastern MT very interconnected world ( Muslims, mongols, Latin and Greek)

Tana: main Venetian outpost in Black Sea
•slave trade mainly by G. : Christian -pagan slavers from Russia and Asia
•Genoese colonial empire: studies from michel balard
V. Colonial empire: Freddy thiriet

—) Black Sea becomes the Genoese lake

1356: Genoese private fleet was ordered to fight the Guelphs in Monaco—) when G. Run away fleet turns east
—) conquer island of Chios
•Maona is formed : patrons of the galleys were the shareholders of a new kind of company
- formed Giustiani family
•Chios lasted G. Till 1566

War of the straights:
• tension after G. Conquest of Chios
•1350 new war btw V and G
•1351 alliance: V. BE, crown of Aragon versus Genoa (later joined by Hungary)
—) Mediterranean total war
1352: bloody battle of the Bosporus -) Greek forces to sign peace w Genoa

•aragonese target: Sardinia, against the doria family form G
•1353: battle of Lojera : Catalan victory against G
—) G in trouble, concession of rule of G. To the lord of Milan
1354: battle of sapienza: G. Victory against Venetians
1354: doge Marin falier beheaded for conspiracy
1355: difficult situation for both cities. Peace treats but fragile and ready for next war


Venetian Crete (kingdom of Candia)


• modern Greek scholarship calls it the Venetocracy
•acquisition during 4th crusade from boniface of monteferat (exchange for support being Latin emperor)
•occupied by Enrico pescatore (w Genoese support at first) until 1290
• control established btw 1290 and 1311 with Candia as its center
• first time V. Governed a large area of land (food supplies)
• stronger political presence in comparion to other colonies
•implementation to mini- V. System
•redistribution of land (to allure settlers for exchange of military help)
•native Greeks were excluded from political life and land ownership
• Greek church replaced by Latin church but no forced conversion
•by 14th century Greek families became more prominent
• resentment towards latins (stayed more in the city)
Revolts and uprisings:
• nine uprisings in 13th and with concessions to Greek like landownership
•alexios calergis revolt (1282)
- intermarriage btw Greek and V. Nobles were allowed and changed demographics
•restrictions were removed and relaxed
•revolt of St Titus (1363-64):
-latins and Greek revolt together against V (and 1 y of independence from V)
-last big revolt till ottomans conquest in 17th
—) Crete important as a strategic point for network, and safe place for convoys and fleets
- largest island of Mt: big population and land (resources and manpower needed after Black Death)
- modern era towers became more slaves or prisoners as they were needed (they were underskilled and received for punishment)


Cyprus and Tenedo


• to BE in 956 und Muslims expelled but many inner conflicts against emperor
• conquest by Richard lionheart 1191
• 1196 koenigsherrshxact durch Anerkennung von Heinrich VI und gegen BE kaiser
•Könige von Zypern auch Könige von Jerusalem (auch nachdem Königreich Jerusalem 1291 zerschlagen wird)
1373: tensions btw venetians and Genoese during coronation of James II — king favors venetians and as a response G. Occupies famagosta

Tenedo Problem:
• important island for its position and BE emperor promises both G and V
• but weak emperor and so V. Occupies the island ans starts war in 1377 —-) last great Genoese -Venetian war
• Hungary helps G. As they had interest of Dalmatia
1379: —) battle of Pula with Genoese victory and Ventian admiral arrested cos of his loss
—) smaller fleets (21 against 21 galleys)
—-) darkest hour of Venice
1379-1380 siege of chioggia: in the lagoonand terrible defeat for G. ( ships were filled with stones and sunk to trap G.) inside lagoon
• one of the first naval battle using naval artillery
1381: peace of Turin : island of Tenedo as neutral zone—-) no one won the war
—-) Venice could rise again after darkest hour and apogee in 15/16th
—-) G never really recovered (too many resources and money) and decline and end as maritime power (focused on banking)


The crown of Aragon and the Sardinian wars


Aragon: composite monarchy with kingdom of Aragon (Zaragoza) kingdom of Valencia , balwaric island and county of Barcelona
• 1137 originated through dynastic union of Aragon and county of BCN
•1162 birth of crown through son becoming king

•1229 balearic islamds and island become important naval bases
•1245: conquest of Valencia (remained independent kingdom)
1282: kingdom of Sicily where king takes advantage of Sicilian vespers
- tried to conquer kingdom of Naples but failed
1297: James II was granted kingdom of Sardinia and Corsica

Conquest of Sardinia:
- multi party island : Doria(Genoese), republic of Pisa, commune sassari, gheradesca, Malaspina (Langobards), judicate of arborea

1323: Aragon territorial conquest
1326: Pisa surrenders and passes land to Aragon
•judge of arborea becomes vassal of crown —) hostilities with malaspina
- crown defeats Doria family
—) judge Marianus VI broke alliance with Aragon. And allied with Doria and declared war on kingdom of Sardinia
1353: most of Island reconquered
1375: son continues expansion
1388: Eleanor of arborear made peace treaty w Aragon (sick of fivhting) and agreed of restitution of conquered territories
- husband broke peace treaty and took most territories back but he and his son dies
• William II of Narbomme inherits throne and internal struggles—) Aragon takes advantage of dynastic crisis (1408) and regains territory by purchasing it in 1420 for 100k florins
• 70y of fighting and in end big success for Aragon

Economic development:
• originally agriculture
•with territorial conquests —) crown becomes a trading economy
•maritime law libre del cosulat de mar ( regulates piracy, ship construction)
• Valencia had a strong maritime trade tradition (silk Industry)
• bcn and Valencia ranked major MT seaports and Aragon a trading power in MT

1410: male heritage of Catalan does win king Martin
1469: Ferndimad II married infant Isabelle of Castile —) dynastic union and foundation of unification of Spain




BE Rule and Emigrate of Sicily:
• old historiography: Sicily as backwards and dependent on north
536: start of Byzantine rule
—) 660 to 665: Syracuse as capital of BE empire (?)
827 Arab conquest and emigrate of Sicily
—) access to papyrus palms cotton
—) island never rose to a cultural and political center of Islamic world

Norman rule:
1060: Norman conquest by robert guiscard and Roger I
• Norman rule: crossroads of Latin west, BE and Islamic world
1130: papal legitimation of title Rex siciliae
•Roger II strong navy (conquest North African coast) but defeat of Alexandria 1174
• crusades: Sicily as staging area to holy land
•12th: many G/V/P/A founded commercial districts for grain trade

Imperial staufer:
1194: Pisans helped Henry VI to seize regnum
•FII many treaties with north Italian cities (disadvantage for Sicilian)
•liber Augustalis 1231: royal monopoly over salt, iron and silk —) loss of autonomous rights for Sicilian cities
• deportation of Muslims to Lucera (damage to Muslim trading networks)
•S stopped being Centre of royal power

Angevine Dynasty:
• pope claims feudal rights as a lord according to Constantine donation and gives it 1266 to Charles of Anjou —) wants to avoid being btw Holy Roman Empire and regnum
• battle of Benevento defeat for Manfred and end of staufer dynasty
• ambitious expansion policy in MT: requnquet of Constantinople (was taken again by BE and treaty of nympheum) and restablishment of Latin empire
—-) V and P gave their fleets in return to get their privileges (G had them in Constantinople)

Sicilian Vespers:
•1282 revolt against French supremacy—) massacre
•short lived leadership of communitas sicilae: after example
Of north Italian commune —-) failed cos lack of unity and rivalries btw Sicilian cities
• destruction of large part of angevine fleet for expedition to Constantinople

Aragonese Rule:
• peter III crowned king of Sicily in Palermo(hereditary rights cos related to Manfreds daughter Constanze)——) Integration in Aragonese - Catalan commonwealth
1302: peace of caltabellota: Frederick king of trinarcia (island and to Aragonese) and division of regnum Siciliae (Sicilia mainland citeriore to angevine)—) two kingdoms
• many brutal conflicts until treaty of Avignon 1372–) no opportunity for economic recovery
• great political instability: weak rulers and infant monarchs results in increase of power for feudal nobility
• internal struggle : latins (pro-angevine) and Catalans (pro bcn)
1347: one of fist stops where Black Death arrived and many people died




• one of the four Maritime powers
• economic powerhouse in commercial center in the 9th to 11th century
• trade connections to the BE, Arabic world and Latin west_
—-> mediator and linking between the cultures

• Golf of Salerno between the tyrennian sea and the Latarri mountains
Resources : timber ( shipbuilding weaponry) wine, food, chestnuts

339 BE cast rum and trading post
596: first, Bishop and development two at Civitas(city)
839: independency from the BE and Naples
954: Mastallo II first doge
1073: Norman conquest
1373: earthquake destroys the harbor

Innovations: modern day, compass, tabula amalpgirana (code of maritime law), naval industry with the technical advances (dromon)


Genoese political System 12 to 14th


•consul System—)
1098: four to eight consuls elected yearly
• emergence of factions
•political power limited to noble families

Civil wars:
•1164: assasination of marchese Della Volta
•Embriaci family ousted from G
1169: truce with intervention by archbishop
Second Civil war:
•1189-1194: ended with intervention of. Emperor Heinrich VI

Podesta: center of new political organization: a non- Genoese podesta
• various regulations were aimed at podestas neutrality in infection rivalry
• Legislation, and major policy made by councils and to reduce influence of powerful families
•policy setting separated from policy implementation

Guelphs and Ghibellins:
•Ghibellins: enhance power by siding with emperor
•Guelphs: supported paper, and a post and imperial interference
—) genoa sided with pope
•—-) expelled Ghibelline, including Spinola and Doria family
1250: FII dies- Guelphs allowed Ghibillea to return (and even gave them compensation)to strengthen to nobility position against growing power of common people

Rise of Popolo:
•newfound wealth was an Evan Distributed
• bro,disc Content and the Guelph-ghibelline divide continued
•1257: common Pippo Cho ab Arms and proclaimed Guigelmo Boocanegra capitano del Popol—) popolo wanted to gain more power

Captain of the people:
• Government aparattus was restructured
•podesta remind Head of the Commune and acted as point of Reference for Family with Long Standing Political Ties
• popular faction was poorly organized
• military aristocracy United to oppose boccaNegra
• After five years end of the Government of Capitano, Del Popolo and a podestria regime was reinstated (with consilium)1270: riot doria and spinola against fieschi and Grimaldi
1290: major statutory reforms
1295: reinstated double captaincy
1300: reform
1339: Simone boccaNegra—-) doge of Genoese and defender of the Popolo