It is an inflammatory disorder of the nasal mucosa characterized by nasal congestion, rhinorrhea and itching, often accompanied by sneezing and conjunctival irritation.
Allergic Rhinitis
The best method to detect allergen-specific IgE
Epicutaneous Skin Tests
A type of Hypersensitivity that triggered by allergens auch as pollen, food and drugs
Anaphylactic Immediate Late Response/ Type I
A type of Hypersensitivity that is mediated by the complement system
Cytotoxic Antibody/Type II
A type of hypersensitivity that appears 1 to 3 weeks after exposure
Immune Complex / Type III
In this type of hypersensitivity, mediators triggered are mostly cytokines
Delayed Type / Type IV
It is a chronic condition involving an abnormal reaction to an allergen.
It is an Ig-E Mediated Response which occurs within minutes and resolves in 1 to 3 hours obseeved to have symptoms such as itching, sneezing, wheezing and abdominal cramps.
Early-phase response
It is an Ig-E Mediated Response which occurs within minutes and resolves in 1 to 3 hours obseeved to have symptoms such as itching, sneezing, wheezing and abdominal cramps.
Early-phase response
It is an Ig-E mediated response that presents as edema, redness, warmth, induration of the skin usually due to the infiltration of neutrophils and eosinophils.
Late-phase response
In this Ig-E mediated response, there is already tissue remodeling and is due to repeared stimulation of allergic effectors cells and contributes to unresolved inflammatory changes.
Chronic allergic disease
It ia a chronic inflammatory condition of the lung airways resulting in episodic airflow obstruction and airway hyperresponsiveness.
It is the most common chronic relapsing skin disease seen infancy and childhood.
Atopic Dermatitis or Eczema
True or false. Eczema is a genetic disorder that results in defective skin barrier, reduced skin innate immune response and exaggerated T-Cell responses to allergens and microbes.
In this AD, there is marked intercellular edemabof the epidermis
Acute AD (Spongiosis)
In this AD, there is hyperplastic epidermis with hyperkeratosis.
Chronic AD