aller, avoir, être and faire in the future tense Flashcards
I will go
I will have
je serai
I will be
je ferai
I will do
tu iras
you will go
tu auras
you will have
tu seras
you will be
tu feras
you will do
il/elle/on ira
he/she/one will go
il/elle/on aura
he/she/on will have
il/elle/on sera
he/she/one will be
il/elle/on fera
he/she/one will do
nous irons
we will go
nous aurons
we will have
nous serons
we will be
nous ferons
we will do
vous irez
you (pl.) will go
vous aurez
you (pl.) will have
vous serez
you (pl.) will be
vous ferez
you (pl.) will do
ils/elles iront
they will go
ils/elles auront
they will have
ils/elles seront
they will be
ils/elles feront
they will do
I will go
I will have
I will be
je serai
I will do
je ferai
you will go
tu iras
you will have
tu auras
you will be
tu seras
you will do
tu feras
he/she/one will go
il/elle/on ira
he/she/one will have
il/elle/on aura
he/she/one will be
il/elle/on sera
he/she/one will do
il/elle/on fera
we will go
nous irons
we will have
nous aurons
we will be
nous serons
we will do
nous ferons
you (pl.) will go
vous irez
you (pl.) will have
vous aurez
you (pl.) will be
vous serez
you (pl.) will do
vous ferez
they will go
ils/elles iront
they will have
ils/elles auront
they will be
ils/elles seront
they will do
ils/elles feront