Allegory Flashcards
Animalism (animals are equal and they own everything in farm, no humans allowed) =
Communism (no social classes, public ownership of means of production)
Mr. Jones (Irresponsible owner, lets animals starve, sometimes cruel, sometimes kind) =
Czar Nicholas II (Irresponsible leader, lets people starve, sometimes cruel, sometimes kind)
Old Major (Started animalism, truly wanted equality for all, dies before Revolution) =
Marx/Lenin (Created Communism, truly wanted equally for all, dies before Revolution)
Old Major’s Dream (Overthrow man, means od production will lead to peace) =
Communist Manifesto (Overthrow capitalist, means of production will lead to peace)
Snowball (Young, smart, excellent leader, pure animalist, one of the leaders of Revolution) =
Trotsky (Young, smart, excellent leader, pure communist, one of the leaders of Revolution)
Napoleon (Paranoid, Terrible Orator, not as clever/educated as Snowball, cruel brutal & corrupt, ambition led to the greed of power, killed all who opposed him) =
Stalin (Paranoid, Terrible orator, not as clever/educated as Trotsky, cruel brutal & corrupt, ambition led to the greed of power, killed all who opposed him
Squealer (Worked to support Napoleon) =
Propaganda Department (Worked to support Stalin)
Dogs (Private army taught by leader, used for fear, killed/imitated opponents, used to control masses) =
KGB (Private army taught by leader, used for force, killed/imitated, opponents, used to control masses)
Moses (Speaks of SugarCandyMountain, Major & Snowball were against him) =
Religion (Believed religion was a lie, felt it would inhibit revolution)
Mollie (Did not care about Revolution) =
Bourgeoisie (did not care about Revolution)
Boxer (Truely loyal, Strong hardworking) =
Proletariat, People (Loyal to Stalin bc of communism)
Frederick (Pays with fake money) =
Germany (Hitler breaks pack)
Pilkington (Napoleon appears to be allied with Pilkington) =
Britain (Stalin appears to be allies of Britain and US)
Benjamin (Suspicious of Revolution, believes nothing changes) =
Dissidents, Skeptics (many feared communism won’t work because power-hungry leaders)
Windmill Plan (Napoleon fills food bins with sand to deceive) =
5 Year Plan (Massive drop in quality of living for peasants)
Hen Rebellion (hens exicuted bc refusial to give eggs, animals tourted to confess working with Snowball) =
Great Purge (Executed people would work with Trotsky)