Alle trefwoorden Flashcards
A membership agreement signed between a new member state and the Community or the EU.
Accession agreement
Officers of the Court of Justice who review cases as they arrive and deliver preliminary opinions to the Court about which laws apply and what action to take.
Advocates general
A programme under which former colonies of EU member states have been targeted for preferential trade agreements.
Africa Caribbean Pacific
The process by which the list of problems and issues that require a public response is developed and agreed.
Agenda setting
Policy dealing with the production and distribution of food, with a focus on supply, prices, quality, land use, trade and employment.
Agricultural policy
An effort by an individual to win residence in a state in order to achieve protection from threats of death, torture or persecution in their home state.
The military and political alliance between the United States and western Europe, resting mainly on their Cold War opposition to the Soviet bloc.
Atlantic Alliance
The division of opinion between those who continue to support close security ties with the United States and those favouring greater European policy independence.
Atlanticists and Europeanists
A programme launched in 1995 and aimed at strengthening ties between the EU and most of its North African and Middle Eastern neighbours.
Barcelona Process
Measurable targets set by the Commission in order to provide a focus for applicant states as they work to meet the terms of entry into the EU.
An arrangement in international relations in which power is divided, shared and controlled by two dominant actors.
Bipolar system
An agreement among European states (not limited to the EU) under which requirements for higher education qualifications have been standardized, increasing their transferability.
Bologna Process
The small group of assistants and advisers that works for each of the commissioners. Headed by a chef de cabinet, members provide advice, information and other services to the commissioners.
A non-member state of the EU whose application to join has been accepted and with which negotiations on the terms of entry are either planned, under way, or have been agreed.
Candidate country
A document adopted in 2000 that collected together statements on human rights outlined in other EU agreements.
Charter of Fundamental Rights
A political philosophy associated mainly with continental western Europe that applies Christian principles to public policy; moderately conservative on social and moral issues, and progressive on economic issues.
Christian Democracy
An option introduced by Lisbon that allows a petition (signed by at least a million people) to be submitted to the Commission.
Citizen initiative
A government made up of representatives from more than one political party, demanding compromises among the participating parties.
Coalition government
Policy aimed at redistributing wealth and creating new opportunities in poorer parts of the EU with the goal of closing the income gap.
Cohesion policy
The group of 27 commissioners who head the European Commission. They are appointed for five-year renewable terms, one comes from each of the member states, and each is given responsibility over a particular area of policy.
College of Commissioners
One of the oldest and most controversial of EU policies, based at first on a system of price supports for farmers, but later reformed.
Common Agricultural Policy
The common trade policy of the EU, included in the Treaty of Rome and under which the EU has effectively used its power to deal and negotiate with third parties on trade issues.
Common Commercial Policy
A joint EU policy aimed at managing fish stocks and regulating the EU fishing industry.
Common Fisheries Policy
An attempt made under the Maastricht treaty to develop common foreign policy principles and positions among EU states.
Common Foreign and Security Policy
The view that individual rights should be balanced with those of the community, and that community interests can sometimes outweigh those of individuals.
The process by which policy powers are transferred from the member states to the EU institutions.
Community method
One of the core methods for all research (the others being the experimental, the statistical, and the case study methods), based on drawing conclusions from the study of a small number of samples.
Comparative method
The study of different political systems, usually based on cases, and aimed at drawing up general rules about how those systems function.
Comparative politics
Policy aimed at limiting the marketplace distortions created by monopolies, cartels, price-fixing, abuse of dominant position, and market-sharing.
Competition policy
The major administrative body of the EP, consisting of the president and the heads of the party groups, and responsible for managing plenary sessions and the EP committee system.
Conference of Presidents
A legislative procedure under which the EP has veto rights in selected areas, including the admission of new member states to the EU, and the conclusion by the EU of new international agreements.
Consent procedure
A document, usually codified, that spells out the principles and powers of government, limits on the powers of government, and the rights of citizens.
A court created to deal with matters of constitutional law, and to decide whether or not laws or the actions of elected officials respect the terms of a constitution.
Constitutional court
The original legislative procedure used in the EP, by which it could comment on proposals from the Commission but had little more than the power of delay.
Consultation procedure
Standards that EU member states must achieve before being allowed to adopt the European single currency, including low national budget deficits and inflation, and controls on public debt and interest rates.
Convergence criteria
A legislative procedure introduced by the Single European Act, giving the EP the right to a second reading on selected proposals. All but eliminated by the Treaty of Amsterdam.
Cooperation procedure
The requirements for membership of the EU, including democracy, capitalism, and a willingness and ability to adopt all existing EU laws.
Copenhagen conditions
The Committee of Permanent Representatives, in which delegates from each of the member states meet to discuss proposals for new laws before they are sent to the Council of Ministers for a final decision.
An arrangement by which two or more independent companies fuse their assets and liabilities so as to create a single new company. This should be distinguished from a takeover, where the companies involved continue to exist as separate legal entities.
Corporate merger
The view that all humans belong to a single community based on a shared morality, and that they should rise above more narrow identities based on race, religion, nationality, or state.
An organization founded in 1949 at the suggestion of Winston Churchill, and which has gone on to promote European unity with a focus on issues relating to democracy and human rights.
Council of Europe
The gap between the powers transferred to the EU institutions and the ability of European citizens to influence the decisions they take.
Democratic deficit
A partial repeal or abrogation of a law, allowing an EU member state to apply a law differently, or giving it longer to meet a deadline.
A case in which there is a complainant (usually an individual, corporation, member state, or EU institution) and a defendant (usually an EU institution or a member state).
Direct action
The principle that EU law is directly and uniformly applicable in all EU member states, and that challenges can be made to the compatibility of national law with EU law.
Direct effect
A department within the Commission, headed by a director-general and given responsibility for generating and overseeing the implementation of laws and policies in particular areas.
An arrangement under which members of the Common Assembly, and then of the European Parliament, could serve in both the EP and in their national legislatures.
Dual mandate
A programme agreed by the EEC in 1969 to coordinate economic policy in preparation for the switch to a single currency.
Economic and monetary union
Policy dealing with the management of goods and services, including productivity, consumption, money supply, and competition.
Economic policy
Policy focused on encouraging cross-border mobility of students and staff, and educational cooperation among the member states.
Education policy
The view that decision-making is focused in the hands of elites, meaning – in the case of the EU – elected officials, bureaucrats, and interest groups.
A free-market mechanism for reducing greenhouse gases, using emission caps and tradable emission allowances.
Emissions Trading Scheme
A dispute in 1965 over the relative powers of EEC : institutions and the governments of EEC member states, which encouraged France to boycott meetings of the Council of Ministers.
Empty chair crisis
Policy dealing with the management of renewable natural resources (such as air, water, land and forests) and with limiting the harmful impact of human activity.
Environmental policy
Students who have participated in the EU’s Erasmus educational exchange programme since 1987, and who are seen as leaders in the effort to build a sense of European identity.
Erasmus generation
A reformed Exchange Rate Mechanism designed to help improve the stability relative to the euro of currencies in EU states outside the eurozone.
A subsidiary court created in 2004 to take over from the Court of Justice cases involving complaints by employees of the EU.
EU Civil Service Tribunal
The EU’s public opinion polling service, which carries out two major surveys every year, along with ‘flash’ surveys on more discrete issues.
A multinational military force set up among several EU states, outside EU structures, that some see as the seed of a common European military.
A judicial cooperation unit that works to improve the effectiveness of investigations and prosecutions across EU member states.
Pan-European party organizations or confederations that coordinate policy and build links among national political parties in Europe.
A long-term economic strategy aimed at job creation, improved educational attainment, and sustainable growth.
Europe 2020 Strategy
A warrant by which member states can request the transfer of suspects or criminals from another member state
European arrest warrant
An international organization created in 1957 to coordinate research in its member states on the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
European Atomic Energy Community
The central bank of the eurozone, responsible for managing the euro by setting interest rates, encouraging price stability, and managing foreign reserves.
European Central Bank
A concept developed by the EU in order to provide its citizens with more of a transnational sense of belonging, but falling short of conventional ideas of citizenship.
European citizenship
The first organization set up to encourage regional integration in Europe, with qualities that were both supranational and intergovernmental.
European Coal and Steel Community
An agreement drawn up by the Council of Europe in 1950 that provides the right of petition for citizens, and that has taken on a new life and legal significance since the late 1990s.
European Convention on Human Rights
A series of meetings held during 2002–03 to draft a constitution for the EU.
European Convention
The forum in which the heads of government of the member states meet regularly to make strategic decisions on the progress of integration.
European Council
A Strasbourg-based court that hears cases and issues judgments related to the 1950 European Convention on Human Rights.
European Court of Human Rights
A stillborn plan to create a common European military as a means of binding a rearmed West Germany into western Europe.
European Defence Community
An agreement under which EFTA member states were given access to the single European market without full EU membership.
European Economic Area
An international organization created in 1957 with the core goal of establishing a single (or common) market among its member states.
European Economic Community
A free trade grouping championed by Britain and founded in 1960, with more modest goals and looser organization than the EEC.
European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
The investment bank of the EU, which supports economic development projects both inside and outside Europe.
European Investment Bank
A network of contact points created in 1998 in order to help improve cross-border cooperation within the EU on civil and commercial matters.
European Judicial Network
An arrangement introduced in 1979 by which EEC member states linked their currencies to one another through an Exchange Rate Mechanism designed to keep exchange rates stable.
European Monetary System
An organization created in 1948 to champion the cause of European integration. It was behind the setting up of the Council of Europe and continues today to lobby for a federal Europe.
European Movement
A policy aimed at encouraging democracy and capitalism in 16 eastern European and North African neighbours of the EU.
European Neighbourhood Policy
An official appointed and monitored by the European Parliament and charged with investigating complaints of maladministration by any of the EU institutions except the Court of Justice.
European Ombudsman
An attempt to create a political community to oversee the ECSC and the European Defence Community, but which collapsed with the demise of the latter.
European Political Community
A critical step in the development of a European security policy outside NATO, based on the Petersberg tasks and the maintenance of ‘battle groups’ capable of short-notice military action.
European Security and Defence Policy
The first comprehensive outline of the EU’s security priorities, identifying threats and outlining key objectives.
European Security Strategy
The notion of a common European approach to social issues, based on an interventionist state, welfare, workers’ rights, and efforts to address inequality.
European Social Model
The criminal intelligence agency of the EU which works to share information in order to address the most serious forms of international crime.
A term coined in 1985 to describe the inflexibility of the western European labour market, and its failure to create new jobs quickly enough to meet demand.
The monetary authority of the eurozone, made up of the ECB and national central banks, and charged with encouraging financial stability in the eurozone.
Temporary bodies set up by the Commission to help carry out narrow and specific executive tasks.
Executive agencies
Promotion of, or support for, the idea of federation. For European federalists this means a belief in the merits of replacing the European state system with a new European federation, or a United States of Europe.
Elections with different stakes, the former for government institutions (such as national executives and legislatures) with significant powers, and the latter for institutions (such as local government and the European Parliament) with fewer powers.
First-order and second-order elections
Policy dealing with budgets: how and where government revenues are raised and how and where public funds are spent.
Fiscal policy
Policy governing the relations between a state and other states, dealing with issues such as security, trade, immigration, and economic relations.
Foreign policy
The idea that if states cooperate and create new functionally specific interstate institutions and agencies, regional integration will develop its own internal dynamic, and peace can be achieved through the creation of a web of interstate ties without the need for grand intergovernmental agreements.
A subsidiary court created in 1989 (as the Court of First Instance) to review less complicated cases coming before the Court of Justice.
General Court
An arrangement by which decisions, laws and policies are made without the existence of formal institutions of government.
The institutions and officials that make up the formal structure by which states or other administrative units (counties, regions, provinces, cities, towns, and even universities) are managed and directed.
The international financial crisis that broke in 2007, bringing recession to most advanced economies in 2008–10, and challenging the ability of EU leaders to work together on broad economic problems.
Great Recession
Documents published by the EU that test the waters by making suggestions for new policies, the latter being more detailed and specific than the former.
Green papers and white papers
A political philosophy based on ecological wisdom, sustainability, social justice, grassroots democracy, and non-violence.
Green politics
A view of international relations that emphasizes the possibilities of peace through international cooperation and the role of international law.
A method of developing policy through small and often unplanned changes rather than through more radical or wholesale change.
A measure of the extent to which states will be able to integrate successfully, based on a combination of economic and political factors.
Integrative potential
An organization that represents and promotes the political, economic or social interests of its members, which may be individuals, cultural or social groups, professions, or industries.
Interest group
Conferences convened among representatives of the governments of the EU member states to discuss and agree amendments to the treaties.
Intergovernmental conferences
A political dynamic in which key decisions are made as a result of negotiations among representatives of the member states of an IGO.
A body that functions in two or more states, or that is set up to promote cooperation among states, based on the principles of voluntary cooperation, communal management, and shared interests.
International organization
The study of relations among states, focusing on alliances, diplomacy, and the dynamics of decisions reached by states working together or in competition with each other.
International Relations
A judge on the Court of Justice who is appointed to oversee the different stages through which a case is reviewed. Equivalent to rapporteurs in the European Parliament.
Policy dealing with issues such as international crime and terrorism, asylum, immigration, and police and judicial cooperation.
Justice and home affairs
The gap between how the EU works and what ordinary Europeans know about that process.
Knowledge deficit
A theory combining elements of neofunctionalism and intergovernmentalism, arguing that intergovernmental bargains are driven by pressures coming from the domestic level.
Liberal intergovernmentalism
An attempt made in 2000 to set economic modernization targets for the EU, with the goal of making it the world’s most dynamic marketplace within ten years.
Lisbon Strategy
Efforts made to influence the decisions made by elected officials or bureaucrats on behalf of individuals, groups, or organizations.
A 1966 agreement ending the empty chair crisis, and making consensus the informal norm in Council of Ministers decisions. The effect was to slow down the process of European integration.
Luxembourg Compromise
A programme under which the United States offered financial assistance to encourage postwar recovery in Europe. Often credited with providing the investments needed to pave the way to regional integration.
Marshall Plan
A representative elected from any of the 27 EU member states to serve in the European Parliament. Elected for fixed, renewable five-year terms.
Member of the European Parliament
An arrangement in which state policies and common multi-state policies co-exist, as was long the case with the example of EU foreign policy.
Mixed system
Policy aimed at encouraging economic growth and stability by controlling the supply of money and its cost through the setting of interest rates.
Monetary policy
The recognition and promotion of multiple different cultures, without promoting the interests or values of a dominant culture. Contrasts with attempts at assimilation and cultural integration, or the ‘melting pot’ philosophy.
A belief that problems should be addressed by states working together, perhaps through international organizations, rather than in isolation.
An administrative system in which power is distributed and shared horizontally and vertically among many different levels of government, from the supranational to the local, with considerable interaction among the parts.
Multilevel governance
An arrangement in international relations in which power is divided, shared and controlled by more than two dominant actors.
Multipolar system
Integration pursued by groups of member states with common or shared interests, as distinct from the idea that all member states should move together with the same goals.
Multispeed integration
The principle that a product or service provided legally in one member state cannot be barred from provision in another member state.
Mutual recognition
A community whose members identify with each other on the basis of a shared history, language and culture.
The typical method for funding international organizations, based on financial contributions by their member states. In the case of the EU, these are calculated according to gross national income.
National contributions
A belief in the primary interests of nations and in the promotion of nation-states founded on national self-determination.
The theory that integration in one area of activity will lead to pressures and political support for integration in other related areas.
A defensive alliance created in 1949 between the United States, Canada, and most major western European states, and designed to send a security warning to the Soviet Union.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
The most common legislative procedure now used in the EP, under which it has the right to as many as three readings on a legislative proposal, giving it equal powers with the Council of Ministers.
Ordinary legislative procedure
An international body set up to coordinate and manage Marshall aid, and that some see as the first significant step in the process of postwar European integration.
Organisation for European Economic Co-operation
Independent sources of income for the EU, generated mainly out of policy areas controlled by the EU rather than the member states.
Own resources
The priorities set in 1992 by the Western European Union (humanitarian, rescue, peacekeeping, and other crisis management operations), and later adopted by the EU.
Petersberg tasks
The process by which the goals of public policy change according to new political and economic pressures, improved understanding, and new levels of public support and interest.
Policy evolution
Groups formed within the European Parliament that bring together MEPs from like-minded political parties from the different member states.
Political groups
An organized and structured system for the government and administration of a political unit, such as a state or a city.
A ruling by the Court of Justice on the interpretation or validity of an EU law that arises in a national court case.
Preliminary ruling
The leadership of all meetings of the Council of Ministers except the Foreign Affairs Council. Held by the governments of EU member states in a rotation of six months each.
Presidency of the Council of Ministers
The head of the Commission and the most visible of all the staff members of the EU institutions. Appointed by the European Council for renewable five-year terms, and charged with giving the Commission direction.
President of the Commission
The leader of the European Parliament, elected by MEPs from among their number, the selection being pre-determined as a result of negotiations among the major party groups.
President of the EP
The head of the European Council, a position created with the passage of the Treaty of Lisbon in 2009. Appointed by the Council for renewable two-and-a-half-year terms, and charged with giving it direction.
President of the European Council
A communicative space within which the members of a community (such as a state, or the European Union), can talk with one another about shared concerns.
Public sphere
A system of voting used in the Council of Ministers, by which proposals must win substantially more than a simple majority.
Qualified majority vote
An arrangement by which powers are divided between central and regional government, resulting in some of the features of federalism without the creation of a formal federal structure.
A theory of international relations which argues that we live in an anarchic global system (one without rules or an authority above the level of the state), and that states relate to-and compete with-each other according to their self-interest.
A form of direct democracy (otherwise known as a plebiscite, a ballot question, or a proposition) in which the affected electorate is asked to vote on whether or not to accept a specific proposal.
The rules and norms that lie at the basis of a system of government. Can also be used to describe (sometimes with negative implications) the holders of office within a government.
An organization within which independent states work to encourage cooperation and the pooling of authority and resources for the mutual benefit of its members.
Regional integration association
Standing bodies set up under EU law with technical, management and/or informational responsibilities.
Regulatory agencies
A fast-track agreement to set up a border-free Europe, signed in 1985 among five Community states, and which has since expanded to 28 states.
Schengen Agreement
The act of withdrawing from membership of an association, usually taken to mean some kind of political organization or union.
The belief that government should exist independently from religion, and that political or social organizations should not be based on religious beliefs.
Policy dealing with national defence, with identifying and offsetting military and other threats to national interests.
Security policy
The first major change to the treaties, signed in 1986 with the goal of reviving plans to complete the single European market.
Single European Act
A charter of the social rights of workers, adopted by 11 Community states in 1989 and merged into the treaties by Amsterdam in 1997.
Social Charter
Efforts made by the EU to promote equal pay, equal working conditions, gender equality, worker training, and workers’ rights.
Social policy
The authority to rule, control, and/or make laws, usually associated with states and incorporating territorial integrity and political independence.
An agreement reached in 1997 by which eurozone governments undertook to control their budget deficits in the interests of currency stability.
Stability and Growth Pact
Funds managed by the EU and designed to invest in economic development and job creation in poorer parts of the EU.
Structural funds
The principle that the EU should limit itself in policy terms to undertaking tasks better dealt with jointly than at the level of the member state.
An attempt made by Britain, France and Israel to reverse Egypt’s nationalization of the Suez Canal, leading to an international outcry, the humiliation of Britain and France, and a change in British attitudes towards European integration.
Suez crisis
An actor that has the ability to project power globally, and that enjoys a high level of autonomy and self-sufficiency in international relations
A political dynamic by which IGOs become the forum for the promotion of the joint interests of state members, which involves the transfer of authority to joint institutions functioning above the states.
The principle that in areas where the EU has competence (authority), EU law supersedes national law in cases of incompatibility.
Supremacy of EU law
Development that recognizes natural limits and does not result in permanent and harmful environmental change or natural resource depletion.
Sustainable development
Efforts to achieve political change by creating public fear and insecurity, mainly through attacks on civilian targets.
A legal and political arrangement through which all large-scale political communities are organized, combining territory with sovereignty, independence and legitimacy.
The state
Constitutions that differ in both their intent and their character, the latter being more detailed, consistent and permanent than the former.
Thin and thick constitutions
An organization that conducts research into a given area of policy with the goal of fostering public debate and political change.
Think tank
A compromise reached in the Maastricht treaty by which intergovernmental decision making for foreign and security policy and for justice and home affairs was preserved by making them legally separate from the European Community.
Three pillars
Policy dealing with the exchange of goods and services across borders, and including issues such as tariffs, quotas, and protectionism.
Trade policy
Construction projects aimed at building an integrated European transport, energy supply, and telecommunications system.
Trans-European networks
A treaty signed in 2004 that was intended to replace the process of developing new treaties with a constitution for the EU. It failed when rejected by French and Dutch voters in 2005.
Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe
A set of relatively limited changes to the treaties, signed in 1997 and taking force in 1999.
Treaty of Amsterdam
The most recent change to the EU treaties, signed in 2007 and entering into force in 2009. It makes most of the changes that had been intended by the stillborn constitutional treaty.
Treaty of Lisbon
Another set of relatively limited changes to the treaties, signed in 2001 and taking force – after unexpected delays – in 2003.
Treaty of Nice
A treaty signed in February 1992 and that came into force in November 1993, creating the European Union and outlining a commitment to a single European currency and a common foreign policy.
Treaty on European Union
An agreement under international law entered into between sovereign states and/or international organizations, committing all parties to shared obligations, with any failure to meet them being considered a breach of the agreement.
The arrangement under which the member state holding the presidency works closely with its predecessor and successor in order to help encourage policy consistency.
Troika system
A project by which the Barcelona Process was relaunched in 2008, with a focus on security cooperation, immigration, the environment, transport and education.
Union for the Mediterranean
A defensive alliance (created in 1948 as the Western Union) that was always to be overshadowed by NATO, and in spite of being given a potential new role in EU defence in the 1990s eventually became dormant.
Western European Union
The competing arguments about whether the EU should continue to expand its membership, or should focus on improving the efficiency of the existing club.
Widening vs. deepening