All Words of the AWL Flashcards
abandon (v)
forsake / leave behind / give up
abstract (adj / n / v)
adj - nonobjective / not real / art-related
noun - summary / resume / wrap-up
verb - separate / withdraw / remove
academy (n)
school / establishment / institute
access (n / v)
noun - entrance / admission / way in
verb - approach / entering / use /
accomodate (v)
house / assist / adapt
accompany (v)
to go with / follow / join
accumulate (v)
collect / increase / store
accurate (adj)
correct / exact / flawless
achieve (v)
accomplish / reach / fulfil
acknowledge (v)
accept / admit / recognize
acquire (v)
purchase / obtain / gain
adapt (v)
change / modify / remodel
adequate (adj)
enough / satisfactory / sufficient
adjacent (adj)
next to / alongside / neighbouring
adjust (v)
change / improve / alter
administrate (v)
manage / govern / give
adult (n / adj)
noun - grown-up / woman / man
adj - mature / full grown / of age
advocate (v / n)
verb - support / recommend / defend
noun - supporter / defender / lawyer
affect (v)
influence / act upon / pretend
aggregate ( n / v / adj)
noun - sum / total / entirety
verb - combine / bring together / unite
adj - whole / total / entire
aid (n / v)
noun - help / support / assistance
verb - help / support / assist
albeit (conj)
although / though / while
allocate (v)
distribute / spend / share out
alter (v)
change / modify / amend
alternative (adj)
different / other / second
ambiguous (adj)
ambivalent / debatable / vague
amend (v)
rewrite / edit / rephrase
analogy (n)
comparison / correlation / relation
analyze (v)
study / examine / evaluate
annual (adj)
yearly / once a year
anticipate (v)
imagine / expect / await
apparent (adj)
clear / obvious / evident
appreciate (v)
value / acknowledge / request politely
approach (v / n)
verb - reach / deal with / speak to
noun - coming / attitude / query
appropriate (adj)
suitable / right / correct
approximate (v / adj)
verb - estimate / compare with / touch
adj - near / relative / vague
arbitrary (adj)
random / unfair / erratic
area (n)
region / measurement / sector
aspect (n)
feature / direction / appearance
assemble (v)
gather / install / collect
assess (v)
judge / evaluate / value
assign (v)
allocate / determine / transfer
assist (v)
help / support / lend a hand /
assume (v)
accept / suppose / guess
assure (v)
convince / guarantee / tell
attach (v)
fasten / join / connect
attain (v)
reach / achieve / accomplish
attitude (n)
opinion / posture / behavior
attribute (v / n)
verb - refer / link / blame
noun - feature / quality / characteristic
author (v / n)
verb - write / pen / compose
noun - writer / novelist / storyteller
authority (n)
power / expert / office
automate (v)
self-operate / automatize / computerize
available (adj)
accessible / useful / present
aware (adj)
informed / familiar / conscious
behalf (n)
name / place / stand-in
benefit (v / n)
verb - profit / gain / help
noun - advantage / profit / gift
bias (v / n)
verb - turn / prejudice / influence
noun - prejudice / unfairness / tendency
bond (v / n)
verb - join / connect / unite
noun - connection / tie / alliance
brief (adj / v / n)
adj - short / quick / terse
verb - inform / summarize / explain
noun - order / overview / conference
bulk (n)
majority / size / mass
capable (adj)
able / competent / skilled
capacity (n)
amount / ability / position
category (n)
class / group / section
cease (v)
end / finish / stop
challenge (v / n)
verb - invite / question / confront
noun - contest / request / test
channel (v / n)
verb - guide / transmit / direct
noun - route / program / waterway
chapter (n)
section / part / period
chart (v / n)
verb - sketch / show / map
noun - graph / diagram / illustration
chemical (n / adj)
noun - substance / drug / compound
adj - synthetic / inorganic / artificial
circumstance (n)
situation / condition / fact
cite (v)
quote / mention / praise
civil (adj)
ordinary / polite / national (eg. court)
clarify (v)
explain / simplify / filter
classic (adj / n)
adj - perfect / excellent / typical
noun - epitome / ideal / masterpiece
clause ( n)
paragraph / passage / specification
code (n / v)
noun - (secret) key / rules / pattern
verb - convert / write / mark
coherent (adj)
logical / understandable / clear
coincide (v)
happen / match / overlap
collapse (v / n)
verb - fall / break / fail
noun - fall / crash / failure
colleague (n)
coworker / workmate / partner
commence (v)
start / begin / initiate
comment (n / v)
noun - opinion / remark / statement
verb - mention / express / reflect
commission (n / v)
noun - task / committee / fee
verb - order / hire / appoint
commit (v)
perform / promise / jail
commodity (n)
ware / product / item
communicate (v)
talk / transmit / connect
community (n)
group / network / parish
compatible (adj)
suitable / matching / appropriate
compensate (v)
repay / balance / equalize
compile (v)
collect / assemble / gather
complement (n / v)
noun - supplement / addition / capacity
verb - add / complete / enhance
complex (n / adj)
noun - facility / system / structure
adj - complicated / detailed / difficult
component (n / adj)
noun - element / factor / ingredient
adj - basic / individual / particular
compound (n / v / adj)
noun - mixture / combination / area
verb - add to / blend / worsen
adj - combined / blended / mixed
comprehensive (adj)
extensive / complete / entire
comprise (v)
include / contain / form
compute (v)
calculate / figure out / determine
conceive (v)
imagine / design / get pregnant
concentrate (v)
focus / gather / reduce
concept (n)
idea / plan / theory
conclude (v)
finish / end / decide
concurrent (adj)
simultaneous / parallel / at once
conduct (n / v)
noun - management / guide / behavior
verb - organize / supervise / behave
confer (v)
award / chat / discuss
confine (v)
restrict / limit / imprison
confirm (v)
verify / approve / bless
conflict (n / v)
noun - dispute / fight / rivalry
verb - collide / strive / disagree
conform (v)
fit in / adapt / obey
consent (n / v)
n - permission / approval / agreement
verb - agree / allow / accept
consequent (adj)
resulting / following / related
considerable (adj)
significant / sizeable / relevant
consist (v)
contain / include / made of
constant (adj / n)
adj - steady / frequent / loyal
noun - fact / quantity / parameter
constitute (v)
represent / establish / form
constrain (v)
coerce / regulate / restrict
construct (v / n)
verb - build / design / formulate
noun - construction / model / idea
consult (v)
discuss / consider / examine
consume (v)
devour / use / eat
contact (v / n / adj)
verb - communicate / touch / reach
noun - person / connection / touch
adj - reachable / accessible / wireless
contemporary (adj / n)
adj - modern / present / concurrent
noun - fellow / mate / coeval
context (n)
circumstances / standpoint / text
contract (v / n)
verb - shrink / agree / catch (disease)
noun - document / deal / agreement
contradict (v / n)
verb - deny / disagree / challenge
noun - paradox / refusal / discrepancy
contrary (n / adj)
noun - opposite / contrast / antithesis
adj - opposed / differing / unreasonable
contrast (n / v)
noun - difference / diversity / sharpness
verb - differ / vary / deviate
contribute (v)
donate / provide / participate
controversy (n)
disagreement / debate / dispute
convene (v)
summon / meet / call together
converse (v)
chat / talk / conversate
convert (v)
transform / exchange / proselyte
cooperate (v)
collaborate / unite / assist
coordinate (v)
organize / combine / arrange
core (v / n /adj)
verb - deseed / pit / stone
noun - center / heart / essence
adj - major / fundamentel / innermost
corporate (adj)
collective / collaborative / united
correspond (v)
coincide / agree / write
couple (v / n)
verb - connect / combine / have sex
noun - pair / few / partners
create (v)
produce / invent / establish
credit (v / n)
verb - ascribe / believe / pay
noun - trust / praise / loan
criteria (n)
principle / standard / measure
crucial (adj)
essential / important / significant
culture (n)
lifestyle / the arts / cultivation
currency (n)
money / acceptance / value
cycle (v /n)
verb - bike / go through / recur in
noun - bicycle / series / interval
data (n)
information / facts / details
debate (v / n)
verb - argue / discuss / consider
noun - discussion / argument / dialogue
decade (n)
a period of ten years
decline (v /n)
verb - decrease / refuse / shrink
noun - reduction / decay / downturn
deduce (v)
conclude / infer / identify
define (v)
describe / specify / outline
definite (adj)
absoulute / certain / clear
demonstrate (v)
display / express / protest
deny (v)
refuse / reject / gainsay
denote (v)
represent / indicate / mean
depress (v)
sadden / reduce / lower
derive (v)
obtain / receive / get
design (v / n)
verb - plan / create / intend
noun - constuction / pattern / purpose
despite (prep)
regardless / although / against
detect (v)
notice / discover / locate
deviate (v)
diverge / turn / stray from
device (n)
machine / tool / method
devote (v)
dedicate / give / apply
differentiate (v)
distinguish / discriminate / compare
dimension (n)
size / range / quality
diminish (v)
reduce / belittle / lessen
discrete (adj)
individual / separate / distinct
discriminate (v)
differentiate / judge / restrict
displace (v)
replace / expel / crowd out
display (v / n)
verb - expose / reveal / perform
noun - screen / exhibition / act
dispose (v)
dump / incline / sell
distinct (adj)
different / obvious / characteristic
distort (v)
deform / twist / misrepresent
distribute (v)
allocate / deliver / spread
diverse (adj)
different / mixed / varied
document (v / n)
verb - record / demonstrate / list
noun - certificate / paper / file
domain (n)
field / hostname / realm
domestic (adj)
private / national / indigenious
dominate (v)
control / stand out / lead
draft ( v / n / adj)
verb - write / outline / recruit
noun - design / breeze / bill
adj - … horse / … beer / … bill
drama (n)
(screen)play / performance / turmoil
duration (n)
time / span / endurance
dynamic (adj / n)
adj - energetic / changing / active
noun - vitality / motivator / energy
economy (n)
wealth / saving / financial system
edit (v)
correct / adjust / update
element (n)
part / weather / substance
eliminate (v)
remove / dexclude / murder
emerge (v)
arise / develop / revive
emphasis (n)
focus / intensity / importance
empirical (adj)
observed / provable / factual
enable (v)
allow / authorize / activate
encounter (v / n)
verb - experience / meet / confront
noun - meeting / conflict / affair
energy (n)
strenght / stamina / power (fuel)
enforce (v)
oblige / compel / dictate
enhance (v)
improve / increase / intensify
enormous (adj)
immense / massiv / huge
ensure (v)
secure / guarantee / protect
entity (n)
object / unit / establishment
environment (n)
nature / surroundings / ambience
equate (v)
compare / associate / balance
equip (v)
supply / qualify / furnish
equivalent (adj / n)
adj - comparable / similar / like
noun - counterpart / alternativ / match
erode (v)
damage / weaken / reduce
error (n)
mistake / typo / defect
establish (v)
launch / accept / prove
estate (n)
property / possessions / condition
estimate (v / n)
verb - guess / calculate / judge
noun - assessment / rating / price
ethic (n)
moral / principles / standards
ethnic (n / adj)
noun - origin / identity / minority
adj - racial / cultural / nonnative
evaluate (v)
assess / estimate / value
eventual (adj)
final / ultimate / concluding
evident (adj)
obvious / visible / clear
evolve (v)
develop / progress / unfold
exceed (v)
surpass / top / overstep
exclude (v)
keep out / omit / rule out
exhibit (v / n)
verb - display / reveal / present
noun - show / object / collection
expand (v)
increase / develop / extend
expert (n / adj)
noun - specialist / authority / genius
adj - excellent / skilled / clever
explicit (adj)
specific / exact / uncensored
exploit (v)
use / utilize / abuse
export (v / n)
verb - market .. / sell .. / supply (abroad)
noun - retail / trade / commerce
expose (v)
uncover / reveal / show
external (adj)
outer / exterior / extrincic
extract (v / n)
verb - remove / derive / obtain
noun - essence / passage / concentrate
facilitate (v)
ease / mediate / help
factor (v / n)
verb - resolve / solve / find the solution
noun - aspect / number / situation
feature (v / n)
verb - highlight / include / envision
noun - characteristic / quality / story
federal (adj)
national / governmental / nationwide
fee (n)
charge / payment / price
file (v / n)
verb - register / manicure / stride
noun - collection / rasp / queue
final (adj / n)
adj - last / decided / complete
noun - exam / finals / finish
finance (v / n)
verb - fund / pay / sponsor
noun - business / investment / loan
finite (adj)
limited / defined / restricted
flexible (adj)
adjustable / relaxed / elastic
fluctuate (v)
vary / change / shift
focus (v / n)
verb - concentrate / target / zoom
noun - center / purpose / sharpness
format (v / n)
verb - organize / prepare / convert
noun - design / plan / arrangement
formula (n)
method / standard / recipe
forthcoming (adj)
upcoming / outspoken / helpful
foundation (n)
basis / creation / charity
found (v)
initiate / build / base
framework (n)
structure / foundation / system
function (v / n)
verb - work / operate / perform
noun - purpose / job / event
fund (v / n)
verb - finance / sponsor / donate
noun - budget / reserve / support
fundamental (adj)
basic / essential / important
furthermore (adv)
additional / moreover / besides
gender (n)
sex / identity / grammatical category
generate (v)
cause / create / produce
generation (n)
period / group / production
globe (n)
world / earth / sphere
goal (n)
target / purpose / gate
grade (v / n)
verb - classify / rank / evalute
noun - measure/ score / slope
grant (v / n)
verb - give / accept / award
noun - allowence / gift / privilege
guarantee (v / n)
verb - promise / sensure / protect
noun - contract / security / pledge
guideline (n)
information / instruction / details
hence (adv)
therefor / later (from now) / away
hierarchy (n)
pecking order / ranking / order
highlight (v)
feature / emphasize / stress
hypothesis (n)
theory / opinion / explanation
identical (adj)
same / similar / equal
identify (v)
recognize / name / find
ideology (n)
beliefs / principles / opinion
ignorance (n)
unawareness / stupidity / naivete
illustrate (v)
picture / explain / clarify
image (n)
picture / impression / example
immigrate (v)
relocate / resettle / colonize
impact (v / n)
verb - bump / affect / change
noun - collision / effect / influence
implement (v / n)
verb - execute / apply / realize
noun - tool / device / utensil
implicate (v)
involve / connect / indicate
implicit (adj)
unspoken / suggested / complete
imply (v)
indicate / mean / mention
impose (v)
force / charge / exploit
incentive (n)
motivation / reason / encouragement
incidence (n)
occurence / rate / frequency
incidentally (adv)
by the way / apropos / accidentially
income (n)
earnings / profit / revenue
incorporate (v)
include / integrate / combine
index (v / n)
verb - record / enter / adjust
noun - list / indication / ratio / (finger)
indicate (v)
specify / signalize / suggest
individual (adj / n)
adj - separate / different / special
noun - person / object / character
induce (v)
convince / influence / cause /
inevitable (adj)
unavoidable / certain / inescapable
infer (v)
conclude / assume / interpret
infrastructure (n)
structure / road network / facilities
inherent (adj)
natural / inborn / underlying
inhibit (v)
hinder / restrain / prevent
initial (adj)
beginning / first / early
initiate (v)
start / introduce / develop
injure (v)
wound / harm / damage
innovate (v)
introduce / develop / establish
input (v / n)
verb - enter / type / insert
noun - help / ideas / knowledge
insert (v)
add / fill in / put (in)
insight (n)
understanding / perception / intuition
inspect (v)
check / examine / visit
instance (v / n)
verb - exemplify / illustrate / clarify
noun - example / situation / fact
institute (v / n)
verb - start / introduce / initiate
noun - association / building / academy
instruct (v)
order / teach / inform
integral (adj)
nessecary / essential / significant
integrate (v)
incorporate / join / combine
integrity (n)
honesty / ethics / wholeness
itelligence (n)
intellect / information / (…) agency
intense (adj)
extreme / forceful / passionate
interact (v)
communicate / collaborate / react
intermediate (adj)
average / in-between / middle
internal (adj)
inside / within / domestic (… affairs)
interpret (v)
explain / portray / translate
interval (n)
time / distance / pause / octave
intervene (v)
step in / mediate / occur
intrinsic (adj)
essential / inborn / inherent
invest (v)
put in / spend / engage (energy)
investigate (v)
examine / research / explore
invoke (v)
cite / appeal / call for help (eg: God)
involve (v)
include / interest / affect
isolate (v)
separate / exclude / extract (substance)
issue (v / n)
verb - distribute / publish / declare
noun - subject / problem / publication
item (n)
thing / detail / information
job (n)
work / task / responibility
journal (n / v)
noun - magazine / diary / record
verb - write / record / note down
justify (v)
explain / legitimize / defend
label (v / n)
verb - mark / ndescribe / brand
noun - tag / designation / company
labor (v / n)
verb - work / struggle / birthing
noun - job / activity / birth pangs
layer (v / n)
verb - stack / level / rank
noun - coating / tier / cover
lecture (v / n)
verb - talk / teach / preach
noun - speech / seminar / criticism
legal (adj)
lawful / legitimate / valid
legislate (v)
make … / pass … / enact … (laws; rules)
levy (v / n)
verb - impose / charge / collect
noun - tax / fee / (import) duty
liberal (adj / n)
adj - tolerant / open-minded / generous
n - progressive / innovator / moderate
license (n / v)
n - document / permit / authorization
verb - certify / grant / enable
likewise (adv)
also / similarly / equally
link (v / n)
verb - connect / relate / associate
noun - connection / piece / hyperlink
locate (v)
find / be situated / settle
logic (n)
reasoning / argumentation / conclusion
maintain (v)
continue / preserve / state
major (v / n / adj)
verb - study / specialyze / train
n - officer / field of study / competition
adj - important / main / significant
manipulate (v)
influence / handle / falsify
manual (adj / n)
adj - hand-operated / physical / by hand
noun - handbook / guide / instructions
margin (n)
border / distance / tolerance
mature (v / adj)
verb - develop / grow / age (food)
adj - adult / grown / ripe (food)
maximize (v)
increase / boost / enhance
mechanism (n)
workings / machine / coping (…)
media (n)
publication / press / milieu
mediate (v)
moderate / intervene / negotiate
medical (adj)
therapeutic / healing / clinical
medium (adj / n)
adj - middle / average / half cooked
noun - technique / element / spiritualist
mental (adj)
psychological / intellectual / emotional
method (n)
approach / technique / strategy
migrate (v)
move / wander / relocate
military (adj / n)
adj - soldierly / martial / disciplined
noun - armed forces / troops / reserve
minimal (adj)
least / insignificant / trivial
minimize (v)
reduce / downplay / trivialize
minimum (n)
bottom / base / least
ministry (n)
department / bureau / priesthood
minor (adj)
unimportant / small / underage
mode (n)
method / fashion / function (work …)
modify (v)
alter / change / characterize
monitor (v)
observe / watch / supervise
motive (n / adj)
noun - reason / cause / design
adj - causing / moving / impelling
mutual (adj)
shared / common / joint
negate (v)
deny / refute / invalidate
network (n / v)
noun - netting / system / community
verb - integrate / interact / socialize
neutral (adj)
unbiased / expressionless / uncharged
nevertheless (adv)
however / regardless / still
nonetheless (adv)
despite that / anyway / even so
norm (n)
average / standard / model
normal (adj)
ordinary / usual / rational
notion (n)
idea / imagination / sewing supplies
notwithstanding (prep)
despite / although / while
nuclear (adj)
fissile / atomic / central / organic
objective (n / adj)
noun - plan / goal / intention
adj - unbiased / fair / factual
obtain (v)
earn / acquire / exist (is the case)
obvious (adj)
clear / evident / visible
occupy (v)
inhabit / fill (time) / hold (job) / invade
occur (v)
happen / exist / come to mind
odd (adj)
strange / unusual / occasional / single
offset (v)
counteract / balance / compensate
ongoing (adj)
continuing / pending / current
option (n)
choice / opportunity / benefit
orient (v)
align / adjust / familiarize
outcome (n)
result / consequence / end
output (n / v)
noun - yield / manufacture / graphics
verb - make / produce / create
overall (adj / adv)
adj - total / general / inclusive
adv - altogether / generally / mostly
overlap (v / n)
verb - overlie / lap / cross
noun - overlay / shingling / intersection
overseas (adv / adj)
adv - abroad / afield / elsewhere
adj - foreign / offshore / exotic
panel (n)
commitee / console / insert
paradigm (n)
example / standard / mindset
paragraph (n)
section / passage / clause
parallel (n / v / adj)
n - similarity / counterpart / facing lines
verb - match / / equal / correspond to
adj - side by side / similar / coexistent
parameter (n)
limit / guideline / criterion
participate (v)
take part / attend / share
partner (n)
spouse / companion / associate
passive (n / adj)
noun - inactivity / apathy / acceptance
adj - inactive / uninvolved / subordinate
perceive (v)
think of / notice / realize
percent (adj / n)
adj - proportionally / percentwise
noun - percentage / rate / probability
period (n)
time / era / class / menstruation
persist (v)
continue / persevere / endure
perspective (n)
standpoint / outlook / depth (art)
phase (n / v)
noun - aspect / stage / development
verb - stage / arrange / adjust
phenomenon (n)
occurence / event / sensation
philosophy (n)
ideology / worldview / attitude
physical (adj)
material / bodily / sexual / manual
plus (n / adj / prep)
noun - advantage / feature / sign (+)
adj - extra / additional / further
prep - also / and / with
policy (n)
procedure / rules / insurence document
portion (n)
fate / part / share
pose (v/ n)
verb - cause / ask / situate / model
noun - attitude / position/ affectation
positive (adj)
optimistic / sure / confirmed
potential (adj / n)
adj - possible / likely / unrealized
noun - ability / capability / talent
practitioner (n)
professional / expert / specialist
precede (v)
predate / herald / preexist
precise (adj)
exact / accurate / careful
predict (v)
foretell / prophesy / prognosticate
predominant (adj)
main / leading / foremost
preliminary (adj / n)
adj - preparatory / introductory / first
noun - preparation / opening / prelude
presume (v)
assume / believe / dare
previous (adj)
former / prior / premature (informal)
primary (adj)
main / earliest / elementary (education)
prime (adj)
top / leading / excellent
principal (adj)
main / chief / primary
principle (n)
idea / rule / standard
prior (adj)
earlier / advance / previous to
priority (n)
prime concerne / precedence / urgency
proceed (v)
begin / continue / arise
process (n / v)
noun - procedure / technique / action
verb - prepare / handle / manage
professional (adj / n)
adj - trained / competent / qualified
noun - specialist / expert / pro
prohibit (v)
forbid / ban / prevent
project (v / n)
verb - calculate / jut / cast / show
noun - plan / intention / study
promote (v)
help / advertise / raise (jobposition)
proportion (n)
share / ratio / balance / size
prospect (n)
possibility / view / thought
protocol (n)
etiquette / agreement / record
psychology (n)
study of the mind / mentality / ethos
publication (n)
publishing / release / announcement
publish (v)
print / release / announce / broadcast
purchase (v / n)
verb - buy / acquire / shop
noun - aquisition / investment / / grip
pursue (v)
chase / seek / continue / attempt
qualitative (adj)
significant / noticeable / recognizable
quote (v / n)
verb - cite / mention / estimate
noun - quotation / evaluation / … marks
radical (adj / n)
adj - extreme / reforming / profound
n - extremist / fanatic / revolutionary
random (adj)
arbitrary / aimless / casual
range (n / v)
n - variety / limits / scope / line / area
verb - vary / arrange / wander / differ
ratio (n)
relationship / proportion / percentage
rational (adj)
logical / sensible / intelligent
react (v)
act / respond / behave
recover (v)
heal / improve / regain / (recycle)
refine (v)
improve / purify / cultivate
regime (n)
government / system / rule
region (n)
area / landscape / (knowledge) domain
register (n / v)
noun - listing / roll / record / cash …
verb - enrol / show / realize / mail
regulate (v)
control / adjust / manage
reinforce (v)
strenghten / support / buttress
reject (v)
deny / refuse / discard
relax (v)
ease / rest / loosen / lessen (limits)
release (v / n)
verb - free / publish / leak
noun - discharge / issue / contract
relevant (adj)
applicable / related / germane
reluctance (n)
unwilling / hesitant / disinclined
rely (v)
depend / count / lean
remove (v / n)
verb - take away or off / erase / dismiss
noun - distance / interval / separation
require (v)
need / demand / necessitate
research (v / n)
verb - explore / probe / examine
noun - study / investigation / analysis
reside (v)
live (in) / dwell / inhabit
resolve (v / n)
verb - solve / decide / divide
noun - determination / resolution / will
resource (n / v)
noun - aid / wealth / means / ability
verb - fund / staff / equip
respond (v)
answer / reply / react
restore (v)
rebuild / reinstate / revive / return
restrain (v)
control / restrict / detain
restrict (v)
limit / regulate / confine
retain (v)
keep / maintain / hire
reveal (v)
disclose (tell) / unveil (show) / leak
revenue (n)
income / earnings / profit
reverse (v / n / adj)
verb - overturn / change / invert
noun - opposite / setback / back
adj - opposite / backward / inverted
revise (v)
correct / overhaul / rework
revolution (n)
revolt / transformation / rotation
rigid (adj)
stiff / inflexible / strict
role (n)
position / task / portrayal
route (n / v)
noun - path / direction / journey
verb - guide / direct / steer
route (n / v)
noun - network / connection / links
verb - send / dispatch / transmit
scenario (n)
situation / event / screenplay
schedule (v / n)
verb - plan / arrange / book
noun - list / calendar / agenda
scheme (v / n)
verb - plan / intrigue / conspire
noun - program / pattern / strategy
scope (n)
range / opportunity / magnifier device
section (n / v)
noun - district / department / piece
verb - cut (up) / divide / classify (med.)
sector (n)
area / industry / branch
secure (adj / v)
adj - safe / protected / confident
verb - get / protect / attach
seek (v)
search / request / try / pursue
select (v / adj)
verb - choose / pick / prefer (elect)
adj - fine / exclusive / choice
sequence (n)
order / series / part (scene)
series (n)
sequence / set / program
sex (n)
sexuality / gender / intercourse
shift (v / n)
verb - move / change / remove
noun - change / move / work period
significant (adj)
important / meaningful / notable
similar (adj)
alike / related / comparable
simulate (v)
imitate / pretend / replicate
site (n)
location / ground / web(site)
so-called (adj)
alleged / supposed / questionable
sole (adj)
only / remaining / exclusive
somewhat (adv)
fairly / rather / kind of
source (v / n)
verb - get / obtain / aquire
noun - cause / origin / informant
specific (adj / n)
adj - particular / exact / special
noun - accuracy / fact / medication
specify (v)
verb - define / mention / cite
sphere (n)
ball / area / the sky
stable (adj)
solid / secure / mentally healthy
statistic (n)
amount / number / quantity
status (n)
position / prestige / development
straightforward (adj)
easy / understandable / honest
strategy (n)
plan / method / policy
stress (n / v)
noun - pressure / emphasis / strain
verb - highlight / reinforce / worry
structure (n / v)
noun - building / construction / system
verb - build / organize / arrange
style (n / v)
noun - manner / trend / design / quality
verb - design / arrange / name (label)
submit (v)
agree / recommend / hand in
subordinate (adj / n / v)
adj - lower / lesser / secondary
noun - underling / junior / assistant
verb - downgrade / belittle / suppress
subsequenct (adj)
following / ensuing / later
subsidy (n)
grant / subvention / aid
substitute (n / v)
n - replacement / stand-in / surrogate
verb - replace / exchange / relieve
successor (n)
hier / replacement / beneficiary
sufficient (adj)
enough / adequate / acceptable
sum (n / v)
noun - total / amount / calculation
verb - add / combine / calculate
summary (n / adj)
noun - resume / overview / analysis
adj - concise / brief / compact
supplement (n / v)
noun - addition / insert / complement
verb - increase / add (to) / expand
survey (n / v)
noun - poll / study / overview
verb - interview / examine / measure
survive (v)
live / outlive / persist (continue)
suspend (v)
postpone / hang / exclude
sustain (v)
maintain / suffer / uphold / support
symbol (n)
sign / emblem / representation
tape (v / n)
verb - fasten / seal / record
noun - binding / sticky … / recording
target (v / n)
verb - direct (at) / choose / attack
noun - goal / mark / victim
task (v / n)
verb - assign / order / burden
noun - job / duty / chore
team (v / n)
verb - match / unite / harness (animals)
noun - group / squad / pair (animals)
technical (adj)
scientific / specialized / mechanical
technique (n)
method / strategy / skill
technology (n)
engineering / innovation / equipment
temporary (adj)
short-term / nonpermanent / interim
tense (adj)
nervous / strained / rigid
terminate (v)
end / dismiss / abort
text (n)
contents / words / transcript
theme (n)
topic / leitmotif / essay
theory (n)
hypothesis / belief / explanation
thereby (adv)
by that / whereby / as a result
thesis (n)
dissertation / statement / view
topic (n)
subject / theme / question
trace (v / n)
verb - track / locate / outline
noun - track / hint / sign
tradition (n)
lore / customs / folklore / (-style)
transfer (v / n)
verb - relocate / hand over / transmit
noun - move / transference / transit
transform (v)
change / alter / revolutionize
transit (n)
transportation / movement / passage
transmit (v)
broadcast / transfer / spread
transport (n / v)
noun - vehicle / transference / ecstasy
verb - convey / delight / exile
trend (n)
movement / tendency / style
trigger (v / n)
verb - activate / provoke / pull (gun)
noun - stimulus / cause / lever (gun)
ultimate (adj)
final / greatest / utmost
undergo (v)
experience / go through / have
underlie (v)
support / ground / form the basis of
undertake (v)
do / try / promise
uniform (n)
costume / attire / regimentals
unify (v)
combine / merge / unite
unique (adj)
special / personal / individual
utilize (v)
use / apply / employ
valid (adj)
legal / logical / plausible
vary (v)
differ / change / alternate
vehicle (n)
machine / tool / means of expression
version (n)
variant / edition / description
via (prep)
by / over / through
violate (v)
breach / infringe / invade
virtual (adj)
digital / online / practical (de facto)
visible (adj)
seeable / apparent / prominent
vision (n)
sight / imagination / foresight / ghost
visual (adj / n)
adj - optical / visible / graphical
noun - picture / scene / image
volume (n)
amount / capacity / book / loudness
voluntary (adj)
optional / unpaid / charitable
welfare (n)
well-being / … benefits / protection
whereas (conj)
while / but // because / since
whereby (adv)
by witch / through witch / how (dated)
widespread (adj)
common / popular / extensive