All Vols Flashcards
In the AWACS, which radar combination cannot be used together?
Maritime and beyond the horizon radars.
What is used by the JSTARS to broadcast data to Army ground station modules?
Surveillance and Control Data Link (SCDL).
The HAVE QUICK system makes available to airborne warning and control system (AWACS) an improved…
air-to-air and air-to-ground, jam resistant ultrahigh frequency (UHF) voice communication capability.
Which frequencies are normally only useful for distances approximately within the line of sight (LOS)?
Very High Frequencies (VHF) and above.
How many major structural components make up the United States message text format (USMTF) system?
What is the tactical data link (TDL) for airborne platforms that uses ultrahigh frequency (UHF) radio for line-of-sight (LOS) nets?
Link 11.
How many products are available via force status and monitoring (FSTAT)?
Which option is not one of the three separate computers that are integrated in the air defense systems integrator (ADSI)?
Data Link Generator.
How many Joint Range Extension Application Protocols (JREAP) are used to transmit and receive Link 16 messages?
Who is responsible for coordinating air support and providing airspace de-confliction for tasked aircraft using the ground mobile gateway (GMG) system?
Fighter Duty Technicians (FDT).
Which system uses mission essential tasks (MET) and mission essential task list (METL) as standard measurement criteria?
Defense Readiness Reporting System.
Which identification, friend or for (IFF)/selective identification feature (SIF) code includes an enhanced feature that allows for automatic reporting of platform location?
Mode S.
What is the principle mission of the KC-135?
Aerial Refueling.
What USAF aircraft employs electronic attack (EA) capabilities against enemy early warning and acquisition radars?
EC-130H Compass Call.
What is the US Navy’s newest electronic warfare aircraft?
EA-18G Growler.
The unit’s designed operational capability (DOC) statement is used to…
Summarize unit taskings and requirements.
Which voice communications net provides signal intelligence (SIGINT) information between interfacing units?
Voice Product Net (VPN).
What air support operations center (ASOC) duty position maintains the status of the Web air request processor (WARP)?
Air Tasking Order (ATO) Manager.
What is the primary mission of the Global Command and Control System (GCCS)?
Support the command and control (C2) function of the president and the secretary of defense.
What is the weapons load of the F/A-22 for its primary air-to-air role?
6 AIM-120s and 2 AIM-9s.
Which center or system consists of airborne and ground element for the command and control of air and space power?
Theater Air Control System (TACS).
The specialty training standard (STS) is found in which part of the career field education and training plan (CFETP)?
Which TBMCS application allows for update and review of air and missile mission execution data on any exported air battle plan (ABP)?
Execution Status and Monitoring (ESTAT)
How many products are available via force status and monitoring (FSTAT)?
Which element of the theater air control system (TACS) plans. directs, controls, and coordinates all air operations within its area of responsibility (AOR)?
Air Operations Center (AOC).
Which method allows units the ability to report unit type code (UTC) level readiness?
Air Expeditionary Force Reporting.
The Chief of Staff, United States Air Force (CSAF) and subordinate commanders use Status of Resources and Training System (SORTS) data in assessing their…..
Effectiveness in meeting their responsibilities.
The unit’s designed operational capability (DOC) statement is used to…
Summarize unit tasking’s and requirements.
How many 2 degrees elevation beams does the air surveillance radar model 4 (ARSR-4) use?
For platforms connecting by long-haul communication networks the joint range extension (JRE) provides…
inter-zone, intra-zone, reach back, and reach forward Link 16 abilities.
How many aircraft make up a fully operational Predator system?
What type of mission compromises both active and passive air and missile defensive measures?
Defensive counterair (DCA).
Which report is not a type of an electromagnetic interference (EMI) report?
Which unit uses the ground mobile gateway system (GMG) to process information from multiple tactical data links?
Air Support Operations Center (ASOC).
The internal radio equipment provide for command and control (C2) operations to how many internal ultrahigh frequency (UHF) radios?