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A culturally entrenched pattern of behavior made up of: 1. sacred beliefs, 2. emotional feelings accompanying the beliefs, and 3. overt conduct presumably implementing the beliefs and feelings
Making judgments about ourselves through comparison to others
Social comparison
A specific method or procedure used to comply with the Folkway, Mores and/or law
Specialized tecniques which are used to help people with complicated grief reactions.
Grief Therapy
Occurs when persons experiencing symptoms and behaviors which caused them to difficulty, but do not see or recognize the fact that these are related to the loss
Masked grief (Worden)
That counseling which occurs before death
Pre-need counseling
Intervention with people whose needs are so specific that usually they can only be met by specially trained physicians or psychologist. The practitioners in this field need special training because they often work with deeper levels of consciousness
Psychotherapy (Jackson)
The ability to communicate the belief that everyone possesses the capacity and right to choose alternatives and to make decisions.
Spec (Wolfelt)
Two or more people, unrelated by either blood or marriage who are sharing living quarters together.
A must behavior of a people enforced by those elected to govern; a rule of action prescribed by an authority able to enforce its will.
A family unit that is made up of a married man and woman and their children.
Nuclear family
Any act that is charged with symbolic content
Overwhelming feelings of hopelessness, frustration, bitterness, self-pity, mourning the impending loss of hopes, dreams and plans for the future. The person feels a lack of control or numbness.
A set of symptoms associated with loss.
Grief Syndrome
Feeling such as happiness, grief, or anger, created by brain patterns accompanied by bodily exchanges.
Brief review of points covered any portion of the counseling session
An event which allows those who have something in common with each other to deal with one another in regard to that which they share in common.
Social function
Ceremonies centering around transition in life from one status to another (Examples: Baptism, marriage, and the funeral).
Rites of passage
An act or practice of allowing the death of person suffering from a life limiting condition.
Euthanasia / right to die
An organization, public or private, which endorses the practice of conducting funeral rites without the body of the deceased present.
Memorial society
The ability to enter into and share the feelings of others.
Empathy (Wolfelt)
Life events and minor hassles that exert pressure or strain
The ability to present one’s self sincerely
Genuineness (Wolfelt)
Attempting to make deals with god to stop or changes the diagnosis by begging, wishing, praying not to die, or at leat to delay death.
A highly emotional temporary state in which an individual’s feelings of anxiety, grief, confusion, or pain impair his or her ability to act
Detailed examples of adjustments, choices, or alternatives available to the client or counselee from which a course of action may be selected.
The belief that the created is reunited with the creator at death.
Doctrine of atonement
Giving undivided attention by means of verbal and nonverbal behavior.
Attending / Listening
The killing of one human being by another
A learned emotional response to death related phenomena which is characterized by extreme apprehension
Death anxiety
A phrase coined by Carl Rogers to refer to that type of counseling where one comes actively and voluntarily to gain help on a problem, but without any notion of surrendering his own responsibility for the situation; a non-directive method counseling which stresses the inherent worth of the client and the natural capacity for growth and health.
Client-centered counseling / person-centered counseling
Spoken, oral communication
Verbal communication
A social prohibition of certain actions; a behavior which dictates that one must abstain from certain act.
And directed towards oneself based on real or unreal conditions.
A set of symptoms associated with loss
Grief syndrome (Lindemann)
The sudden and unexpected death of an apparently healthy infant which remains unexplained after complete autopsy and a review of the circumstances around the death
Sudden infant death syndrome / SIDS /crib death
The change from rural to urban areas.
According to client centered counseling, the necessary quality of a counselor being in touch with reality and with other’s perception of one’s self
The change from individual crafting of products to the manufacturing of goods through mass production.
A state of tension typically characterized by rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath. An emotion characterized by a vague fear or premonition that something undesirable is going to happen.
Helping people facilitate grief to a healthy completion of the tasks of grieving within a reasonable time frame.
Grief Counseling
The outward expression or display of mood or feelings.
Those funeral rites which deviate from the norm or prescribe circumstances of established customs.
Non-traditional funeral rite
Counseling in which a counselor shares a body of special information with the counselee
Informal counseling
To assist understanding of the circumstances of situations an individual is experiencing, and to assist that person in the selection of an alternative adjustment if necessary.
The movement of families away from where they were born.
Those funeral rites that follow a prescribed ritual which may be dictated either by religious beliefs or social customs.
Traditional funeral rite
Of, or characteristic of the present or recent times; not ancient, often used to designate certain contemporary tendencies.
Dealing with agriculture, farm-based. The locale of the extended joint family system.
Grief extending over a long period of time without resolution.
Abnormal Grief / Unresolved Grief / Complicated Grief
A family government where the mother or female possesses power and the right of decision-making.
Matriarchal family
Centering a clients thinkings and feelings on the situation causing a problem and assisting the person choosing the behavior or adjustment to solve the problem
Applying a logical, socially acceptable reason rather than the real reason for an action
Pertaining to demography; the science of vital statistics, or of births, deaths, marriages, etc. of population.
Behavioral patterns which are observable by others.
Overt conduct
Common traits or patterns found in all cultures of mankind.
Cultural universal
Persons are usually conscious of the relationship of the reaction to the death, but the reaction to the current experiences excessive and disabling.
Saturated grief (Worden)
Defense mechanism used and grief to return to more familiar and more often primitive modes of coping
Redirection of emotion to other targets.
Sincere feelings for the person who is trying to adjust to the serious loss
Those appropriate and helpful acct of counseling that come after the funeral.
Aftercare / Post funeral counseling
A death has occurred and the funeral directors counseling with the family as they select the services and items of merchandise in completing arrangements for the funeral service of their choice.
At-need counseling
And irrational, exaggerated fear of death
Knowing the impending death is real, not liking the fact, but realizing you must go on.
Good communication within and between people; or, good (free) communication between people is always therapeutic.
Counseling (Rogers)
The intentional infliction of physical or psychological harm on another.
Advice, especially that given as a result of consultation.
Counseling (Webster)
A process by which a person learns the norms of his culture by observation of others in his or her society.
Indirect learning
The act or event of loss that results in the experience of grief.
A process involving all activities associated with funeral disposition.
Any event capable of producing physical or emotional stress
Adjustment, motivational in nature, to be achieved.
Characteristic ways of responding to stress.
A process occurring with loss, aimed at loosening the attachment to the dead for reinvesting in the living.
Grief Work
Related to specific situations in life that may create crises and produce human pain and suffering. This type of counseling adds another dimension to the giving of information, in that it deals with significant feelings that are produced by life crises.
Situational counseling
Preoccupied and intense thoughts about the deceased
A set of knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and rules for behavior that are held commonly within a society.
A group of persons forming a single community with some interests in common.
Treating members of various social groups differently and circumstances for their rights or treatment should be identical.
A choice of services and merchandise available as families make a selection and complete funeral arrangements; formulating different actions in adjusting to a crisis.
The individual providing assistance and guidance
A phenomenon that occurs when an individual’s performance improves because of the presence of others
Social facilitation
A family unit created by two or more nuclear families or friendships.
Modified extended family
The emotional attitude that recognizes other cultures as equivalent and pertinent.
Cultural relativism
A deliberate act of killing oneself
An adaptive maneuver characterized by an inability or unwillingness to act with the aim of asserting or sustaining individual control, autonomy, or self-esteem.
The study of death, derived from the name Thanatos, Greek god of death.
Blame directed at another person.
A governing system characterized by specialization, hierarchy, formal rules, impersonality, and a specialized administrative staff.
A defense mechanism in which anger is redirected toward a person or object other than the one who provided the anger originally
Displaced aggression
A deliberate attempt to change attitudes of belief with information and arguments
Unsuccessful attempt made by person to end his or her own life
Suicidal gesture
A family unit consisting of one male and one female, their children together, and any children they may have had from previous marriages.
Blended family
An adjustment process that involve grief or sorrow over a period of time and helps in the reorganization of the life of an individual following the loss or death of someone loved.
Existential statements about the physical and social world.
The situation in which a person or entity is unknown.
Two units regarded as a pair; for example, husband and wife.
A choice of action provided through counseling as a means of solving the counselee’s dilemma
The relation of harmony, conformity, accord, or affinity established in any human interaction
A grouping of people with similar socio-economic status.
A form of family government where the father, or male, possesses the power and right of decision-making.
Patriarchal family
Interventions for a highly emotional, temporary state in which individuals overcome by feelings of anxiety, grief, confusion, or pain are unable to act in a realistic normal manner. Intentional response which helps an individual in a crisis situation.
Crisis counseling
A more or less conscious postponement of addressing anxieties and concerns
Living or happening in the same period.
Fear of anxiety caused by the sudden realization of danger.
The motion or set of emotions due to a loss.
Helping people facilitate uncomplicated grief to a healthy completion of the tasks of grieving within a reasonable timeframe.
Grief counseling
Expressing a thought or idea in an alternate and sometimes a shortened form
Any event, person, or object that lessens the degree of pain in grief.
A household unit consisting of one mother, one father, all of their unmarried children, their sons, son’s wives, and their children.
Extended joint family
An action performed during a rite which may or may not have symbolic meaning to the participants or observers of the action.
Ceremony or Ritual
A rite adjusted to the needs of the family or the trends of the time.
Adaptive funeral rite
The intense physical and emotional expression of grief occurring as the awareness increases of a loss of someone or something significant.
Acute Grief
The study of human behavior is related to funeral service.
Funeral service psychology
Any disposition of a dead human body, either by means of burial or cremation, with no form of funeral rite at the time of disposition.
Immediate disposition
A therapeutic experience for reasonably healthy person. Do not confuse this with psychotherapy which is treatment for emotionally disturbed persons who seek (or are referred four) assistance before they developed serious neurotic, psychotic, or character disorders.
Counseling (Ohlsen)
The upward or downward movement of a person or family within the social classes of their society.
Social mobility
Blocking of threatening material from consciousness
The actor event of separation or lost the results in the experience of grief.
Any time someone helps someone else with a problem.
Counseling (Jackson)
The right of finality in a funeral service proceeding cremation, earth burial, entombment, or burial at sea.
Committal service
The process that initiates, direct, and sustains behavior satisfying physiological or psychological needs.
A funeral rite that is in essence devoid of religious connotation.
Humanistic funeral rite
Study of death
The individual seeking assistance or guidance.
The process by which a person learns the social values of a society.
Enculturation / Socialization
An all inclusive term used to encompass all funerals and/or memorial services.
Funeral rite
The individual’s ability to adjust to the psychological and emotional changes brought on by a stressful event such as the death of a significant other.
The categorization of people according to their attainment or lack of attainment of finances or social status.
Social stratification
A syndrome characterized by the presence of grief in anticipation of death or loss; the actual death comes as a confirmation of knowledge of a life-limiting condition.
Anticipatory Grief
The defense mechanism by which a person is unable or refuses to see things as they are because such facts are threatening to the self.
Historically and inn for travelers, especially one kept by a religious order; also used to indicate a concept designed to treat patients with a life limiting condition.
Redirection of emotion to culturally or socially useful purposes
A social behavior which is considered to be normal and is based on tradition.
An adjustment process that involves grief or sorrow over a period of time and helps in the reorganization of the life of an individual following a loss or death of someone loved
The assumption of blame directed towards one’s self by others
A learned tendency to respond to people, objectives, or institutions in a positive or negative way.
Feelings and their expression.
A family unit made up of one adult, either male or female, and their children.
Single-parent family
A defense mechanism by which a person is unable or refuses to see things as they are because such facts are threatening to the self.
The acquiring of the culture by a person through deliberate instruction by other members of that society.
Direct learning
An emotion or group of emotions caused by loss.
Study of human behaviour
Strong emotion characterized by sudden and extreme fear
Negative attitude towards others based on their gender, religion, race, or membership in a particular group
The belief that one’s own race, nation, group or culture is superior to all others.
Document which covers the withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment from an individual in the event of an incurable or irreversible condition that will cause death within a relatively short time, in which such person is no longer able to make decisions regarding his/her medical treatment
Living will
And organized, flexible, purposeful, group centered, time-limited response to death which reflects reverence, dignity, and respect.
Funeral rite
A group of people who are recognized as a distinct group on the basis of such characteristics as language, ancestry, or religion.
The state or quality of being mobile; the ability to move from place to place readily, or to move from class to class, either up or down.
The tendency in human beings to make strong affectional bond with others coming from the need for security and safety.
Attachment theory (Bowlby)
The reactions of the body to an event often experienced emotionally as a sudden, violent and upsetting disturbance.
According to Simos, a compelling need by which the individual attempts to restore inner psychological equilibrium, uniting past, present, and future in the cycle from loss and the fear of loss to acceptance
The division of a culture, connected to a larger culture by common traits, while having unique traits of its own.
Attribution of one’s unacceptable thoughts, feelings, or behaviors to someone else.
Strong emotion marked by such reactions alarm, dread, and disquiet
A term to describe the experience of grief, especially in young bereaved parents, where morning customs are unclear due to an inappropriate death and the absence of prior bereavement experience; typical in a society that has attempted to minimize the impact of death through medical control of disease and social control of those who deal with the dying and the dead.
Anomic Grief
Arrangements between a funeral establishment and family which designates details of the funeral service, including the selection of merchandise, prior to the death of a person.
Pre-need programs
Anything to which socially created meaning is given.
A form of family government which holds that both male and female have equal voice in governing.
A state of tension, typically characterized by rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath; an emotion characterized by a vague fear off premonition that something undesirable is going to happen.
Guilt felt by family and friends after a death
Survivor guilt
The ability to be considerate and friendly as demonstrated by both verbal and nonverbal behaviors
Warmth and caring (Wolfelt)
The outward expression or display of mood or feeling states
Emotional expression
Process occurring with loss, aimed at loosening the attachment to the dead for reinvestment in the living.
Grief work (Lindemann)
Unconscious, irrational means used by the ego to defend against anxiety.
Ego defense mechanisms
Behaviors which when violated carry only informal sanctions such as scolding or ridicule.
A general term for the exchange of information, feelings, thoughts, and ask between two or more people, including both verbal and nonverbal aspects of this interchange.
The funeral rite held without the body present. This includes cremated remains.
Memorial service
Any event performed in a solemn or prescribed manner.
Support or support system provided to the counselee who is seeking an alternative adjustment problems
From the Latin word “to know”; the study of the origins and consequences of thoughts, memories, beliefs, perceptions, explanations, and other mental processes.
Must behavior; rules of behavior which are considered vital to the welfare of the group or companied by relatively severe sanctions.
The offspring or children of a specific set of parents.
A medical doctor with a specialty in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders
The state of being prevented from attaining a purpose; thwarted; the blocking of satisfaction with some kind of obstacle.
A right performed with the body present.
Inhibited, suppressed, or postpone response to a loss.
Delayed grief (Worden)
Counselor takes a live speaking role, asking questions, suggesting courses of action, etc.
Directive counseling
According to Carl Rogers, excepting the client or councelee as he or she is, without imposing judgment or stipulations
Positive regard
A relatively stable system of determining tendencies within an individual
Statement or action which creates anxiety and individuals life
The study of social groups, their modes of organization, the processes which tend to maintain or change these forms, and the relationships between the groups.
Specialized techniques which are used to help people with complicated grief reactions.
Grief therapy (Worden)
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
That which is expressed by posture, facial expression, actions, or physical behavior; that which is communicated by any means except verbally.
Nonverbal communication
The reaction of the body to an event; often experience emotionally as a sudden, violent, and upsetting disturbance
Social attraction to another person
Interpersonal attraction
Thoughts of ending one’s life
Suicidal ideation
Grief that is excessive induration and never comes to satisfactory conclusion
Chronic grief
The reduction of a dead human remains to its essential inorganic elements by use of fire.
The state of estrangement an individual feels in social settings that are viewed as foreign, unpredictable, or unacceptable.