All topics - Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems Flashcards
- Composed of the heart, blood vessels, and blood.
- Main function (4):
→ Delivers oxygen, fuel, and other nutrients to the tissues of the body.
→ Removals of carbon dioxide and waste products from tissue.
→ Maintains a constant body temperature.
→ Prevents infections.
The HEART (4)
- Made of specialized muscle tissue called MYOCARDIUM (cardiac muscle).
- Divided into halves: right and left
- RIGHT HALF: Pumps deoxygenated blood to the rest of the body (pulmonary circulation).
- LEFT HALF: Pumps oxygenated blood to the rest of the body (systemic circulation).
LAYERS of the heart (4)
- PERICARDIUM: Outermost layer, tough protective sac surrounding heart.
- EPICARDIUM: Outer layer that lies against the pericardium.
- MYOCARDIUM: Heart muscle.
- ENDOCARDIUM: Layer that lines the inside of the heart.
- Upper chambers are called ATRIA.
- Lower chambers are called VENTRICLES.
- Atria and ventricles are separated by valves that allow the blood to flow only from the atria into the ventricles.
- These valves are called ATRIOVENTRICULAR (AV) valves.
VALVES (4) (2)
- On the right side of the heart, the AV valve is called the TRISUCPID valve because it is composed of three flaps.
- On the left side of the heart, the valve is called the BICUSPID valve (or MIRTAL VALVE) because it is composed of two flaps.
- These valves are attached to muscular extensions of the ventricle walls (called PAPILLARY MUSCLES) by strands of tissue called CHORDAE TENDINAE.
- Valves are also found where the blood leaves the ventricles.
prevents blood from flowing back from the pulmonary arteries into the right ventricles.
separates the aorta from the left ventricle.
PATH OF BLOOD through the heart (7)
→ Starting from the right side of the heart:
- Deoxygenated blood is delivered to the right atrium by the superior and inferior vena cava.
- From the right atrium. Blood passes through the tricuspid valve and enters the right ventricle.
- Blood is pumped through the pulmonary semilunar valve and out the pulmonary arteries to the lungs to become oxygenated.
→What happens on the left side:
- Blood returns from the lungs to through the pulmonary veins to the left atrium .
- Passes through the bicuspid valve and enters the left ventricle.
- Blood is then pumped out through the aorta.
- The aorta pumps blood to the body (systemic circulation) and eventually returns to the heart through the inferior and superior vena cava.
EXCITATION of the heart (4)
- Muscle cells in the myocardium are excitable: with electrical stimulation, they will contract.
- Leads to contraction of the heart.
- Leads to pumping of blood.
- Does not require stimulation from CNS (involuntary)
- SA node aka “the pacemaker”.
- Founded within the wall of the right atrium.
- Where electrical signals are initiated.
- Sets heart rate.
- Controlled by the autonomic nervous system.
- The electrical signals spread through both atria via the internodal pathways.
- Causes the atria to contract from the top down.
- When the atria contracts it forces blood into the ventricles.
- AV node.
- Located at the bottom of the right atria.
- Passes the electrical signal from the atria to the ventricles.
- Also passes signals into a region of specialized tissue that runs down the ventricular septum: THE BUNDLE OF HIS.
→ Splits to form the right and left bundle branches.
- From the bundle of his, the branches pass the signal on the PURKINJE FIBRES.
- Purkinje fibres pass the electrical signal to the ventricles.
- Blood is supplied to the heart by its own vascular system, through two main arteries: the tight and left coronary arteries.
- Branches off of the aorta and divide multiple times, supplying all regions of the myocardium with oxygenated blood.
- Defined as the series of events that occurs through one heartbeat.
- DIASTOLE: phase of relaxation.
→ Heart fills with blood - SYSTOLE: phase of contraction
→ Heart contracts and ejects blood
- During the cardiac cycle there are dramatic changes in pressure
→ Pressure propels the blood through the circulation - SYSTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE: pressure observed in the arteries during the contraction phase.
- DIASTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE: pressure observed in the arteries during relaxation of heart.
- Normal BP is 120/80 (systolic over diastolic).
- Vascular system is formed by a network of vessels that transport blood throughout the body.
- As you follow the path of blood through the body away from the heart, the vessels branch out and get smaller.
- Main categories of vessels (5):
→ Arteries
→ Arterioles
→ Capillaries
→ Venules
→ Veins
- Carry blood away from the heart.
- Thick, muscular walls that are very elastic.
- Ability to stretch and reoil is important in assisting the movement of blood during diastole.
- Smaller than arteries.
- Surrounded by rings of smooth muscle that can be contracted or relaxed.
- Nervous system can control the distribution of blood flow to different organs using arterioles.
- Smallest vessel.
- Wall is very thin - one cell thick.
- Location of exchange of gases and nutrients.
- Returns blood to the heart.
- Becomes larger as they move away from capillaries.
- Venules, veins, vena cava.
- Carry deoxygenated blood (Except the pulmonary veins).
- Main role is to transport oxygen, carbon dioxide and nutrients.
- Two main components: PLASMA and BLOOD CELLS
- Fluid component.
- Composed mostly of water.
- Makes up about 55% of blood.
- Within you will find nutrients, proteins, ions and gases.
- Most abundant blood cell
- Transports O2 and CO2
- Contains a specialized protein called hemoglobin which can bind O2 and CO2
- Less than 1% of blood.
- Plays an important role in protecting the body from disease.
- Incomplete cell fragments
2. Important in the regulation of blood clotting to stop bleeding.
- Also known as Q, is the volume of blood that is pumped out of the left ventricle in 1 minute.
→ Measured in L/min
→ Typical person = 5-6 L/min
→ During heavy exercise = around 30L/ min - Two other factors that contribute to cardiac output (Q) are stroke volume and heart rate
- Q= HR X SV (stroke volume)
- Amount of blood that is ejected from the left ventricle in a single beat.
- Measured in mL.
- Determinants of SV:
→ GENDER: men on average have higher SV due to the larger size of their hearts.
→ EXERCISE: increased aerobic training can increase stroke volume (which usually results in a lower resting heart rate as well) - SV is calculated by subtracting the left ventricular end-systolic volume (LVESV) from the left ventricular end-diastolic volume (LVEDV).
- SV (mL) = LVEDV (mL) - LVESV (mL)
- As your heart becomes more efficient through exercise, the LVEDV will increase – heart is able to pump more blood per contraction.
- The ventricle has the ability to accomodate increases the volume by stretching.
… Resulting in a more forceful contraction.
… Therefore more blood being ejected. - FRANK STARLING LAW = ability of the heart to stretch and increase the force of contraction.
- The efficiency of SV is measured through the calculation of ejection fraction.
- EF = % of blood that is ejected from the left ventricle during a single heartbeat.
- Normal EF is between 50-70%.
- EF is the proportion of blood that is ejected fro, the left ventricle during a single heartbeat.
- The amount of blood pumped out of the ventricle divided by the total amount of blood in the ventricle (multiplied by 100).
- Number of times the heart contracts in a minute.
2. Cardiac output can be calculated as the product of stroke volume and heart volume.
EFFECTS OF TRAINING - Calculations (7.3) (3)
- Most influential changes with aerobic training are alterations in the structure of the heart.
- Increases in mass and dimensions of the heart are observed.
- Specifically: ventricular volume and thickness of ventricle walls.
- Increase in # of capillaries.
… Due to increased oxygen demands. - Increase in volume of blood.
… Due to increased oxygen demands.
… If training stops, volume will return to pre-training level. - BRADYCARDIA: Lower HR (60 bmp or less at rest)
- TRACHYCARDIA: HR if 100 bpm or higher at rest.
- Gradual narrowing of the coronary arteries.
- Due to accumulation of hard deposits of cholesterol on the lining of the vessels.
- If vessel comes blocked or partly blocked, myocardial infraction (heart attack) would occur.
The respiratory system is responsible for:
- Supplying 02 to the blood.
- Removing C02 from blood.
- Regulating blood pH
- EXTERNAL RESPIRATION: processes that occur within the lungs involving the exchange of 02 and CO2.
- INTERNAL RESPIRATION: exchange of gases at tissue level, 02 is delivered and C02 is removed.
- CELLULAR RESPIRATION: process where the cells use 02 to generate energy through the different metabolic pathways.
- Composed of all of the structures that bring air from the outside of the body to the lungs.
- Includes: mouth, nose, larynx, pharynx.
- Composed of respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveolar sac.
- All of these structures are involved with the exchange if gases between inspired air and the blood.
- Alveolar sacs (alveoli) are grape-like structures that provide a large surface area of the diffusion of gases into and out of the blood.
- Movement of air from outside of the body to the inside of the body is dependent on differences in air pressure.
- Air moves from regions of higher pressure to regions of lower pressure.
- Large flat specialized muscle. It contracts and moves downwards to create more space in the chest cavity, This results in a decline in air pressure within the chest and lungs.
- With the contraction of the diaphragm, the air pressure within the chest cavity is lower than the air pressure outside the body.
- This results in inspiration – air rushing into the lungs from outside.
- The combination of inspiration and expiration
… The volume of air that is moved by the lungs in one minute. - Influenced by two factors: the volume of air in each breath, and the number of breaths taken.
- TIDAL VOLUME: The volume of air in each breath.
- RESPIRATORY FREQUENCY: Number of breaths taken per minute.
- Regular aerobic training leads to very few adaptations in the respiratory system.
- The only observable changes with training are in ventilation (combination of inspiration and expiration)
… Increase in tidal volume (vt) and decrease in respiratory frequency (f).
- ASTHMA : spasm if the smooth muscle that lines the respiratory system.
…Over secretion of mucous.
…Swelling of the cells lining the respiratory tract. - COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease :
… Describes a family of disease that lead to a dramatic reduction in airflow.
… Differs from asthma in that the conditions persist and cannot be relived as quickly as effectively activities without experiencing dyspnea (laboured breathing)
- Oxygen consumption (V02): the amount of oxygen taken up and consumed by the body.
…Equal to the amount of oxygen inspired minus the amount of oxygen expired. - V02 is proportional to workload – the greater the V02, the greater the amount of 02 used in the body.
- A-VO2DIFF : the average amount of 02 found in the arteries minus the amount of 02 in the vena cava.
V02 MAX (2)
- The maximal amount of oxygen that can be taken in and used for the metabolic production of ATP during exercise.
… This would occur at max SV, HR, and A-VO2diff. - Can only be measured in a lab using computers while the participant performs incremental exercise to exhaustion.
… Workload progressively becomes more difficult every minute and performed until exhaustion.
- RESPIRATORY FACTORS: inadequate ventilation, oxygen diffusion limitation.
- CARDIOVASCULAR FACTORS: inadequate blood flow or cardiac output, inadequate oxygen-carrying capacity (hemoglobin concentration).
- MUSCULAR FACTORS: Lack of mitochondria.
- During incremental exercise, pulmonary ventilation initially increases at a rate proportional to the increase in workload.
- Eventually a point is reached where ventilation increases much more rapidly than workload – this is referred to as VENTILATION THRESHOLD.
… Normally occurs at 65-85% of V02 max. - increase in ventilation occurs because of an increase in the accumulation of lactic acid in the blood.
- When energy demands can no longer be met, the anaerobic system is also used to meet energy requirements (glycolysis)
- The body increases ventilation to deal with the accumulation of lactic acid.
- When we breathe heavily during intense exercise, it is to meet the demand of oxygen in working muscles.
- A major function of the cardiorespiratory system is to allow the body to address this deficit.
- Oxygen deficit represents the difference between the oxygen required to perform a task and oxygen actually consumed prior to reaching a new steady state.
- “Steady state” occurs when oxygen uptake and heart rate level off
… energy demands and energy production are evenly balanced.
… The body maintains a steady level of exertion for an extended period of time.
- When intense exercise terminates, a period of time elapses before the body returns to a resting state.
- Th additional oxygen taken in during this recovery period is referred to as EPOC
- The additional oxygen requirements during this period are due to the demands from the body to replenish oxygen to the various body systems that are taxed during exercise.
- Changes that occur:
…Refilling phosphocreatine reserves in muscles.
… Replenishing oxygen in blood and tissue.
… Lowering elevated heart rate and breathing.
… Lowering body temp.
… Increasing blood lactate removal.