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Which method of measuring brain activity can cause a small area of the brain to be ‘switched on and off’ at will?
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
What is the correct order of the neural impulse?
Dendrites; Cell Body; Axon; Axon Terminals
How many chromosomes are there in the nucleus of a normal human cell (ie, NOT a sex cell)?
46 (23 from the mother and 23 from the father)
What is meant by a ‘recessive’ allele in genetics?
A gene variant that requires both versions to be present in order to be displayed
when is the heritability estimate for intelligence the highest?
in adulthood than in
If a trait has a heritability estimate of 0.2, this means
20% of variation in the expression of that trait is due to genetics
Which is the correct pairing of nucleotides?
G-C, A-T
Adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine are:
What is the correct definition of a heritability estimate?
Statistical indicator of genetic influence on a trait
How do we get a t-distribution?
By repeatedly taking two samples from the same population and then taking the mean difference between the two samples.
All other things being equal, when are we more likely to get a statistically significant difference between two conditions?
When we have a smaller standard deviation.
What is the fundamental idea underlying statistical tests that compare the results from two observed samples?
The tests compare the difference between the observed samples with a distribution that is based on a comparison of two random samples.
If we find no significant difference between two conditions what can we conclude?
There is no evidence that the two samples came from different populations.
If we set our significance level at .05 and a statistical test shows that p = .062, what should we say?
The result is non-significant.
What does the t-test NOT take into account?
The difference in medians between your samples.
What does the Levene’s test for equality of variances tell you?
Whether the homogeneity of variance assumption is violated.
When do you use a related samples t-test?
When each participant contributed data in two conditions.
You therefore design a study to investigate if there is a difference between student and staff satisfaction of the new common room. Which experimental design and statistical tests would you use?
Independent samples design and independent samples t-test
how do you report the results of the t-test.
t(degress of freedom) = the t statistic, p = p value
When do we make a Type I error?
We reject the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is in fact true.
What does the MS-between in an independent samples ANOVA tell us?
How large the differences between conditions are.
Which test checks whether the sphericity assumption in a repeated measures ANOVA is violated?
Mauchly’s test
how do you report the results of an analysis of variance
An ANOVA showed that there were significant differences between the conditions: F(2, 27) = 4.47, p = .021
What is the dependent Variable
The data that your participants provide, the variable that you measure, e.g., reaction times, score on a test, ratings, number of errors, etc.
What is the independent variable
The variable that you manipulate, the conditions or groups that are compared, either by comparing different groups of participants or comparing different stimuli.
If an independent Variable is Between Participants. each Participant takes part in
only one level/condition
If an independent Variable is Between Participants. each Participant takes part in
in all conditions/levels.
Inferential tests (t-test, ANOVA) check
how likely it is that the results from the different conditions in your experiment came from the same population.
If Inferential tests (t-test, ANOVA) show it is unlikely participants came from the same population we can conclude
that the difference between conditions is due to your experimental manipulation (e.g., whether participants were male or female, whether they drank coffee or not, whether the stimulus was large or small).
If the difference between conditions is due to your experimental manipulation we can say
The difference is statistically significant; the independent variable had a significant effect
Normally, we say that a difference is significant if the chance that the results from the conditions came from the same population is
less than 5%, that is p < .05.
If it is quite likely that the results from the conditions came from the same population this means
we cannot conclude that the independent variable had an effect; the difference between conditions is non-significant
what is the Null hypothesis (H0):
That there is no difference between your conditions; the conditions were sampled from the same population.
what is the Experimental hypothesis (H1):
That there is a difference between conditions; the conditions were sampled from different populations.
For the below Hypothesis determine there type Condition A is larger than condition BThere is a difference between conditions A and B
Condition A is larger than condition B - A directional or One Tailed HypothesisThere is a difference between conditions A and B - a non-directional, two-tailed hypothesis
Why is it generally better to use a two tailed hypothesis
Because we usually cannot completely rule out that the difference goes in either direction
how can Statistical tests check whether H0 can be rejected
If p < .05 it can be, and we accept H1. If p > .05, H0 cannot be rejected.
If p = .05, then there is a 5% chance that
that this is a false positive, that we conclude that the samples came from different populations even though they did not, that we incorrectly conclude that the conditions are different.
what type of error occurs when we conclude that the samples came from different populations even though they did not, that we incorrectly conclude that the conditions are different.
This is a Type I error.
What type of error occurs if p > .05, and it is possible that this is a false negative, that we do not reject H0 even though the samples came from different populations
This is a Type II error
What type of tests are the inferential tests t-test, ANOVA.
These are parametric tests
What do Parametric test Compare
They compare the difference between the means of your conditions with the variability within your conditions (error variability/noise variability).
Provide an examples of when Parametric tests are likely to indicate a statistically significant result
1.The mean difference between your conditions is large2.The variability within your conditions is small3.You have a larger number of observations
What Assumptions should be met to use Parametric tests
Your dependent variable should be a measurement or scale variable.Your data should be normally distributed.Tests for independent samples designs: Variability in the conditions should not differ (homogeneity of variance assumption).ANOVA for repeated measures design: Variability in the difference between each pair of conditions should not differ (sphericity assumption).
Homogeneity of variance assumptionapplies to which design method and means?
Applies to :Tests for independent samples designs.Means:Variability in the conditions should not differ.
The sphericity assumptionapplies to which design method and means?
Apples to :ANOVA for repeated measures designMeans:Variability in the difference between each pair of conditions should not differ
Which test do you use?For a Study with: 1. Condition
One sample t test
Which test do you use?For a Study with: 2. ConditionsParticipants are independent
Independent t test
Which test do you use?For a Study with: 2. ConditionsParticipants are repeated
Repeated t test
Which test do you use?For a Study with: 3. or more ConditionsParticipants are independent
One-Way Independent Measures ANOVA
Which test do you use?For a Study with: 3. or more ConditionsParticipants are repeated
One-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA
If SPSS shows a p-value of .000, then you should
say p < .001 (or p < .01 if you report all p-values in 2 decimals).
What is required to Write up a t-Test
Report means and a measure of variability (standard deviation, variance, standard error). This can be done in the text or (if you have many conditions, in a table or graph).Define variablesSay which test you used and what your design was.Report t-value, df (degrees of freedom) in parentheses, p-valueIf you find a statistical difference, make clear what the direction of the difference is (check means)
if the results of the test are not significant what can you NOT do
you cannot say that there was a difference between conditions.
When are ANOVAs used
For experiments where you have more than two conditions
If your experiment has 2 conditions then ANOVA will show
The ANOVA shows the same results as a t-test.
If the ANOVA results are significant, then you can conclude
conclude that there are differences between your conditions.
What can ANOVA not show
which conditions differ.
in an experiment with more than 2 conditions how can you check whether two specific conditions differ?
With pairwise analyses.
What is A priori pairwise analyses
You decided in advance which conditions you will compare.
what pairwise analyses procedure can you use for A priori pairwise analyses
you can use the Least Significant Difference (LSD) procedure, which is identical to the t-test
when using the Least Significant Difference (LSD) procedure, why is it better to limit the number of comparisons
to keep the experiment-wise error rate low
What is Post-hoc pairwise analyses
You decide after seeing the data which conditions you will compare
What kind of Pairwise analyses can you use for Post-hoc Analyses
You can use the Bonferroni correction or Tukey HSD test.
why use A priori pairwise analyses or Post-hoc pairwise analyses
ANOVA results can show that there is a difference between you conditions but does not tell you which conditions differ.To check whether two specific conditions differ, you do pairwise analyses.
In an ANOVA What do MSbetween or MSmodel relate to?
The mean square of your independent variable
In an ANOVA What do the MSwithin or MSerror relate to ?
The mean square of your error variance