All the Shite Flashcards
What are the names of the 3 atmospheric circulation cells?
Polar, Hadley, Ferrel
What is the effect of cooling air on its density?
Density increases
How does the upwelling of air at the equator occur?
Solar radiation at the equator heats up the air and water
The warm air rises (reduced density)
Water vapour also lowers density
What forms the basis of the Hadley cell circulation?
The rising air cools (water droplets form clouds)
Cooled air can’t sink due to upwelling, so has to move sideways in upper atmosphere
Air sinks down at around 30º latitude
What is the name of the force that creates a latitudinal component to air force, caused by the Earth’s rotation?
The Coriolis force
What is the effect of the Coriolis force?
Deflects air to the right in the northern hemisphere, and to the left in southern hemisphere
What does ITCZ stand for?
Intertropical convergence zone
Why does the ICTZ shift?
Due to movements in position of latitudinal high and low pressure zones, especially in the northern hemisphere
Sinking air at the tropics (30º north and south) causes:
An area of high pressure
What is the compensation depth?
Where GPP = R
What is endemism?
Refers to the taxa unique to a given area
What is an equinox?
When the sun shines directly above the equator, and day and night are roughly the same length
What is a solstice?
Where the sun is furthest from the celestial equator
What is critical depth?
The hypothesised surface mixing depth where phytoplankton growth equals loss of phytoplankton biomass
Marine accounts for how much GPP?
~56 PgC/yr