All the rest Flashcards
What does EAP stand for?
Employee assistance programs (through the Canadian Centre for OCHS)
What is an EAP?
Is a confidential, short term counselling service for employees with personal problems that affect their work performance.
Help with the resolution of these problems.
They are a referral agent.
They are often a large multi-national provider who’s only a referral service that is paid for by the er.
What types of services does an EAP offer
a range from eldercare to family violence, the ee can choose what they need.
Who can use an EAP
EEs and their immediate family members.
What is the EAP issue that pertains to HR?
Evaluation EAP –> usage statistics.
Where is it possible to prevent loss?
At job level, program level, OHS management system. Injury/Disability Damage Human Costs First Aid Program Fire extinguisher programs
What are the main phases that lead to return to work?
Initial period of no work possible
Rehab begins
Return to work planning begins, Graduated return to work plan
EE returns to work on modified duties
EE returns to full duties or permanent accommodation.
Who is on the disability management team?
HR Rep EE Rep Disability insurance rep EE's doctor "Operational Department"
What is the disability management sequence of events?
WCB Decision letter. Disability claims management Disability Mangement Job demands analysis Functional capacity evaluation [Independent medical exam] Graduated return to work Return to work or Accommodation
What is the functional capacity evaluation?
Doctor’s report about what the EE can do right now. (blank form goes to doctor)
EE signs release
Doctor sends the form to the ER –> This can be a bottle neck.
Must be communicated to DM team
There will be more than one
As injury get’s better, less accommodation needed
ER pays the cost
What is the job demands analysis?
Provided by the er –> can also be contracted out.
How disable is the ee in relation to the job.
Used by doctor to understand the job to create his report.
When is an independent medical exam required?
If there is a disagreement by the WCB about the FCE or GRTW/
What is the graduated return to work program?
“Work hardening/condition”
team develops with current FCE
Define what the modified duties will be.
Doctor must approve.
When GRTW is over, what are the possibilities for the EE?
Full return to work.
Return to work without further accommodation
Return to Work with further accommodation
Return to work with permanent accomm:
Same job, same work with appropriate accomm
Different job, same work
Same job, different work
Different job, different work.
Who pays for the vocational rehabilitation?
Insurance company pays.