All the goodies Flashcards
Qualitative characteristics and components (Adjectives)
Faithful Representation
1. Completeness
2. Neutral
3. Free From Error
1. Predictive Value
2. Confirmatory Value
3. Material
Enhancing Characteristics
4 things
- Comparability
- Verifiability
- Timeliness
- Understandability
(all the ‘Ity and time) NOUNS
3 Main aspects of Financial Reporting
Recognition, Measurement, Disclosure
Other Comprehensive Income
- Unrealized gains or losses on AFS Securities
- Unrecognized gains or losses from pension costs
- Foreign currency translation adjustments
- Unrealized gains or losses from derived transactions
Comprehensive Income
Net Income + OCI = Comprehensive income
Show a total picture of all operating income, gians, & losses
Accumulated OCI in shareholder equity of BS
Legal authority to establish US GAAP
Securities Exchange Commission
Current standard-setting body
SEC allows the profession to establish US GAAP and self-regulate
Single source of authoritative nongovernmental US GAAP
Accounting Standards Codification
Full Set Financial Statements
- Balance Sheet
- Income Statement
- Comprehensive Income
- Cash Flows
- Changes in owners equity
BS = Stmt Financial Position
IS = Stmt of earnings
Present Value Measurement
5 Elements (EVTUO)
- E: Estimate of future cash flow
- V: Timing Variations of FCF
- T: Time value of money
- U: Price of Uncertainty
- O: Other factors
Multi step IS vs Single step IS
Multi separates operating and non operating and other gains and losses
What is the appropriate characterization of the net assets of a nongovernmental not-for-profit organization?
Residual interest
N-F-P Conditions
Measurable performance related barriers or other barriers. Right of return must be present.
Measurable: specific outputs or outcomes, levels of service, matching, outside events or contingencies.
NFP Rev Rec
Pledges without donor restrictions
Net of allowance, displayed as Inc. to net assets with donor restrictions due to implied time restrictions.
Open purchase orders that represent a committment of available appropriations.
Debit: Encumbrances Credit: Budgetary Control
Not a liability or expenditure
Not Identified on the face of gov fund’s external financial statemenets but may be disclosed.
Deferred outflows and inflows
Outflows: (+) effect on net position
Inflows: (-) effect on net position
- General
- Special Revenue
- Debt Service
- Capital Projects
- Permanent
- Internal Service Fund
- Enterprise Fund
- Custodial Funds
- Investment Trust Funds
- Private Purpose Trust
- Pension and Other Employee Benefit Trust Funds
Governments record and reverse activity and encumbrances
Encumbrances- Goods received
Reverse original entry and record to expenditures and Vouchers Payable
Without donor restrictions
Recognized net of uncollectibles. If pledge is more than actual, the difference is basically a time constraint.
Government Liabilities
Gov entity reports only current liabilities to the extent available in expendable resources. No long term liabilities reported.
Current Financial Resource; Modified Accrual
Government-Wide Fin Stmts
Presented on the full accrual basis. Regardless of availability. Not available = deferred inflow or outflow.
Fund are modified accrual - Available and measurable
Shows debt that is not included in the funds. Example: special assessment.
Debt Service Fund
Account for the accumulation of resources for, and payment of, principal and interest for general debt for gov funds.
Not for fiduciary funds or proprietary funds
Extraodinary events
unusual and infrequent
Special Revenue Fund
Revenues that are legally restricted to expenditure for specified purposes.
Intrest and principal on long term debt
Recorded when they become due and payable, not the general rule of “measurable”
Government Wide Financial Statements
Reported using economic resource measurement focus. Showing long term liabilities. Displays gov and enterprise only, not fiduciary.
Gov Wide Net Position Classifications
- Net investment in capital assets
- Restricted
- Unrestricted
Non Gov. N-F-P
Operating cash flows
Agency trans., cash contributions without donor restrictions, program income, investment income (Div/Int)
General fund accounts for all financial resources unless required to be in another fund.
Gov Reporting Standards
Includes basic financial statements and supplementary info.
* Basic = gov-wide fin stmts, fund fin stmts, notes to the financial stmts.
* Supplementary = MD&A, a few other things
Governmental Unit
- Separately
- Elected governing Body
- Legally separate entity
- Financially independent status
Blended: Not separate
Discrete: (separate column) fail blended criteria
Measurement focus differences
- Capital assets net of
- (-) Accumulated depreciation
- (-) Non-current liabilities
- Service (internal service fund) net position
Reconciliation between fund and fov wide financial statements
Non-current assets and liabilities are excluded in funds but still need to be on gov wide presentation.
Reconciliation of Changes
Change in gov fund balances
* C: Capital outlay (+)
* P: Principal payments LT debt (+)
* A: Asset disposals
* S: Sources (other financiing) (-)
* ()
* R: Revenue - sales tax (+)
* I: Interest expense (-)
* DE: Depreciation expense (-)
* S: Internal service fund
Notes and Supplementary Info
- Budget comparison schedules - general and major special revenue funds
- Schedules include: original and final budget, actual inflows, outflows, and balances
- Variances are optional
Equity, EPS, Cash Flows
Stock Compensation Formula
Total Cost
Total compensation cost = market price of the share on date of grant x number of restricted shares awarded.
Compensation is expensed (allocated) over the period of service.
(Net Income - Preferred dividends) / (WACSO = Total shares x period outstanding)
Operating Lease v Financing Lease
- Ownership - transfers at end of lease
- Written Option - purchase reasonably certain
- Net Pesent Value - lease payments is most of the asset value (90%)
- Economic Life - lease term major part of UL (75%)
- Specialized - no alternative use to lessor
No to all = Operating
No to any = Operating
Yes to any = Finance; No to any = Operating
Finance Lease/ Sales-Type Lease
or… Operating/ Operating
Commencement Date
Date the underlying asset is made available to the lessee for use
Lease payment start date does not matter
Lease Receivable
Minimum lease payments PLUS any residual value
Lease Obligation - Principal
Lessee should use the rate implicit to discount cash flows. Annuity = periodic payment x PV of ordinary annuity.
I dont think the incremental borrowing rate matters in anything…
ROU Asset (Operating Lease)
Periodic Payment
- Beginning of period = PV of an annuity due (generally)
- End of period = PC of an annuity (ordinaty/arrears)
Initial Entry - DR: ROU CR: Lease Liability
Subsequent Entries - DR: Lease expense CR: Cash/lease liability
DR: Lease Liability CR: Accumulated Amortization - ROU asset
Right of Use Asset
Amortized beginning on the commencement date using straight line.
Derivative Characteristics
- One or more underlyings, and one or more notional amounts or payment provisions or both
- Requires no initial investment or one that is smaller than alternatives
- Terms require or permit a settlement
Includes: Futures, forwards, options, swaps
Financial instrument that derives value from the value of some other instrument
Foreign Currency
Functional Currency
Currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates. Usually local currency or reporting currency.
Capital accounts are translated using functional currency
Lease Expense
Must be reported on a straight line basis. When they fluctuate, the average rate needs to be calculated.
Watch the dates, if lease begins in June… June 1 to December 31 is SEVEN months
Leasehold Improvements
Amortize over the life of the improvements or the remaining life of the lease, whichever is shorter.
Lease Liability
* Payment
* Interest
* Decline in liability
Capitalize using implicit rate
Lease Liability Rule
Finance leases should be recorded as both an asset and a liability at the PV of minimum lease pmts. The asset is depreciated. The liability is amortized using the interest method where the payment is allocated between principal and interest and reduced by the principal reduction. The liability is segregated between current and non current where the reduction each year = the current liability at the end of prior year.
Finance Lease
Lessee amortizes the asset over the economic life if there is a purchase option or when lessee takes ownership at the end of the lease term.
Stock Dividend
Treated as if it happened ay the beginning of year.
Income Tax
Intraperiod Tax Allocation
Book doesnt make any fucking sense on this.
Primary objective of accounting for income taxes?
Inter-period tax allocation is to recognize the amount of current and future tax related to events that have been recognized in financial accounting income.
Asset and liability approach (balance sheet approach)