All Terms Flashcards
A method of compensating salespeople where each salesperson pays the broker a monthly fee for the use of the office space, support services, and the broker’s name, and in return, the sales person keeps 100% of the commission.
100% Commission Plan
A method estimating the value of lots with more than standard depth; a depth table.
4-3-2-1 Rule
A decrease or reduction. (ex. Decrease of rent due to damage caused by a storm)
A grantor’s hand delivery of a deed to the grantee.
Absolute Delivery
A condensed history of all conveyances, liens, encumbrances, judgements, and other court decisions affecting the property.
Abstract of Title
Mortgage loan provision which permits the lender to demand the entire loan balance be immediately paid in full in the event of default.
Acceleration Clause
A buyer whose offer is acceptable to the seller, though different from the terms in the broker’s listing agreement
Acceptable Buyer
The acquisition of title by the owner of real property to those things attached to the property by others, such as tenants or trespassers or by nature.
The gradual addition to land resulting from some natural force, such as the action of water or wind.
A process for recovery of investment in a building.
Return on Investment
Past depreciation
Accrued Depreciation
A formal declaration made by the grantor in the presence of an authorized official, usually a notary public, that the fraudulent inducement of a conveyance. Required in most states for recording but has no effect on validity.
A measure of land area equal to 43,560 square feet.
A court action to settle a title dispute or clear a title of defects.
Action to Quiet Title
Status of an individual who has met all qualifications to practice real estate as a broker, associate broker, or salesperson; and such license is held by a broker, rather than by the Commission.
Active License
The number of years a building has been in existence
Actual Age
An agency established by agreement, either written or verbal.
Actual Agency
Oral or written communication to the offer or that the offerer has accepted the offer.
Actual Communication
A legal process to remove a tenant who holds over after the right of possession has ended, usually resulting from failure to pay rent.
Actual Eviction
A deliberate misrepresentation of a material fact, made with the intent of inducing the other party to act upon it to one’s detriment. Can be done by words or silence.
Actual Fraud
Knowledge that one acquires from what is heard, read or observed.
Actual Notice
A tax assessed against real property based upon its value. Revenue from such taxes is used to pay for the general operational expenses of the taxing authority.
Ad Valorem Tax
A page added to a form contract for the purpose of including essential terms or to provide supporting documentation such as plats or power of attorney.
Mortgage loan which allows the lender to periodically adjust the interest rate, up or down, to reflect changes in market rates.
Adjustable Rate Mortgage or ARM