All Shuffled Flashcards

Portrait Bust of Caracalla,
Late Roman Empire,
c. 212

Ajax and Achilles Playing Checkers,
Andokides Painter,
Greek: Archaic Period,
c. 520 BCE
Sarcophagus with Reclining Couple from Cerveteri,
Early Etruscan,
c. 520 BCE

Trajan’s Column,
High Empire Roman,
c. 112

Capitoline Wolf,
Late Etruscan,
c. 500-480 BCE

Augustus from Prima Porta,
Roman: Early Empire,
c. 20 BCE

Greek, High Classical Period,
c. 450 BCE
( marble copy of bronze original by Polykleitos, )

Apoxyomenos (Scraper),
Artist: Lysippos,
Late Classical Greek,
c. 330 BCE

Temple of Portunus (Fortuna Virilis),
Republican Rome,
c.100 BCE

Diskobolos (Discuss Thrower),
Artist: Myron,
High Classical Greece,
c. 450 BCE

Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus,
Early Christian,
c. 359

Dying Warrior from the Pediments of the Temple of Aphia,
c. 500-490 BCE,
Archaic Greek

Bust of Roman Patrician,
(Torlonia Head)
Roman Republic,
ca. 50 BCE

Roman, High Empire,
c. 125

Anavysos Kouros (Kroisos),
Greek, Archaic Period,
c. 530 BCE

Kritios Boy, Greek,
Early Classical Period,
c. 480 BCE

Group of Pan and Aphrodite from Delos,
Hellenistic Greece,
c. 100 BCE

Procession of the Imperial Family,
Early Roman Empire,
c. 13-9 BCE

Temple of Athena Nike,
Artist: Kallikrates,
Classical Greece,
c. 427-424 BCE

Tomb of the Leopards,
Early Etruscan, Tarquinia, Italy, c. 480 BCE

Great Altar at Pergamon,
ca. 175 – 150 BCE

Pont du Gard,
Roman Early Empire,
c. 16 BCE

Dipylon Vase
Greek: Geometric Period
c. 740 BCE

Interior of the Tomb of the Reliefs,
Early Etruscan,
c. 3rd. century. BCE

Hermes and the Infant Dionysos,
Artists: Praxiteles,
Late Classical Greek,
c. 340 BCE

Athens, Greece, Classical Greek,
c. 421-405 BCE

Dying Warrior from the East Pediments of the Temple of Aphia,
c. 490-480 BCE,
Archaic Greek

Arch of Constantine,
Rome, Early Christian,

Peplos Kore,
Greek Archaic Period,
ca. 530 BCE

Colossal Head of Constantine the Great,
Early Christian,
c. 315

Dying Gaul,
c. 220 BCE

Model of an Etruscan Temple,
6th century BCE

Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius,
High Roman Empire,
c. 175

Nike of Samothrace,
Hellenistic Greece,
c. 190 BCE

Temple of Hera I,
Archaic Greek,
c. 550 BCE

The Lady of Auxerre,
Greek: Orientalizing Period,
ca. 630 BCE

Arch of Titus,
Roman Early Empire,
c. 81

Ara Pacis (Altar of Augustan Peace),
Roman Early Empire,
c. 13-9 BCE

New York Kouros,
Greek, Archaic Period,
c. 580 BCE

Artist: Iktinos and Kallikrates,
High Classical Greece,
c. 447-438 BCE

Apollo from the roof of the Portonaccio Temple,
Artist: Vulca from Veii (?),
Early Etruscan,
c. 510 BCE

Battle of Issus
Artistic: Alexander Mosaic,
(ca. 310 BCE),

Aphrodite from Melos (Venus de Milo)
Hellenistic Greece,
c. 150 BCE

Laocoon and His Sons,
Artist: Athanadoros, Hagesandros, and Polydoros of Rhodes,
Hellenestic Greek,
c. 50 AD

The Good Shepherd, the story of Jonah, and orants, cubiculum ceiling,
Catacomb of Saints Peter and Marcellinus,
Early Christian,
early 4th c.

Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater)
Roman, Early Period,
72 − 80