All Questions For Flight Test Flashcards
What is the radio call when landing into
Moorabbin using Carrum as a reporting point.
Who You are Talking To - Moorabbin tower
Who You are - Helicopter Uniform Sierrra Golf
Where You are - Carrum
How High you are - 1000 ft
Where You Want To Go - Inbound southern pad
What Info do you have - With Oscar
Fluctuating Fuel Pressure Guage
Fluctuating fuel pressure when all other engine instruments indications remain normal is a likely indication of fuel vaporization.
Fuel pressure gauge reading LOW
Why would this be?
What can you do to help the situation?
Low indication could indicate a failure of the engine driven fuel pump,
in which case, you should switch on the boost pump.
When may passangers NOT be carried aboard an aircraft in flight
During flying training if the pilot does not hold an RPL
While practising emergency procedures
During low flying practice or flight testing
Arial Work ?
What does CAO stand for
Civil Aviation Order
A commercial pilot (helicopter) licence authorises the holder of
the licence:
fly a single pilot helicopter as PIC while engaged in any operation
fly a multi-pilot helicopter as PIC while engaged in any operation other than a charter, or regular public transport, operation
fly a helicopter as co-pilot while engaged in any operation.
MUST be endorsed on the helicopter to be able to fly it in operation
A commercial pilot (helicopter) licence authorises the holder of the
licence to fly a helicopter without holding a type endorsement for the
in dual flying-for the purpose of qualifying for a type endorsement
for the helicopter; or
(b) in any capacity-for the purpose of:
(i) testing the helicopter; or
(ii) carrying out an experiment in relation to the helicopter; if
the Authority has given the holder permission under
subregulation 5.50 (1) to fly the helicopter in those
How long can you NOT fly a helicopter as PIC without getting
a flight review?
2 Years
A commercial (helicopter) pilot must not fly a helicopter as pilot
in command if the helicopter is carrying any other person unless:
within 90 days of the actual flight
(i) carried out at least 3 circuits while flying a helicopter as PIC
or under supervision
(ii) satisfactorily completed a helicopter proficiency check;
(iii) passed a flight test conducted for the purpose of
the issue of a helicopter pilot licence
or the issue, or renewal, of a helicopter pilot rating;
What does the VOLTMETER read at the following stages
Pre engine start
Post engine start
Prior to start with the master switch on - the voltmeter will read the battery’s voltage.
After start, the voltmeter will read the alternators output voltage.
If the voltmeter was to have a drop in it’s reading what
would this indicate?
A drop in voltage indicates too high a load on the system or faulty alternator.
Explain the relationship between: IAS CAS EAS TAS
IAS -> Corrected for position and instrument error =
CAS -> Corrected for compressibility errors =
EAS -> Corrected with air density = TAS.
What does the following stand for?
IAS - Indicated Air Speed
CAS - Calabrated Air Speed
EAS - Equivelant Air Speed
TAS - True Air Speed
Describe and state the function of :
Fuel Flow Guage
Used in Fuel injector systems than carburettor systems
measurment of fuel pressure calibrated to a flow rate
Describe the function of ….
Fuel Flow Guage
Guage that measures of fuel pressure calibrated to a flow rate
Incorrect readings of a Fuel Flow Gauge
Partial Blockage will cause
Partial blockage of the fuel
line will cause incorrect readings
Pressure will RISE = Fuel Flow Rate HIGH
What happens to the fuel flow shoud the line be partially blocked
What effects does this have on the fuel flow gauge
The actual fuel flow rate will slow down or even stop
if there is a partial or full blockage on the line.
Inistial spike on the guage
On the Fuel Flow Gauge - Fluctuations
This could be caused by vaporisation of fuel
What type of fire extinguisher can you use on an
electrical fire?
Halon 1211 or otherwise known as BCF
Conditions that promote Carburettor Icing
High Humidity
BELOW 20 Deg C
Relative Humidity over 80%
Low Power Setting
What is a boost pump & it’s operation
A boost pump will keep the pressure on the
fuel and prevent vaporization of the fuel.
Malfunction or Faliure of Magnetos
When can you check for these & what are the signs
You will notice a larger than permitted drop in RPM
during startup testing of the mags.
Must not be flown - seek mechanical assistance.
Required Aircraft Equiptment
VFR (non Charter/Aerial Work)
Airspeed Indicator
Altemeter with adjustable Millibars
Direct reading Magnetic compass
Accurate time keeping device
Required Aircraft Equiptment
VFR for a Charter or Aerial work
As VFR -
Alternator/Airspeed Indicator/Time Peice/Compass
Turn & Slip Indicator
OAT Indicator (Outside Air Temp)
What class of airspace is a VHF required
Class A
Class C
Class D
Class E
Also needed in class G ABOVE 5000 Feet
Land aircraft with RPT or Charter PAX must have what
when the approach/take-off is over water
Must have a life raft and a life jacket for
each passanged on the plane
When is it vital that the aircraft has a raft or life jacket
for every person on board
When the A/C is carrying charter/RPT PAX
and the approach/take-off is over water.
Where are the life jackets stored
At or adjacent to each seat
Additional Life Jackets made available?
Yes they should be made available
For infants/small children
Amphibious aircraft when operating on water,
helicopters equipped with fixed flotation
equipment when operating on water, and all
seaplanes and flying boats on all
flights shall be equipped with:
1 Life Jacket Per Person on board
Additional number of life jackets
(equal to at least 1/5th of total number of PAX)
When will the PAX wear life jackets
When flying over water
Life jackets MUST be worn by ALL occupants
of a helicopter when….
It’s performing trips to riggs or off shore platforms
Permitted distance from land for a
4 engine helicopter is …….
120 MINUITES at normal cruising speed
400 MILES whichever is less
Permitted distance from land for a
3 turbine engine helicopter is …….
120 mins at normal cruise speed
400 miles which ever is less
Permitted distance from land for a
2 turbine engine helicopter is …….
120 mins at normal cruise speed
400 miles whichever is less
Permitted distance from land in anything OTHER than
4 or 3 or 2 turbine engine helicopter
is …..
A distance = 30 mins normal cruise speed
100 miles whichever is less
Whats the distance from the land that a charter single
engine helicopter needs to have floats installed.
What’s the exception
Must be autorotative distance from land.
Exception is if the landing / take-off laneway is over water
and no other part of the router it over water.
In a single engine what type of flight needs to have
a floatation device fitted whenever the helicopter
is operated beyond autorotative distance.
Regular Public Transport Operations
In a multi engine helicopter performing
Regular Public Transport or PAX charter flights beyond
autorotative distance, does it need a
floatation system?
On a flight over water what signaling equiptment
do you need to have on board?
1 Emergancy Locator Transmitter (with 1 raft)
At LEAST 2 ELT’s when more than 1 raft is carried
Supply of pyrotechnic distress signals
What are the ELT’s frequencies
121.5 Mhz & 243 Mhz
Moorabbin ATIS Frequency
Moorabbin TWR East
Moorabbin TWR West Frequency
Transponder Frequency for Moorabbin
Transponder Frequency for TRAINING AREA
Helicopter Circuit Height At Moorabbin
700 feet
R44 Shutdown Procedure
Collective DOWN, RPM 60 - 70% FRICTION ON
Cyclic & Pedals Neutral FRICTION ON
Clutch Switch DISENGAGED
Clutch Light OUT
Avionics, Alt, Battery & Ignition Switches OFF
VFR Instrument For PRIVATE
Altimeter with adjustable pressure in millibars
Direct reading magnetic compass
An accurate timepiece
All Australian aircraft must be fitted
with an approved ELT/ELB unless
Less than 50 NM from an aerodrome (HF radio must be fitted)
Agricultural ops
CASA has given permission
New a/c and the flight is a test flight or ferry flight
flying a/c to a place to have ELT/ELB fitted
Temporarily removal for inspection, repair, mod, or replacement; and an entry has been made in the log book stating the make, model and s/n, and the date of removal and the reason for removal. In addition, a placard stating “ELT not installed or carried “in the a/c that can be seen by the pilot; and that not more than 90 days since the removal.
What are the conditions that VFR Flight
can be conducted in?
Operating @ or below 2000FT above ground or water pilot can navigate by visual referance to the ground or water
At sub-sonic speeds
In accordance with speed restrictions ENR 1.1 (102 para 65)
What basis will ATC provide Special VFR
(Not conditions of weather)
Pilot needs to ask for it
It will be issued for the CTR zone by the ATC
As long as it does not hold up IFR traffic
What are pilots responsible for ensuring under
special VFR
Clear of cloud
Visability 800 M
Helicopter can operate that pilot can observe any obstruction or other traffic with time to avoid a collision
Requirements of CAR 157 are followed
State the points within CAR 157
PIC not fly over populated area lower that 1000FT
Or, any other area lower than 500FT
300Meters radius from highest point on terrain - 500FT above that
CAR 157
Why would this regulation not apply
Stress of weather
Aerial work (with CASA permission letter)
Low Level flying training (with CASA permission letter)
Take-off/Landing at aerodrome
Search & Rescue or dropping supplies or Packets
Police chopper
What does VMC stand for?
Is VFR permitted in CLASS A Airspace
No - Only IFR permitted in Class A Airspace
Conditions of Class C Airspace
Above 10,000FT AMSL / Visability 8K / 1000FT vertical from cloud, 1500FT horizontal from cloud
Below 10,000FT AMSL / Visability 5K / 1000FT vertical from cloud, 1500FT horizontal from cloud
Conditions of Class D Airspace
Height - Within CLASS D/ Visability 5K / 1000FT ABOVE cloud or 500FT BELOW cloud, 600FT horizontal from cloud
Must not bust what speed in Class D Airspace
200 Kts
Conditions of Class E Airspace
Above 10,000FT AMSL / Visability 8K / 1000FT vertical from cloud, 1500FT horizontal from cloud
Below 10,000FT AMSL / Visability 5K / 1000FT vertical from cloud, 1500FT horizontal from cloud
Conditions of Class G Airspace
Above 10,000FT AMSL / Visability 8K / 1000FT vertical from cloud, 1500FT horizontal from cloud
Below 10,000FT AMSL / Visability 5K / 1000FT vertical from cloud, 1500FT horizontal from cloud
@ or Below whichever higher 3,000FT AMSL or 1000FT AGL / Visability 5K / Clear of cloud, in sight of ground & water - MUST HAVE RADIO AND USE OF CORRECT FREQ
Define :
Location of the fuselage to the horizon
Dissymmetry of Lift is caused by
A differance of lift between the advancing & retreating blade
Flapback is ….
When the rotor disk is tilted to the rear as the advancing blade flaps up
and the retreating blade flaps down to overcome dissymmerty of lift
Tail Roll is ….
When the tail rotor is lower than the main rotor, and it will
start to rotate the helicopter around it’s axis
Tail rotor drift is ….
This is when the thrust in the tail rotor will push the
entire helicopter
What is QNH a measurment of
This is a measurment of PRESSURE adjusted to sea level
UTC is used within the aviation world to ….
Standard Mesurement Of Time
What is the PRIMARY means of controlling power in a helicopter
The collective
As we slow down below 40 knots the rate of decent decreased
Why is this?
Loss of transitional lift as the induced flow is decreased
What is the meaning of
Runway 35
Runway 350 Degrese (Northwest)
Label the circuit
1 . Upwind
- Crosswind
- Downwind
- Base
- Final
Label the diagram of Moorabbin
- Runway 17 / 35
- Runway 13 / 31
- EastenGrass
- Western Triangle
- Southern HeliPad
What are the bounderies of the eastern grass and the western triangle
at Moorabbin?
The Eastern Grass - Line 20 Meters East of parallel to eastern edge of runway 35 and perimeter fence.
The Western Tirangle - Line extending TWY a center line and extended 20 meters South West of and parallel to TWY 3 and perimiter fence
What are YOUR responsibilities for being medically fit for flight
Not Unwell
Take medication if Req
What documents are to be carried with you on your flight
Maintenance Releace (MR)
Flight Manual
Any Crew Licence
What are the privileges and limitations of a student pilot’s licence
Cannot carry passangers
Must fly where instructed
Total time in service on a manintenance release is calculated by…
Actual flying time (When the collective is raisied the clock ticks)
Can a private licence sign a mantenance release
What must you check on a Maintenance Release before flight
That the helicopter is not going to go over it’s hours on
the planned flight, and need a service
What class of airspace is Moorabbin?
During the day Class D
Outside hours Class G
** In an emergency list in the correct order the information
that should be transmitted, if time permits, in a distress message
What is the recovery method from ground resonance
If you have sufficenet RPM to lift off - do so
If you do not have sufficent RPM the pull the mixture
What does the following mean when lit
Transmission oil pressure drops too low, 2- 1/2psig
or the temp exceeds 235 deg F
Land as soon as possible
What does the following mean when lit
Possible deterioration of components within the main
rotor transmission. If the light is ON LAND ASAP.
What does the following mean when lit
Land as sppm as possible you only have
1 Gallon
of fuel left in the tank
What does the following mean when lit
The clutch is not fully engaged, land ASAP
What should you do if he minimum oil pressure is
not reached within 30 seconds
Power down engine