All Questions Flashcards
What is red
As an RRV task force, what do your preliminary reports consist of? (4)
If having trouble contacting dispatch…?
Radio signals
Type of operation
Use ERS box
Wmd antidote (3) what order?
Whats in a mark 1 kit?
- Nerve
- Blood
- Benzodiazepines
1 (2mg) atropine, 1 (600mg) auto injector of 2 pam
Hi rise What channels (chief/aid)?
Fire sector sup/fire branch director
Sae grp sup
Fed staging area mgr
Primary tac/command
2nd tac/command
Command channel/prim tac
Lad co at fwd staging
Spare cyls, 2 6’ hooks, 2 fe sets, search and util ropes
Sp kit w nozzle, spare cyls
Hi rise commercial
Needs at fire sector (fire floor and floor above) (4)
A/l 2 ht’s, copy of floor plan, fire sector branch log, post radio
Hi rise
Sae post location based on: (4)
Fire location
Ht effectiveness
Floor must not be in bank serviced by same as fire floor
At least 5 fls above
Hi rise
Class e systems have 2 way comms between: (5)
Warden stations Mech control ctr Elevators Air control rooms Elevator machine room
Manual alarms in hi rise
Required in path to all exits
Additional Required if more than 200 feet apart
A manual alarm sends alarm to who
Fire department fire command station mechanical control center fire safety director fire floor and floor above
Under the 2008 code a signal is also sent to the floor below
Hi rise
If an ionization device is triggered add an elevator landing what happens
Sprinkler alarm?
Hvac alarm?
Elevators are recalled
Stop air supply into and return air on that floor
Activate exhaust fans and damper pressurized smoke fans
Unlock doors
All except elevator recall
Hi rise-ladder ops
Before proceeding to the fire floor what information do you get from the fire safety director
Before proceeding to the fire floor what do you have to do in the lobby
Upon arrival at the floor below you must
Location of fire
evacuation procedures
access stare to fire floor
Elevator status
Choose an elevator bank to the fire floor
Get a floorplan diagram if there’s only one leave at the command station
Keys to fire floor
Steph incident command post
Choose attack stair
Assist the engine by removing obstructions forcible entry and opening the ceiling for the Plenum
Third latter add a high-rise
Must choose evacuation stare and go above via the stair not attack
What does the third letter report to the ICP from the floor above
If difficulty advise the first ladder fire sector and fire branch to withhold the fire attack
Heat and smoke
Evacuation stare
Fire extension
Access stairs
In a high-rise what are the fourth ladders duties
Roof and top five floors
When signs denoting speed humps are found to be missing a report shall be forwarded to home
Bureau of operations city planning
If an essay Lt. is available for special duty but is not assigned where must report be sent
That officers assigned division
How many violations of the New York city parking regulations may issue a notice a parking violation how many violations of the New York City traffic rules may be charged on each violation
After our unit or member issues a notice of parking violation which of the following steps must be taken upon return to quarters three things must be done
File the pink page page 3 in the uniform filing system
Immediately forward the white page page 1 and yellow page page 2 to the bureau of legal affairs at nine Metrotech
Record the issuance of the parking violation in the company journal
When a property or business owner fails to comply with the violation order a summons maybe issued which copy of the summons should be served to the defendant
The pink copy
Who show unit officers contact when the unit is in need of new criminal court summons us
The administrative enforcement unit Bureau of legal affairs
True or false when a summons is served for failure to comply with the VO this someone should be personally served to the owner of the building or business after due diligence if the owner cannot be located in approved person in charge should be served a summons
Buildings constructed under the 2008 building code have a stand pipe riser over how many feet in height she’ll have separate load zone and high zone siamese connections
600 feet
True or false a fire on the 100th floor of a high-rise building will require a third stage engine
Only an incident commander at the rank of battalion chief or higher may order the use of the third stage
Pressure is exceeding 600 psi require a third stage engine of fire on the 100th floor require 600 psi a fire above the 100 floor would require the third stage engine
True or false corbelling is a course of brick build out from the face of a wall as in steps in reverse
True or false a canopy is an unsupported roof like covering which projects from the wall as an ornamental feature
False a canopy is supported
True or false and eccentric load is a force who’s resultant is perpendicular to the supporting member but does not pass through the center of the mass
Under the 1938 building code taxpayers with areas exceeding how many square feet require sprinkler systems and under the 1968 code area is exceeding how many square feet require a sprinkler
10,000 and 7500
True or false for the following three statements
Open web steel joists are used to spend lengths up to 100 feet in taxpayers
They are particularly vulnerable to elevated temperatures of a fire and may collapse after only five or 10 minutes
Found in modern taxpayers open Web still Joyce have excellent fire resistance rating’s
False they are used to spend lengths up to 60 feet
False open Web steel joists have no fire resistance rating
Cast iron columns are unpredictable and fell on the average in about how many minutes in fire endurance
30 minutes
What colors could possibly be associated with a Backdraft there are four choices
Yellow brown
Gray yellow
Dirty brown
Dance black
Choose the incorrect choice about lightweight open Web steel joists
The spacing of the joists will vary depending on the strength of the joists and the type of roof decking used
No members shall be committed to any roof operations at buildings with light weight open Web steel
No members shall be committed to any roof operations at buildings with light weight open web steel joists
The most common decking is corrugated steel with joists placed from 4 to 6 feet
They are supposed greater distances apart then the standard wood
The incorrect choice is no members shall be committed to any roof operations at buildings with light weight open web steel joists
These roofs must not be cut
Vertical vertical ventilation should be limited to the removal of skylights and scuttle covers
Which engine company is responsible to ensure the sprinkler system is supplied for a fire and the seller of a taxpayer
Which engine is responsible to ensure the sprinkler system is supplied at store or cockloft fires in a taxpayer
The correct answer for both questions is the third engine company
At a seller fire in a taxpayer which unit is responsible for shutting down the utilities
At A cockloft fire in a taxpayer which unit is responsible for shutting down a Utilities
The answer to both questions is the first letter company
Add a fire in a taxpayer when should a second alarm be transmitted (3)
And advanced fire in the cellar
Fire extends to the cockloft
Fire extends to and a joining occupancy
At an advanced fire in a store with two headlines operating what should the incident commander call for
Special call an extra engine and ladder
Which choice correctly describes the possible height of a cock loft in a taxpayer
1 foot to the height tall enough for a man to stand in
2 to 3 feet
4 inches to more than 6 feet
Choice c
Using the fog pattern on the FT to tip to relieve an area of smoke and heat would be correct to adjust the font pattern to the width of the opening and Stanback how many feet
4 to 5
How long do flyers burn for approximately
30 minutes
How far does a member have to fall for a life felt to be placed out of service
3 feet
The post radio shall be charged for at least how many hours weekly and after each use
Eight hours
During a positive pressure fan operation the bulkhead door may be burped for approximately how many seconds
How many watts does the post radio transmitter at
Members shall not be within how many feet from a transmitting post radio
Water will be expelled from a pressurized water extinguisher in how many seconds
A trenchcoat should be at least how many feet wide
Department apparatus shall be kept a minimum of how many feet from a leak in the Buckeye pipeline system
To shut a Buckeye pipeline valve turn the valve how many times
CPC units use a coordinated team effort of at least how many CPC trained members
How many minutes our company is limited to in order to get the meal
45 and limited to their first due response area
Which type of brush fire is listed as the most common type of brush fire found in New York City
Surface fires
When in FDNY vehicle is involved in an accident zero original New York state report of motor vehicle accident MV 104 must be completed and sent to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles within how many days and a copy must then be sent to the safety command accident claims unit within how many days of an accident resulting in death personal injury damage over $1000 or if a dollar amount to not be estimated
10 days to the DMV and four days to the safety command
Who’s responsibility is it to send the MV 104 to the DMV and if the accident results in death personal injury damage over $1000 or if a dollar amount cannot be estimated
Responsibility of the vehicle operator
When hydrating after heat stress what is the proper ounce and time and what should the member be drinking and or a void drinking
Members should avoid concentrated sports drinks and hot drinks initially they should have 20 ounces and 6 to 8 ounces every 15 minutes
When turning corners no apparatus should be driven in excess of how many miles per hour
True or false six grade firefighters with less than 90 days service may perform house watch only between the hours of 920 2400 provided they are monitored by the officer on duty war by an experienced member
When placing the ladder to the roof extend the latter so that the temp is at least how many feet above the point where the letter comes in contact with the building
5 feet above
How far to the left is the line drawn for the flagging column?
And officer and not less than how many firefighters exclusive of the shofar shall perform field inspection for reinspection activities with a properly operating radio equipped or apparatus
Three exclusive of the chauffeur
If a life-saving Rope goes out of service who do you notify in order to obtain a replacement wrote
Administrative division chief
Operating the apparatus what does one Bazzar tone mean?
One main stop
To Means go
Three means the rear is clear
If you want to add something to the pass it on program where do you send it and how long do you have to send it to?
Send a copy to the bureau of operations within 24 Hours and forward a copy to the division through the chain of command
Members should stand how far from the command post
At least 25 feet
During an emergency involving the Buckeye pipeline what should be the primary consideration of FDNY units
Evacuation of the area involved
When placing a portable latter to a window the tip shall be level with what
Portable ladder along side of a fire escape the tip should be where
Placing a portable ladder against a fire scape the tip should be where
When placing a portable ladder to the roof of a fire building the tip of the latter is placed where
Level with the sill
Slightly above the fire escape
1 to3 feet above the fire escape railing
At least 2 feet above the roof
For a fire in a brown stone building a portable letter should be brought to the rear using which method
Through the parlor floor of the adjoining building
When using a search robe which hand should you enter the building and which hand should you exit the building
Right and right
When positioning the aerial to rescue a victim at a window on the fifth floor place the apparatus how many feet to how many feet from the building for a good climbing angle
25 to 35
True or false where no immediate rescue is required when using an aerial ladder the height of the building to be covered in case of future need of the latter
False frontage of the building to be covered in case of future need of the latter
When positioning and Ariel what is the recommended distance from the objective
When positioning for rescue what is the recommended distance from the victim
If using the aerial ladder to remove occupants from an overcrowded fire escape place the letter along side the fire escape and which position
2 inches away from the building and 1 to 3 feet above the balcony railing
True or false after removing a victim down the aerial ladder to the turntable the ladder company chauffeur must assist that person all the way to the ground
When placing an aerial ladder to the roof extend the latter so let the tip is at least how many feet above the point where the letter comes in contact with the billing
5 feet
The Drager extended duration SCBA can provide up to how many hours of breathable air
True or false the pack tracker is intrinsically safe
When evacuating people from a subway car what is the preferred method of evacuation and what is the last resort
Through the car to a station
Transferring the passengers to another train
Dry chemical extinguishers at the Paul removal boxes found along the right of way will be approximately how many feet apart
How often are progress reports from a late train required
Every 15 minutes
When using fog nozzles what is the minimum distance from catenary wires
10 feet
Administrative units shell inspect the subway dry standpipe systems and test the sound powered telephones how often
Semi annually
If any member recognizes that the involve the station is served by a dry standpipe system shall relay this information to which members
Engine chauffeur and the engine officer
All air train cars are equipped with what
Air trains normally travel at blank minute intervals during peak hours and can reach speeds of how many miles per hour
Every air train car has how many sets of passenger doors
Intercom, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers
2 to 4 and 70 mph
Four sets of passenger doors two on each side
On the Buckeye pipeline if the unit is required to protect life and is there by prevented from carrying out isolation duties the officer must immediately notify who
The dispatcher
What four pieces of information should be included in the preliminary report to the dispatcher when the leak location is identified
Location amount of product in the street typography exposures
The acronym is late
During which type of Buckeye pipeline drill will participating units actually shut down the pipeline valves
Borough drills only
All Engine and Latter company is assigned to Staten Island Carry what in terms of brush fire units
All engine companies carry two Indian pumps four brooms and 1 inch forestry hose
All ladder companies carry a minimum of four Indian pumps four brooms and six lengths of one and three-quarter inch hose
Engines 241
Ladders 446
For hurricane season when should requisitioning of supplies commence
When should you contact the division storm coordinator if you have not received your supplies
March 1 and May 1
There are two faces when weather conditions indicate that a severe storm is likely to strike New York City phase Eddie and face be during phase A all units assigned dewatering pump’s Shelton sure that such pumps are placed on the apparatus how many hours prior to the predicted storm
During severe storms how many members should comprise a reconnaissance team
2 to 4 and they should not engage in any type of rescue activity and they provide information to the branch director and deputy chief including locations of victims and resources necessary for rescue
Charges shall be withheld during weather emergencies when members are unable to report for duty on time these reports shall be submitted to who
Chief of operations
How many units comprise and or RV task force
How many officers and how many firemen comprise and our RV task force
And our RV task force is comprised of two apparatus including either a sock support latter second piece a tac unit or a brush fire unit end it is one officer and four fireman
What is the order of communications for a rapid response task force
One DARS radio
800 MHz
Cell phone
Department radio
In all dewatering operations the total number of units committed to deep water in operations should not reduce the overall availability of Engine and let her company is below how much
Drills and training schedules concerning winter operations Shelby initiated during which month each year
What equipment should be placed on company apparatus when snow or ice Emergency is eminent or phrase a or B of winter operations is established
At least six extra lengths of 2 1/2
Tire chains spare links link tool and vehicle recovery strap with shackle
Two shovels and containers of salt and or sand
Specialized hydrant connection set up as determined by individual commanding officers
When should company commanders begin requisitioning materials to be delivered for winter operations
July 1
Company commanders show maintain a minimum of how many shovels for snow clearance in front of the firehouse
During a winter storm how many stories must the building day for the latter company to enter the block first
Over three stories
If one engine company finds a frozen hydrant which is in a Nother engine companies administrative area who should enter the hydrant into the Hansen system
The administrative company
If there is no illegal entry of quarters and a department employee is suspected immediately notify Who and Forward a report with full particular’s to the chief of operations
The inspector general
At fetal fire and arson investigation’s security of the incident scene is of the utmost importance spectators the media and members of the department shall not cross established firelines unless authorized by Who
The assigned fire marshal and or the chief of operations
Units will conduct familiarization drills at public schools K through 12 after the initial familiarization drill the unit will continue to conduct such drills within every ? from the most recent familiarization drill
Two years
An officer or acting officer and not less than two firefighters exclusive of the shofar shall perform field inspection with a properly operating radio equipped apparatus true or false
False an officer and not less than three firefighters exclusive of the chauffeur
If you receive a complaint from a civilian regarding an overcrowded theater what would be a correction action to take
Telephone the administrative battalion chief and the battalion chief will investigate with the appropriate company
If the emergency lights and the electronics serve at Siren or out of service but the horn is still operable should the unit be placed out of service
Yes the unit must have emergency lights to remain in service
If a member’s drivers license has been suspended or revoked where should the report be forwarded within one week
Chief of personnel
In the company journal which pages are used for drill marks
Which pages are used for Chiefs visits
Which pages are used if the unit is a Depot
How long should a company journal be kept for
20 years
How many hours in advance should special leaves of absence without pay be requested
Commanding officers of all units shall forward veterans reports within how many days after the date veterans holiday duty was performed
Four days
When members are on medical leave or are granted a medical leave within how many days immediately prior to scheduled vacation. Commanding officers shall promptly notify who
Five days and BHS