All Python From 1 To 23 Flashcards
octophorne, pound character used to comment out lines
Slash- division
Asterisk- multiplication character
How does it work
X devided by Y with J remaining
The result of % is the J part
Less then
Greater than
Less then equal
More then equal
Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction
X to the Y power
// is used to perform floor division. The expression 100//40 will return the value of 2. Floor division is useful when you need a quotient to be in whole numbers
A name for memory storages of strings, numbers
Between_ beetwen
Underscore character
Assigns value on the right to the variable on the left
Tests wether two values are equal
f“text and {some car}”
One way of formatting the string
“Something {} “.formatter(“player”)
Another way to format a string
True “and” False
Python recognises
True and False as keywords representing the concept of true and false
Allows you to write every place
Backslash- \
Single quote - ‘
Double quote - “
ASCII Bell - makes the sound «dingg»
Backspace - deletes one character behind
Horizontal tab- simple tab
Line feed - simply moves to the next line
Vertical tab
does this thing
does the same thing as\v
Carriage return - e.g
variable = input()
Takes input from the user and assigns it to the variable
end =‘ ‘
Tell python to not end the line with a newline(\n) character
variable = int(input())
It gets a number as a string than converts it to an integer using int()
Open in terminal, to find answers for your questions
Detect and remove errors from…
This is how you add modules to your script from the python feature set. Rather than give you all the features at once, Python asks you to say what you plan to use. This keeps your program small
Is a argument variable. This variable holds the arguments you pass to your python script when you run it.
Script, one, two, three = argv
Unpacking the variables