ALL patterns - enough to diagnose (part 1) Flashcards
discomfort of the chest, palpitations, insomnia
Blood xu of the Pericardium
mental confusion, rattling sound in the throat, T = swollen w/ sticky coating
Phlegm Misting the Mind
blurred vision, T = pale, P = choppy
Liver Blood xu
tremor, facial tic, severe dizziness, tinnitus, headache, hypertension, dry throat, dry eyes, blurred vision, numbness/tingling of limbs, poor memory
Liver Yang rising generating Wind (LYR deriving from Liver Yin xu)
palpitations, insomnia, poor memory, T = pale
Heart Blood xu
high temp, convulsions, neck rigidity, limb tremors, opisthotonos
Extreme Heat generating Wind
fever at night, delirium, T = red w/ no coating
Heat in the Pericardium
belching, irritability, P = wiry
rebellious Liver qi
a feeling of fullness and heaviness, T = sticky, yellow coating w/ red sides
Damp-Heat in the Liver
stabbing chest pain, purple lips
Blood stasis of the Pericardium
tremor, facial tic, severe dizziness, tinnitus, headache, hypertension, dry throat, dry eyes, blurred vision, numbness/tingling of limbs, poor memory, backache, scanty urination, night sweating, possibly hypertension
Liver Yang rising generating Wind (Liver Yang rising deriving from Liver AND Kidney Yin xu)
palpitations, cold hands, P = deep, weak
Heart Yang xu
cyanosis of lips, cold limbs, P = hidden, minute
Heart Yang collapse
palpitations, depression, feeling of lump in the throat
Heart qi stagnation
palpitations, tiredness, empty pulse
Heart Qi xu
dry eyes, T = peeled (w/o coating)
Liver Yin xu
throbbing headaches, P = wiry
Liver Yang rising
palpitations, SOB w/ iability to lie down, feeling of oppression of the chest, stabbing/pricking pain in ythe heart region
Heart vessel obstructed
stabbing pain in the chest, cyanosis of the lips, T = purple
Heart Blood stasis
palpitations, feeling of distension of the chest
Qi stagnation in the Pericardium
all the various mental symptoms, T = ted w/ sticky yellow coating
Phlegm-Fire harassing the Heart
feeling of oppression and pain of the chest, all the mental symptoms, T = red and swollen w/ sticky yellow coating
Phlegm-Fire harassing the Pericardium
palpitations, mental restlessness, night sweating, T = without coating
Heart Yin xu
iriitability, sour regurgitation, hiccups, belching, nausea, vomiting
Rebellious Liver Qi invading the Stomach
a feeling of distension, P = wiry
Liver qi stagnation
fine tremor, facial tic, dizziness, blurred vision, numbness/tingling of limbs, poor memory, insomnia, scanty periods
Liver Blood xu generating Wind
alternating between constipation and loose stools, P = wiry
rebellious Liver qi invading the Spleen
blurred vision, palpitations, T = pale, P = choppy
Liver + Heart Blood xu
tongue ulcers, thirst, palpitations, T = red
Heart Fire blazing
T = red w/ redder sides, dry yellow coating
Liver Fire blazing
stabbing pain, T - purple
Liver blood stasis
breathlessness, asthma, fullness of hypochondria, headache, P = wiry
Liver Fire insulting the Lungs
feeling of distention, P = wiry, T = red sides
stagnant Liver qi turning into Heat
tremor, tic, numbness/tingling, dizziness, convulsions, paralysis
Liver - internal wind
tremor, irritability, propensity to outbursts of anger, tinnitus and/or deafness (with sudden onset), temporal headache, dizziness, red face and eyes, bitter taste, dream-disturbed sleep, constipation with dry stools, dark yellow urine, epistaxis, hematemesis, hemoptysis
Liver-Fire generating Wind
palpitations, feeling of tightness of the chest, bitter taste (after a bad night’s sleep), insomnia
Pericardium Fire
hypogastric pain referring to scrotum, cold hands and feet, P = wiry-deep-slow
stagnation of Cold in the Liver channel
tremor, dizziness, tinnitus, headache, hypertension, dry throat, blurred vision, numbness/tingling of limbs, poor memory, insomnia
Liver Yang rising generating Wind (Liver Yang rising deriving from Liver Blood xu)