all part 2 Flashcards
The flood
jove be liek fuck this and flood the world
bitch don’t know a good when he see one
jove be like set house on fire and turn ass into wolf
Deucalion And Pyrrha
cute ass couple that are nice to gods
get saved from flood and have to repopulate the earth by throwing rocks behind them
- young nymph, daughter of the river Inachus
- Jove rapes her and gets turned into a cow
- given as a gift to Juno and put under the watchful eyes of Argus
- is set free by Juno
- gets Mercury to kill Argos, and begs Juno to let her go
- turns back into a human and gives birth to Jupiter’s son, Epaphus
- son of apollo
- ask to ride the chariot
- flies to low and burns everything
- jove kills him with a lightningbolt
Callisto and Arcacs
- bitched gets raped by jove disguised as artmis
- tries to hide pregnancy
- gets turned into a bear
- son almost kills the mother
- Jove turns them both into constellations, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.
- The greedy sister of Herse
- Minerva goes to Envy
- Envy fills her with so much envy that she cannot bear anyone’s good fortune and happiness that she eventually turns to stone.
- king’s daughter
- gets kidnapped by Jove disguised as a bull
King Agenor’s son. His sister, Europa, was kidnapped by Jupiter and he was sent to go find her. When he can’t find her he asks the oracle of Apollo what he should do and he said to find a female cow and follow it to wherever it stops to rest. Cadmus is instructed to call the region Boeotia. He follows these orders and knows the appropriate thing to do is to offer a sacrifice to Apollo. He sends his men to find fresh spring water but they are all killed by a snake. Cadmus goes to look for his men and finds the snake which he kills. Then Minerva appears and tells him to plow the ground and plant the snake’s teeth. They grow into a giant army of warriors that kill each other until 5 are left. The last five make peace with one another. Ovid says Cadmus ends up having a great life after all that happens with a wife and kids.
Diana and Actaron
Actaeon, grandson of Cadmus who founded Thebes, was out hunting one day when he got lost. He stumbled upon a grove where the virgin Goddess Diana and her nymphs were bathing. Actaeon accidently saw Diana naked, even though the nymphs tried to hide her body from his view (however, she towered over them, so it was no use). Though it was an accident, Diana was enraged by what happened and turned Actaeon into a stag. Actaeon was deeply saddened and ran away from Diana towards where his men and hounds were. When the hounds noticed Actaeon, they began mercilessly tearing him apart. Oblivious that the stag was actually their leader, Actaeon, turned into a beast, the men cheered the hounds on. In the end, Actaeon is killed by the hounds.
lover of jupiter, mother of Bacchus Juno tricks her into asking Jupiter to make love to her with his full power as a god Juno asks Jupiter to grant her an unspecified request and he promises to follow through Jupiter can’t go back on his words and makes love to her with all his power she dies pregnant with Bacchus and Jupiter brings Bacchus to full term in his thigh
When Jove and Juno fight over the issue of who has more pleasure in sex, man or woman, they ask Teiresias because he is transsexual. He lived life as a man, but after attacking two serpents he was transformed into a woman. When Teiresias goes back to the snakes, he is transformed back into a man. Anyway, Jove believes that women have more pleasure and Juno says that men do. Teiresias takes Jove’s side, with women having more pleasure. Juno is upset with his decision and turns him blind. Because of Juno’s actions, Jove gives Teiresias the power of foresight.
Narcissus and Echo
Pentheus And Bacchus
Pentheus mocks the gods and Bacchus is coming to his kingdom and the people in the kingdom are rejoicing. Pentheus thinks Bacchus is ruling Thebes badly and dislikes him. So Pentheus sends out his slaves to capture Acoetes, Bacchus’ companion. They capture him and he tells a tale of when he was out sailing and took aboard a young boy who they thought was a god. It ended up being Bacchus. The men on the crew tricked Bacchus so he killed them all except Acoetes, who then worshipped Bacchus. Pentheus gets mad at the story that wasted time, orders Acoetes to be chained up, but the chains fall off, women chanting and worshipping Bacchus enter and rip Pentheus’ body apart.
is the goddess of a spring in Sicily. There are two different stories involving Arethusa. (1) While Ceres is frantically looking for Proserpina (See Ceres & Proserpina), Arethusa tells her that she saw Proserpina in the underworld and that Proserpina is now Pluto’s queen.(2) After Ceres settles the situation with Proserpina, Ceres goes back to Arethusa to talk to her. Arethusa tells her the story of why she left Achaea and how she turned into a spring. Originally, Arethusa was a nymph living in the woods of Achaea. She was not interested in men and loved walking through the woods and hunting. After Arethusa went hunting one day, the god Alpheus saw her and fell in love. He chased after her and Arethusa eventually collapsed from exhaustion. Arethusa prayed to Diana to protect her, so Diana turned her into a mist. As Alpheus inspected the mist, Arethusa got so nervous that she started to sweat, which turned her into a puddle. Alpheus transformed himself into a river so he could mingle with Arethusa. Diana split the earth open and the two (both water) trickled down through the cracks and traveled until they ended up in Ortygia. There, Arethusa became a fountain.
Pyramus and Thisbe
the couple falls in love but their marriage is forbidden by their parents; kept their love a secret, listened and spoke to each other through the wall between their houses and planted a kiss on the wall every night; decided to sneak out and meet in the tomb of Ninus; Thisbe arrives first but sees a lioness from far away, so she runs off and drops her cloak in the process; the lioness mangles the cloak with her bloody jaws and leaves, so when Pyramus arrives he thinks the lioness has eaten Thisbe; Pyramus thrusts his sword into himself in grief; Thisbe returns and sees him dying, so she positions the sword beneath her breast and falls on it
Salmacis and Hermaphroditus
Perseus and Andromeda
Perseus sees Andromeda (daughter of Cepheus, king of Ethiopia) chained to a rock on the beach. She is being offered up as a sacrifice to Poseidon, so that he doesn’t send a monster to destroy the land (Poseidon is angry because Andromeda’s mother said she was more beautiful than the Nereids). Perseus kills the monster and rescues Andromeda, and then marries her. However, Andromeda was already engaged to a man named Phineus. Phineus comes into their wedding feast, and there is a big fight. Phineus is angry at Perseus for stealing his fiancé, but Perseus tells Phineus that he didn’t deserve her anyway because he was the one that ended up rescuing her. Perseus then turns Phineus into stone by using Medusa’s head.
Crese and Proserpina
Mother and daughter respectively. Pluto falls in love with Proserpina and takes her to the underworld where they are married. Ceres, as the goddess of nature and Earth, refuses to let plants grow and people begin to die. When Proserpina is found, Ceres asks if she had eaten anything in the underworld. If she hadn’t, Proserpina could come back and be with her mother. However, she ate 6 seeds from a pomegranate, so she has to be in the underworld for half the year (fall, winter) and with her mother for the other half (spring, summer).
In the second tale of Arethusa, she tells the story of the river Alpheus’ passion. Arethusa was a nymph who was on her way back from hunting in the Stymphalian forest when she came upon a stream which she waded into. She strips off her clothes and enters the water when suddenly she hears a murmur come from the bottom which turns out to be Alpheus. She tries to flee but Alpheus pursues her and they embark on a cat and mouse chase over mountains and through fields. He finally chases her down and she prays to the goddess, Diana, who hears her cries for help and hides her in a dense cloud of fine mist. Alpheus tries to find her but he cannot until she starts to leave puddles where her footprints should be. Soon after, Arethusa turns into complete liquid and sinks into the earth’s crust where she was first swept off to Ortygia and then rose up again as a fountain.
She is from the land of Lydia (modern Turkey) and is from a humble background and famous for her knitting. She boasts that she could beat Minerva in a weaving contest. Minerva shows up at Arachne’s house disguised as an old woman and urges Arachne to honor the goddess. Arachne refuses so Minerva reveals her true self and challenges her to a contest. Arachne weaves scenes of Jupiter, Neptune, Apollo, Bacchus and Saturn seducing women. Everyone (Including Minerva) agrees her work is flawless. Arachne hangs herself after Minerva tears her work to shreds. Minerva then turns her into a spider.
is a wealthy woman of Thebes, and the proud mother of fourteen children: seven sons and seven daughters. Because of this, she boasts that she is a greater mother than the goddess Latona, who is the mother of Apollo and Diana, because she only has two children.Angered by Niobe’s words against her, Latona sends her children Apollo and Diana to kill her seven sons. Overwhelmed with grief at the death of his children, Niobe’s husband kills himself. Niobe, however, remains almost indifferent, claiming that it doesn’t matter that half of her children are dead since she still had her sever daughter left. Latona then killed her seven daughters, which made Niobe cry out in grief. Latona then turned Niobe to stone and sent her off to a mountain.
A goddess is offended by Niobe who refuses to worship her and apollo and diana (her children) outraged her and her children kill Niobe’s children; seven sons and seven daughters the people now fear her
Tereus, Procne, and Philomela
Athens was under attacked by barbarians, but Tereus of Thrace came, and helped the lead the Athens to victory. The King of Athens gave his daughter’s (Procne) hand in marriage to Tereus as a gift. Their marriage is ill-fated when Juno, Hymenaeus, nor the Graces attended the wedding. After a few years of their marriage, Procne asks her husband to bring her sister, Philomela, because she misses her. Tereus goes back to Athens to fetch her, and brings her back to Thrace. However, Tereus brings the sister back to a hut in the woods, and rapes her. He also cuts her tongue off, and imprisons her in the hut to prevent her from telling Procne. When Tereus returns him he tells Procne her sister died on the journey. A year later, Philomela weaves a message describing what happened to her, and gets a servant to deliver the message to Procne. Procne saves Philomela, sneaks her into the kingdom, and they devise a plan. They take Itys, Tereus and Procne’s son, and kill him to serve to Tereus during the Bacchus feast. Tereus is enraged, and tries to attack the sisters, but the three are turned into birds.
Medea and Jason
Medea and Pelias’ daughters
Medea mixes a potion that makes people and things younger again. She does this successfully for Aeson the brother of Pelias. Then Pelias’ daughters want her to make the same potion for their father. She boils a pot of water but does not actually make the potion. Then the daughters dump the old man in and he croaks.
Cephalus and Procris
Cephalus, touched by grief, tells the story of his wife, Procris, who he describes as very attractive. They were married and Procris’ father, Erectheus, approved of the joining of the two. But, in the second month of their marriage Cephalus was ravished by the goddess, Aurora, against his will. He still greatly loved Procris which makes Aurora very angry and she curses him before letting him return to his wife. When he goes back home, nothing seems to be amiss but Cephalus wants to test how loyal his wife really is. He dresses up as a different man and tries to seduce her which she consents to. Even though Procris exiles herself the couple eventually makes up before their second misunderstanding occurs. One day, when Cephalus is calling to the breeze, it is mistaken that he is actually calling for the nymph named Aurora which makes Procris a tad suspicious. She decides to spy on Cephalus during one of his hunting trips and he mistakes her for prey and accidentally shoots and kills her.
Scylla and Minos
Alcathous, under the rule of Nisus, is under attack by King Minos; Nisus’ daughter, Scylla, falls in love with Minos and betrays her father by taking a purple lock of her father’s hair because apparently that’s where he holds all of his precious power??? Minos is disgusted with Scylla for what she has done, even though it was for him, so he leaves Alcathous alone; when Scylla sees his crew leaving her with nowhere to go, so she dives into the water and reaches the edge of the ship but Nisus (who now has magically turned into an osprey???) flies over and sees her; Nisus dives to attack his daughter and scares her so that she loses her grip and falls; as she falls, she too is turned into a bird (idk where this whole bird thing came from) and is renamed as Ciris, which refers to the clipped lock of hair
Daedalus and Icarus
father and son
Althaea and Meleager
Althea gave birth to Meleager her son, and it was predicted by the Fates that he would only live as long as a certain piece of wood was kept from being burnt up. One day, Meleager with his two uncles and another woman named Atalanta, is out hunting a large wild boar that Diana had sent as punishment. Atalanta lands the first blow on the animal, but Meleager ends up killing the boar. He gives the skin to her, because he liked her. His uncles get angry about this, because she is a woman, and try to take the boar’s skin from her. Meleager gets angry and kills both his uncles. When Althea hears this, she gets angry, and throws the block of wood into the fire, and it is consumed, and Meleager dies. Althea then kills herself.
Baucis and Philemon
are an old married couple in Phrygia. They were the only ones who welcomed disguised Zeus and Hermes (Jupiter and Mercury) into their home. Despite being poor, they were more generous than their neighbors. When Baucis keeps refilling Hermes’ cup but the pitcher remains filled, she realizes that their guests are gods. Zeus and Hermes reveal themselves and tell Baucis and Philemon to leave town because they plan to destroy it and those who refused to be hospitable. Baucis and Philemon leave, climbing a mountain with Zeus and Hermes, not looking back until they are at the top. At the top, they watch as their town is swept away by a flood and that their little cottage was transformed into a temple. They become guardians of the temple and ask that when one of them dies, the other will as well. Following their deaths, the couple is transformed into an intertwining tree.
(ErySICKthon: SICK from hunger) is the king of Thessaly. One day, he chopped down one of Ceres’ sacred trees. Before he chopped it down, he commanded his men to do it, but they refused. As he started chopping it down, one of Erysichthon’s men tried to stop him, so Erysichthon chopped off his head. Erysichthon continued chopping the tree down–as he did so, blood poured out of the tree and a nymph told him he’ll be punished. After he chopped the tree down, Ceres got really angry and decided to punish Erysichthon, so she sent a nymph to Scythia to fetch Famine. Famine infected Erysichthon. Erysichthon ate everything in sight and was eventually forced to sell his daughter for money to buy food. His daughter could shapeshift, though, so she could be sold over and over again as different things. Eventually, Erysichthon got so desperate that he ate himself.
Achelous and Hercules
Achelous (river god) and Hercules were competing to marry Deinaira. Hercules said if they got married she would have Jupiter as a father-in-law. Achelous said he was a God and it would be an outrage if Hercules won Deinaira’s hand. Hercules challenged him to a fight. They seemed evenly matched until Hercules got the upper hand. Achelous changed himself into a snake and Hercules choked him then he turned into a bull and Hercules beat him and pulled his horn off.
Hercules, Nessus and Deianira
Hercules and Deianira are newlyweds who are traveling to Hercules’s home in Tiryns. Suddenly, they find their path blocked by a swollen river. Nessus, a centaur who guarded the river, offers to help the couple cross the river. However, when Hercules swims across, Nessus makes a move on Deianira and she screams for Hercules to help her. Hercules then shoots Nessus with an arrow that has a tip that is poisoned with the blood of the hydra. Nessus, seeking revenge on Hercules, then gives his blood to Deianira, convincing her that it has the power to be a love potion. Many years later, Deianira learns that while Hercules was away from home, he had taken another bride. In the hopes of winning him back, Deianira pours Nessus’ blood on a cloak and sends it to Hercules. Unfortunately, when Hercules puts on the cloak, he ends up dying.
mother of hercules exchanges stories with her daughter-in-law Iole says Juno and Lucina, goddess of childbearing, kept her in labor for seven days and nights the servant girl was later able to help her
Byblis and Caunus
Story of a pair of twins. Byblis is in love with her brother Caunus. Byblis writes a note, describing her love her brother, and gets a servant to send it to Caunus. Caunus is enraged and destroys the note. Caunus exiles himself, and finds himself a new city. Byblis goes to search for him, but fails. Her tears from her sadness are too much, and naiads (water nymphs) turn her into a spring.
Iphis and Ianthe
Orpheus and Eurydice
Eurydice is married to Orpheus and she gets bit by a snake and dies. Orpheus then goes to the underworld and and asks for her back and even offers himself for her. Finally it is agreed that she can return as long as when they are walking out of the underworld Orpheus trusts that she is there and does not look back. Right at the end he looks back at her, she is there but then disappears and goes back into hell.
is the one who observes the women of Venus and is disgusted by the way they live their lives. He decides to make his own perfect woman out of ivory which he fashions to be so life-like that he actually falls in love with the statue itself. He treats the statue as if it were an actual woman and kisses it, constantly wishing that he would actually find the woman who matches his statue. The gods actually end up hearing Pygmalion’s wishes and lusts so they make the statue come alive for him. Together they have a child named Paphos.
beautiful daughter of Cinyras; courted by many suitors but is actually (PLOT TWIST) in love with her father; grieving that she can never be with him, she tries to hang herself but the nurse hears her from next door and forces her to tell her what’s wrong; on the feast days of Ceres, all married women are forbidden from staying with their husbands, so in Cinyras’ wife’s absence, the nurse offers Cinyras a young maiden who is “Myrrha’s age” *wink wink* and has been overcome with passion for him; Cinyras excitedly accepts and the nurse fetches Myrrha; they have sex in the dark (barf) and right when Myrrha is about to leave in disgust with herself (heck yeah you should be disgusted with yourself you whore!!!), Cinyras turns on the light and sees that it is his own daughter; he brings out his sword to kill her and she flees and prays for neither life or death; her prayer is answered and she is turned into a tree (cool???) but a child (her father’s child, BARF) continues to grow inside of her; Lucina (who aids those in childbirth with charms and other cool stuff) splits the bark open and saves Myrrha and Cinyras’ son (who eventually grows up to be Adonis’ father)
Venus and Adonis
Atlanta and Hippomenes
Atalanta was a beautiful woman that had the ability to run faster than any other human. The oracle told her that if she ever married, it would seal her doom. So, she made a rule that anyone who wanted to marry her would have to first beat her in a footrace. If they lost, she would have them executed. Many men died this way. Hippmenes loved her, and with Aphrodites help, won the race by throwing golden apples in her path to distract her. He married her, and they were both very happy. However, Hippomenes forgot to thank Aphrodite for her help, and they were both turned into lions.